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Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction

Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction

Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction

My breakdown:


Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction

I hope Sugar Shane knocks out Mayweather, so he'll shut is big mouth once and for all. I gotta say I would like to see Mayweather vs. Paciao both as welterweight title holders, but who knows if that would ever go down either way. Got to give respect to Mayweather's skill level, and there is something to be said for his confidence/swagger, but I can't stand arrogant pricks, if you are the shit, then you should know it and not have to brag and try to prove it every other minute. Mosley, has got the cool, calm, and humble demeanor that I respect, good guy, hope he finishes out his career in true style.

Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction


I like that even that you don't like Mayweather's persona, you still respect his skills.

Here is an interesting article for you to read on his Money persona:


Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction

Mayweather will win.

Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction

I think Floyd is a better boxer at this point. But, I will be rooting for Shane.

Floyd is cocky and talks alot of shit. The great ones have tremendous self belief. The best athletes and playboys that I have ever been around are also the most confident men I have been around.

I grew up around Eddie House who play basketball for the Celtics. He is not that big and not that fast. His confidence is way WAY OFF THE FUCKING CHARTS, AND HE WORKS HIS ASS OFF JUST LIKE FLOYD. I have never seem him doubt himself ever.

In a perfect world, the great ones would all be humble, modest men.

But in reality, these guys hurt people for money. Big money. I think its a really intense situation to be in. Lots of pychological warfare. I like humble people but world class athletes are a different breed. Their confidence is just as important as their skills.

And Floyd has to talk shit to sell tickets, before he started talking all this shit, nobody cared about his fights. Drama sells tickets. Floyd knows this. I think its just a show for the camaras. I bet Floyd is actually a great guy.

But I hope Shane gets him.

Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction

I repect for a Shane for his humility. I respect Floyd for his confidence.

Saturday night we'll see who the better figher is. Thats all I care about.

Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction

Even if you dont like Floyd's swagger, hes backed up his mouth with his skill. The brother is the top selling ppv boxer for a reason. He skillfully does it for a reason. Personally I find it entertaining and amusing.. He got in a heated conversation with Jim Rome on Rome is burning Thurs. on Floyd saying he was "the greatest of all time, better than Ali" try to find it if you can.[/align]

Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction


Great points.


Found it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqWDpDGrJcM . Good interview. Thanks for the tip.

The "better than Ali" stuff is crazy, but the thing is he really believes it.

Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction

Yeah I think it is most likely that Mayweather will win, although I will be rooting for Shane, skill is the name of the game, and like Roger Mayweather says on 24/7 boxing is all about skill, Floyd has better speed and accuracy as well. One thing that I like about boxing, which is one of the reasons I've gotten more into it recently, is it can be an unpredictable sport, someone can be dominating the fight round after round, and then all of a sudden get caught with a hard shot, that changes everything. I know Floyd has got heart, but I won't rule out Shane, because sometimes a person just can dig deep and tap into some Zulu warrior spirit shit, and come through with the Lion heart that transcends all the rhyme and reason of how things break down on paper.

G, thanks for the link to the article about "Money" Mayweather's persona, it definitely sheds a lot of light on his peronality, style and swagger. I am sure a lot of it is truly how is personality is, but he is a smart businessman when it comes to how he markets himself, it's like he appeals to the people who like his persona, but the people who don't also tune in because they want to see him lose. From a business and marketing standpoint it's pretty genius, and that's what he's after that fat pay day. I will say though, that I feel that there is a big difference between confidence and being a cocky arrogant prick. When Jordan was at his height in the NBA he let his game do the talking, aside from a little showboating with sticking his tongue out on a drive or doing a fist pump, he didn't need to trash talk or brag about being the greatest, he knew that he was and everyone knew it. Same goes for so many other the other great pro athletes, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Cal Ripken Jr., Larry Bird, etc. That's why I love Manny Pacquiao and why a match-up with Mayweather would definitely be one of the most epic fights in boxing history, in my opinion Pacquiao is the anti-Mayweather, he is a chill, humble dude that doesn't brag, boast, or show off his spoils and riches. Aside being a true rags to riches, underdog story, he exudes a very calming, chill, humbleness that I feel most people admire.

Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction


Pac-man is great. And Pac is admired by so many people. The thing is, Mayweather by being hated And loved, sells more than Pac. And that is the genius of the "Money" Mayweather persona.

Here is the key difference between Jordan, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Cal Ripken Jr., Larry Bird, etc and Boxers: those guys played team sports.

Team sports always pale in comparison to Boxing.

Most important athlete of last century?


Floyd “Money” Mayweather VS Sugar Shane Mosley Prediction

Mosley is the more aggressive fighter but Mayweather is the better counter puncher and probably faster. I don't fault Mayweather for his shit-talking. It's what sells tickets. Half of it is confidence and mind-games the other half of it is promo. A lot of people buy those ppvs to watch him lose. He markets himself well.

That being said, I think it's going to go to a decision for Mayweather.

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