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I am going to arrive there in 20 minutes!

Any tips?


You've still got 20 minutes to turn around.




Too late

i am here


Lumiere, go to Saverio's!

High end TJ girls. Ask them were to go, you will be set.

TJ girls are fly, and watch yourself. And avoid the spots with american fools. Go high end girls.

Also, maybe check out two restaurants Los Arcos and Mariachis and figure it out from there. I know some other spots, but I am really drawing a blank. There is some irish bar on "La Recta" (ask for it) I can't remember the name, but insanely hot girls smoking cigarettes.

I went there back when I wrote: The Tijuana Report: There is a War going on Outside


So it was a little while back. About 2 years ago.


wow dude, you have got balls of steel to go into mexico right now. the violence going on over there is insane right now!


" wow dude, you have got balls of steel to go into mexico right now. the violence going on over there is insane right now! "

TJ is a pretty heavy place. Always has been. (I used to have a crib down there way back when I was a young pup.).

That being said, if you are not trafficking in drugs, stay out of certain hoods, and don't floss too heavy, your changes of survival are greatly increased.

I was down there for the Pac-man VS Cotto fight a little while back (surfing, not partying), and there was zero problems.

Save the border line on the way back.


Quote: (03-27-2010 01:50 AM)dlmelvin86 Wrote:  

wow dude, you have got balls of steel to go into mexico right now. the violence going on over there is insane right now!

The border towns have been pretty bad the last few years. But it's now even spreading to resort towns. There were a bunch of people killed and decapitated in Acapulco last week. The headless bodies out in the street for tourists to see.

In TJ, definitely stay away from Avenida Revolucion.


...and burn that "Miami Vice" t-shirt you bought at Universal Studios in LA last week.


I went to TJ a few years back before it got really bad. Had a great night out with some friends, but two guys in our group split off to try to buy steroids. They ended up getting robbed at gunpoint.


I don't get the appeal of TJ. I understand if you're under U.S. drinking age and you want to go down there to hit the bars and clubs to party. That's the only way it makes sense. But there's no need to go there beyond that reason. Okay, maybe one other reason is to buy stuff you can't legally get in the U.S., or something you can get for cheaper, like medicine. But If you are 21+ and want to party, just party in San Diego. TJ is one big eyesore. Dirty, ugly, smelly, nothing cultural to see. It's an armpit. There are beautiful and safe towns to go in Mexico, TJ is not one of them.


what the females look like in TJ?

anything compared to Monterey?


Quote: (03-27-2010 01:50 AM)dlmelvin86 Wrote:  

wow dude, you have got balls of steel to go into mexico right now. the violence going on over there is insane right now!



Quote: (03-27-2010 03:23 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

In TJ, definitely stay away from Avenida Revolucion.

thats where i partied last night

it was fun but the best bars and clubs seem to be on sixth st just off revolucion


"what the females look like in TJ?"

The high end girls are beautiful.


Quote: (03-27-2010 02:54 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

"what the females look like in TJ?"

The high end girls are beautiful.

yup but you are probably looking a p4p there


Quote: (03-28-2010 01:44 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Quote: (03-27-2010 02:54 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

"what the females look like in TJ?"

The high end girls are beautiful.

yup but you are probably looking a p4p there

No, not the hookers (although a friend dragged me to one of the brothels once and the girls are mad fly).

I am talking about the super rich TJ girls. The ones who have had money for generations. The ones that owned CA back when it was "Alta California" (I talk about this a little in my link above). The ones who have political connections and or mad cash. You have to go to Saverio's or whatever this their current spot du jour to have a shot.

Tough code to crack, but well worth it. Chances of cracking it on a one night shot? 1 in 3000.


Im a gringo living there now originally from the east coast. For me its alot of fun because i speak nearly fluent spanish so that makes picking up girls easy. The bars close at 3. San Diego isn't great for partying because theres alot of excess dudes And the girls aré the moré ditzy type. Also san Diego has a huge pickup community which makes The competition harder.


Worst part about MX right now is all the people with money are leaving, literally. It's like the Titanic. Best girls in MX to scam on are young rich girls. My buddy I used to live with there said Guadalajara is running dry. I even feel like I've bumped into a few more rich Castillan Mexican students than normal in BA recently.

And G Manifesto you're right but MX is becoming an exception to that old rule of avoid trouble and trouble will avoid you; and not just Tijuana. It's gonna devolve to fucking Sudan or Zimbabwe soon at this rate.



What places in TJ are good now?

Break it down. Give us a Data Sheet.


So I hang out in a few areas:

Calle Sexta: more hipsterish crowd, some rock clubs, electronic music

Las Pulgas - Revolution : more of the less educated, thuggish crowd, but v. cheap and some girls are pick up able.

Plaza Fiesta - more expensive, less catered to Americans, for middle, slightly upper class Mexicans, clubs with a variety of music in a single compound. Good for bar hopping. No SNLs but good number closes.

Zona Rio: Dubai, Baby Rock, Balak, Zocalo, Tangaloo: more towards upper class, people clustered around tables, not alot of mingling and dancing

Cats: Open bar, leans towards thuggish crowd, but 13-15$ for all you can drink

Lovee Lounge: Local Elites, v. snobby

Pub de la Chapu: Educated, older crowd

Zona Norte: Hookers and strip clubs, haven't been here in half a year. If you're really in to that, Adelitas and Hong Kong are the most popular. V. dangerous, know a few people who have gotten mugged here.

TJ has a ton of hot girls, but alot of fat uneducated girls too. Overall, gaslamp girls are more attractive, but I think TJ girls are slightly easier for Spanish speakers.

I WOULD NOT recommend someone coming by themselves or in group of 2 if both are gringos and neither speaks Spanish and both are unfamiliar with the area.

For all of these areas except Zona Norte there are very few gringos. However, tons of Mexican Americans so I'm not sure what they count as.

Anyway, lots of places in TJ and cabs are cheap so I usually bounce to at least another area. So who wants to come down?



Good work.

"Pub de la Chapu: Educated, older crowd" that is the place that I couldn't remember the name when I said above: "There is some irish bar on "La Recta" (ask for it) I can't remember the name, but insanely hot girls smoking cigarettes."

What about Saverio's? Is that place still open?


I plan on spending a week or so in Veracruz as I pass through mexico. Anyone have any intel about veracruz?


Saverios was open the last time I checked, they have a cafe and a restaurant.

Picking up fresas (upper class light skinned, educated girls) and penetrating their social circle I've found nearly impossible without some form of outside social proof. I'm sure it's doable, I've just never figured out how to. Educated girls are far more accessible in the US than in Mexico, and you don't feel the classism as much in the various nightlife destinations, it is very obvious in Mexico.


I moved down here and am looking for people to go out with. Message me.

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