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black chick fever? where to go?

black chick fever? where to go?

after seeing the pictures on this link
i am realizing maybe i should relocate to a country with women like this. i simply refuse to head to cities in the us with large black populations(too much obesity/american attitudes)

for the guys who perhaps share this interest where have you been, lived, travelled that has the hottest black chicks?

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

black chick fever? where to go?

From my experience Durban and especially Capetown in South Africa.....I was there during the World Cup in 2010 and i never had so much fun as i like black girls....The only downside though is their accents can be very annoying and become a huge turn off.

black chick fever? where to go?

Yeah that thread makes me go nuts. One of my fbs is.black and I just want to smash every black girl I see. Except there are like 10 in my whole city. They're mostly recently immigrated or were adopted as kids. Fuck it ill add getting an African flag as a goal this year. Does a flag count if she was born there but moved here as a kid. My fb is adopted.

black chick fever? where to go?

I would go read Naughty Nomads old posts and city guides. Freetown, Sierra Leone is high on my list.

Africa is a place I never had any interest in going, until NN put down some info on it. I love black chicks, but only thought of Africa as being safaris and poor villages. Glad NN opened my eyes to what I was missing.

black chick fever? where to go?

I wrote about it in that thread, but Colombia is the best place I've been so far for really hot black women, as it has the third largest black population in the Americas after Brazil and USA. There's large black populations in Cartagena and Cali but all big cities have Afro-Colombian people. Jamaica was really good too although they can be quite conservative, same goes for Bahamas and probably other English speaking Caribbean nations.

I'm not so sure I'd go all the way to Africa for the women, especially guys in North America since there's so many nice places in our own back yard: Cuba, DR, Colombia, Brazil, there's also black communities along the Caribbean coasts of most Central American countries.

Also, from what I've read, a lot of women in African countries are quite religious and not very slutty, unless you meet them at bars, then they'll ask you for money. This was the case with the first and only African girl I've ever been with, a few weeks back in Bangkok, took me a few days to hit that.

Rionomad, I'll be hanging out with that Tanzanian girl when I'm down in BKK in a few days if you want, if you're keen, I'll ask her if she has any African friends and we can go out together.

black chick fever? where to go?

Brazil, Cuba, DR, Jamaica, Venezuela, Colombia, Africa, Washington DC, Atlanta.

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