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Putting her number in the phone

Putting her number in the phone

Before I would go to my contacts list and make a new entry and put her name and her phone number. If I forgot her name I would go along the lines of "how do you spell your name?" and then after that put her number.

1)Now my first question is would it be beneficial for me to press the send key so she would know my number too?

Lately I'm running into a problem where a woman would grab my phone(one went as far as to grab it out of my pocket) so I obviously installed a password on it. With the password it takes more time to get to the phone book and etc,

2)Second question. Would it be easier to just unlock the phone and press the digits and just press send and then later put her info?

I've seen a couple of guys give their phone to the girl when they get their phone so the girl goes in the phone and puts her info there,
(3) would that be better than me putting it in the phone?

(4)Would it also be better if I take the password off?( I have my password not because of the theft issue but because of women) Since my friend had on occasion had a girl would "borrow" his phone and put her info there so he can call her.

Putting her number in the phone

Gotta leave the password on it. Chicks will go through your phone if they see it lying around.

Putting her number in the phone

Quote: (04-26-2010 07:29 PM)Willy Wonka Wrote:  

Gotta leave the password on it. Chicks will go through your phone if they see it lying around.
Truth that, and also dont leave MSN or email logged in if you leave a chick alone with your computer for more then 10 seconds. They always snoop.

When i get numbers, its either business cards for the high class girls, or i use their phone to call my phone, and then save my number in their phone as something based of the topic. For example, a russain chick i met in Germany over my trip there has my name in her phone as "mafia hater" based off a running joke i started with her about her being russian mafia. That way when you call them, you get an instant link back to the state you had her when you needed to leave. Girls are much more likely to answer a call from a fun name tied to something then the 5th Bob they met in their life.

For girls numbers in my phone, i keep multiple phones and simcards, so im not really in too much worry about them. I just keep them as chick's name and where i met them.

2) Never wait to save information about a girl. This is prbly the biggest way to shoot yourself in the foot. I know bc i have a bad habit of doing this. The next day, when you try to remember what number goes to who, you will mess it up, and nothing as easliy preventable as this will ruin your chances on a call back.

3) see above

4) If its a chick you dont know, go ahead and unlock it before you lend it to her. As long as you dont use any kind of obvious rating system for girls names, you will be fine. Also, load your book up with fake male names if you dont have alot of guy friends.

Putting her number in the phone

Quote: (05-01-2010 06:55 PM)AlphaQup2nite Wrote:  

For example, a russain chick i met in Germany over my trip there has my name in her phone as "mafia hater" based off a running joke i started with her about her being russian mafia. That way when you call them, you get an instant link back to the state you had her when you needed to leave. Girls are much more likely to answer a call from a fun name tied to something then the 5th Bob they met in their life.

Nice. That's a really good tip. I'll have to try that. It's a problem when you call a girl back a day or two later and you've lost the frame. Especially if she's a flake or has a bunch of shit going on in her life. Anything that makes her recall the frame where you left off is going to help big time.

Putting her number in the phone

^That is a really good tip. I'm a have to use that one.

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