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Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won



Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

Wow. I know modern society views suicide as cowardly, but I've got to give the man respect for sticking to his principles. All the people who said they'd move out of the US if Obama won won't do it; this guy offed himself with an FU suicide note. That's sticking to your guns, even if suicide is a tragedy.

And I doubt he was a Republican, at least socially. Probably one of many business owners who were on the "anyone but Obama" bandwagon. I'd bet a fiscal conservatives who was socially liberal. In fact, I bet it burns the thousands of Republicans who made outrageous claims if Obama was reelected that the only one to follow through (that I know of) was a gay man who owned a tanning salon.

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

Seriously, how pathetic can you get? You're going to off yourself because of an election result on the basis of manufactured conclusions from people (read: the far right conservative pundits who thought a Romney win was a foregone conclusion) who haven't had their facts straight anyway? You can't handle not having someone from your party in office for four years (as though that's some sort of death sentence-Obama doesn't even govern like the super-liberal boogeyman he's portrayed to be)?

If you're that weak/stupid, then there probably is no better outcome. Nothing to see here, just natural selection at work.

[Image: tumblr_m5h5aiosaF1r3zat8.gif]

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

Quote: (11-15-2012 07:37 AM)Wool Suit Wrote:  

Wow. I know modern society views suicide as cowardly, but I've got to give the man respect for sticking to his principles. All the people who said they'd move out of the US if Obama won won't do it; this guy offed himself with an FU suicide note. That's sticking to your guns, even if suicide is a tragedy.

And I doubt he was a Republican, at least socially. Probably one of many business owners who were on the "anyone but Obama" bandwagon. I'd bet a fiscal conservatives who was socially liberal. In fact, I bet it burns the thousands of Republicans who made outrageous claims if Obama was reelected that the only one to follow through (that I know of) was a gay man who owned a tanning salon.

What?? Why would you give him respect? Killing yourself because a guy you don't even know won an "election"??
That's fucking pathetic, I mean I'll try to understand if you kill yourself because your mom died or some other thing like that. But to take your life because another human being just like yourself won something that will not affect your life in any way possible if you decide to is highly stupid.

I mean even many jews did not kill themselves when hitler was going after them, and somebody dare to kill himself because Obama won?

To me that's extremely dissrespectful to all the human being in this world that have suffered and are still suffering from dictators they did not ask for. Killing yourself over Obama while people are hanging through life and fought when they have nothing in places that have or had really fucked up leaders like north korea, cuba, china, ethiopia, libya, egypt and the rest is ridiculous.

Obama is in office for only four years, taking your life over that is extremely stupid. You can't compare that to moving out of US

boredom is evil

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

damn what a fucking idiot.

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Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

Quote: (11-15-2012 08:17 AM)le prince perdu Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2012 07:37 AM)Wool Suit Wrote:  

Wow. I know modern society views suicide as cowardly, but I've got to give the man respect for sticking to his principles. All the people who said they'd move out of the US if Obama won won't do it; this guy offed himself with an FU suicide note. That's sticking to your guns, even if suicide is a tragedy.

And I doubt he was a Republican, at least socially. Probably one of many business owners who were on the "anyone but Obama" bandwagon. I'd bet a fiscal conservatives who was socially liberal. In fact, I bet it burns the thousands of Republicans who made outrageous claims if Obama was reelected that the only one to follow through (that I know of) was a gay man who owned a tanning salon.

What?? Why would you give him respect? Killing yourself because a guy you don't even know won an "election"??
That's fucking pathetic, I mean I'll try to understand if you kill yourself because your mom died or some other thing like that. But to take your life because another human being just like yourself won something that will not affect your life in any way possible if you decide to is highly stupid.

I mean even many jews did not kill themselves when hitler was going after them, and somebody dare to kill himself because Obama won?

To me that's extremely dissrespectful to all the human being in this world that have suffered and are still suffering from dictators they did not ask for. Killing yourself over Obama while people are hanging through life and fought when they have nothing in places that have or had really fucked up leaders like north korea, cuba, china, ethiopia, libya, egypt and the rest is ridiculous.

Obama is in office for only four years, taking your life over that is extremely stupid. You can't compare that to moving out of US

Stupid? Sure. Pathetic? Maybe. A tragedy? Quite possibly. On a scale from not that big a deal to the Holocaust (we Godwin'd in here rather quickly), yes, he probably overreacted.

But I respect men who follow through. And that's one hell of a follow through, whatever the reason. Suicide for values used to be respected. I don't really care what his values were, but he said what he meant and meant what he said.

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

A lot of people on the right have literally been worked into hysterics over Obama by the right-wing echo chamber of talk radio and Fox News.

But you know the fear-mongering is really out of hand when a guy fucking kills himself. Jesus Christ.

The most ridiculous part is if you ask these people how Obama's policies have had such a negative impact on their lives, they have nothing to say. Nothing. It's all in their heads. Planted there by these fat cat conservative media figures, who get rich off selling fear. Obama is the best thing that's ever happened to those guys, and you can't bet they don't give a shit if someone who swallowed their bullshit goes and offs himself. Shameful.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

fucking fuck boy. good riddance

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

Natural selection at work. Give the guy a darwin award.

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

The irony in this story is overwhelming to say the least.

Reppin the Jersey Shore.

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

So before the election Obama supporters were ready to riot in the streets and threatening to kill Romney if he won. One disturbed republican quietly offs himself and it's headline news propaganda leftists use to "prove" how evil and stupid republicans are?

Nice double standard ya got there. The election is over, it's time to put away the hate and stand behind our leaders, not keep ripping each other apart.

Do I think the guy was foolish? Absolutely, but it's not very classy to gloat over somebody else's misery. Unless, of course, it somehow makes you feel superior, then by all means, break out the memes and the jokes and let's all have a big belly laugh because suicide is just so hilarious!

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

Quote: (11-15-2012 12:57 PM)painter Wrote:  

The election is over, it's time to put away the hate and stand behind our leaders, not keep ripping each other apart.

A good place to start is to stop calling these guys "our leaders." They're not our leaders, they're our representatives. They serve We the People.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

This might sound mean, but.

How come gay people always kill themselves when shit doesn't go their way? I remember on the news there was some other gay kid in college who killed himself because his roommate trolled him by secretly camming him having sex with another dude.

I know life for an American can be fucked up. I might have to go to rehab down Florida tomorrow depending on what my dean says!

But there are countries around the world where he could get wrecked just for saying "I'm gay." And possibly for other crazier reasons than that! So him wasting his privilege of living in a somewhat peaceful country is his own fucking fault.


Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

ANY suicide is a tragedy. There is never really a good reason to take anyone else's life much less yours. At the rate suicides are occuring today it's a real issue to be worried about. Millionaires are killing themselves over money and other insignificant things, teens are killing themselves over stupid relationship quarrels and when life doesnt go their way, and kids are killing themselves over being bullied or depressed. These are just a few examples. Anyone who considers suicide is deeply troubled mentally and a fucking coward. Instead of toughening up to a new challenge life throws at them and taking it head on they decide to throw in the towel permanantly. Since this guy was gay I suspect he already had a few loose screws (after all what guy iikes taking and giving it in the ass to and by other dudes?) and that fact he kills himself over an election is beyond comprehension. Good riddance to him.

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

Quote: (11-15-2012 12:59 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2012 12:57 PM)painter Wrote:  

The election is over, it's time to put away the hate and stand behind our leaders, not keep ripping each other apart.

A good place to start is to stop calling these guys "our leaders." They're not our leaders, they're our representatives. They serve We the People.

Hey Tuth, it's probably better to stand behind the gay Republicans because, you know, it's better than standing in front of them. If you catch my drift...

Gay Republican Kills Himself Because Obama Won

I have 0 sympathy for suicides: life is never that bad that you have to end it, that's game over with no reset button. I'm glad he just offed himself and didn't try to hurt anyone else.

You miss the point. It's not the suicide per se, it's his motive. He hated soooo much Obama that he killed himself? The guy ran a tan salon in sunny Florida and is affiliated with the conservative party that would likely deny his right to marry his partner. Also on average women kill themselves via pills, men use guns.(source) So yea, there's much to laugh at in this story.

Maybe Obama supporters said they'd riot but they didn't so entirely tangential. This man made good on his promise.

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

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