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Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

WTF is up with these dumb biyootches dressing up like hobos spreading their filthy selves all over Peru while I'm trying to focus my eyes on the cuter local girls, which is already hard enough because I'm in Peru, and Peruvian girls, by and large, aren't very cute???

All of them volunteer for some stupid causes, and all of them wear these retarded sweat pants that look like they house some droopy used diaper that hasn't been washed in over 4 weeks.

Someone needs to send over the Queer Eyes for the Dumb Gringo Sluts and fix this shit up stat!
[Image: catlady.gif]

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

American girls = thumbs down

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

[Image: lol.gif]

Gringas make negative effort in the poor parts of south america. Might want to pull out Handicraft Bracelet Game. Give them one and they'll swoon!

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

I'm not quick to say they reflect on all American women. I mean you have to think about it. Peru(and S. America in general) is going to attract a certain kind of American woman. Probably the types that read National Geographic and think wearing makeup and high heels is wanton superficiality in a world full of have-nots. That's especially true if you're talking about cheap places like hostels. I go out to clubs here in America and they are packed full of hot women dressed to impress. But you won't find those types stuffing their jaws with coca leaves and crawling through the mines of Potosi.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Quote: (03-15-2010 03:20 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I'm not quick to say they reflect on all American women. I mean you have to think about it. Peru(and S. America in general) is going to attract a certain kind of American woman. Probably the types that read National Geographic and think wearing makeup and high heels is wanton superficiality in a world full of have-nots. That's especially true if you're talking about cheap places like hostels. I go out to clubs here in America and they are packed full of hot women dressed to impress. But you won't find those types stuffing their jaws with coca leaves and crawling through the mines of Potosi.

More or less how I view it.
It has been a long time since I have stayed in the US to know how the banging of locals has evolved or how their attitudes are at this moment. But I do know by seeing, that girls that go to Central and South America from the US, Canada or Europe, mainly are chicks who want to feel good about doing something for the poor, whatever their motivations are, they have this aura.

But they are not the whole sample of their countries.

For example, I noticed 1st hand how european and north american girls in these countries, normally are from a lefty extraction, well, they are not going to be dressing to impress, doesn't mean they are not sluts, it just means their "quality" men are to be found in wanna be Che Guevaras.

Since I am not interested at all in lower quality material or lefty wannabes, I stick to my social circle which is elitist and filled with superficial girls who want to be seen as queens and sometimes are far less superficial than the lefty girls, in fact. It works both ways, of course.

Matter of fact is, there is a sample for each of out tastes adn all we need to do is choose and act accordingly.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

I agree. Its about the character.

There are girls with good and bad character in both lefty and superficial type groups. I used to discriminate and date only girls that fit into what I saw as my 'tribe' or general social affiliation.

Now I don't discriminate, except when it comes to right wing religious girls.

And thats only because by and large, through personal experience, I've found that right wing religious people can't be trusted to do anything that isn't solely in their own self interest. But they are great at faking otherwise.

Real relationships are about caring for someone other than yourself.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Peruvian chicks = not cute
American chicks in Peru = worse

Sounds like I prolly want to skip Peru altogether.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Quote: (03-16-2010 12:06 AM)gringoed Wrote:  

Peruvian chicks = not cute
American chicks in Peru = worse

Sounds like I prolly want to skip Peru altogether.

Throw on top of that the fact that virtually every gringo gets food poisoned in Peru no matter how careful they are with what they eat.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Quote: (03-16-2010 12:32 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Throw on top of that the fact that virtually every gringo gets food poisoned in Peru no matter how careful they are with what they eat.

I got food poisoning in Peru, and eye poisoning (thanks to the gringa betches and ugly locals).

Peru is a country for people who enjoy natural things like nature. I on the other hand prefer natural things like big booties and big tetes and good faces. In this regard, Peru isn't really my favorite country, but I do enjoy getting a feel of Incan history.

I came up with a sort of line about Peru:
"In America, the pretty girls want to go to Paris, while the ugly girls want to go to Peru."
Badabing, badaboom.[Image: banana.gif] hey now

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

That quote is pretty good!

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Quote: (03-17-2010 10:23 AM)kerouac Wrote:  

Quote: (03-16-2010 12:32 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Throw on top of that the fact that virtually every gringo gets food poisoned in Peru no matter how careful they are with what they eat.

I got food poisoning in Peru, and eye poisoning (thanks to the gringa betches and ugly locals).

Peru is a country for people who enjoy natural things like nature. I on the other hand prefer natural things like big booties and big tetes and good faces. In this regard, Peru isn't really my favorite country, but I do enjoy getting a feel of Incan history.

I came up with a sort of line about Peru:
"In America, the pretty girls want to go to Paris, while the ugly girls want to go to Peru."
Badabing, badaboom.[Image: banana.gif] hey now

See this is the impression that most get of Peru. It all depends where you go really. If you hit the interior you will find a the great majority of people you encounter are (very) indigenous, and if you stay on the track (Cusco) in the interior you will find that most of the women you encounter will be the type to look for this sort of post-colonial encounter with the "other." These girls usually shack up with a local mestizo guy and write home about it. I'll admit these girls are frustrating and annoying but they have the same impulses as any other vagina.

To find quality girls in Peru you need to head to the northern coast, ie. Trujillo, but moreso Piura. Piura is a shit town but the women are gorgeous.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

There are a lot of hot girls in Lima if you know where to look.

One of my girlfriends is from Lima. I picked here her up the first few days I was there. She is very cute and a total nympho.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

There are a lot of cute girls in Lima.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

This Is my humble .02$... There are two kinds of gringas here in Peru, the ones trying to 'do good', and the ones that are just trying to bang local guys. I find it hard to hate on either of them but also find both groups mostly just as ugly as their local counterparts. That being said there are a few decent ones here and there (both local and imports) but few and far between.
On a side note it only took 3 days for my to get food poisioned in Lima. Haunchaco seems to a bit safer on the other hand and has surprisingly much better looking local girls.
Best of luck to anyone else in Peru

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Quote: (03-17-2010 06:53 PM)Lumiere Wrote:  

There are a lot of hot girls in Lima if you know where to look.

One of my girlfriends is from Lima. I picked here her up the first few days I was there. She is very cute and a total nympho.

Break it down.

Where are the hot girls in Lima?

Which venues hold the hot nymphos?

Which neighborhoods?

Which restaurants?

Which streets?

Which clubs?

Bust out a sheet.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Is there any way to prevent/quickly treat food poisoning?

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Quote: (02-02-2012 03:07 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Is there any way to prevent/quickly treat food poisoning?

Yes go to a pharmacy and get Cipro, it works well and fast. And down here it is very cheap, like $1 USD for a week's supply.
Good luck,

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Quote: (03-14-2010 05:42 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

American girls = thumbs down

In Colombia I didn't game a single gringa. My boner radar didn't even register them. They just can't compete with Colombianas, after all that's what I went there for.

I remember talking blonde girl in Spanish thinking she might have European ancestry, found she was American, reverted into English in my accent and her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Then I walked off.

Speaking of thumbs down...[Image: lol.gif]


Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Quote: (03-15-2010 03:20 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I'm not quick to say they reflect on all American women. I mean you have to think about it. Peru(and S. America in general) is going to attract a certain kind of American woman. Probably the types that read National Geographic and think wearing makeup and high heels is wanton superficiality in a world full of have-nots. That's especially true if you're talking about cheap places like hostels.

Thank you. Now I know why I NEVER stayed in Hostels in my life. I was afraid that the girls there would be a complete turn-off, and it seems my suspicions are true.


Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Has anyone gone ANYWHERE and seen hot American tourists chicks?

I'm trying to think, but I can't remember any place, not even western Europe but I backpacked that a long time ago.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Quote: (03-17-2010 10:23 AM)kerouac Wrote:  

Peru is a country for people who enjoy natural things like nature. I on the other hand prefer natural things like big booties and big tetes and good faces. In this regard, Peru isn't really my favorite country, but I do enjoy getting a feel of Incan history.

Great line. Stolen. Next time a girl asks me if I like nature, I'm going to spit those lyrics.

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Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Quote: (02-05-2012 07:38 PM)nomadicdude Wrote:  

Has anyone gone ANYWHERE and seen hot American tourists chicks?

Las Vegas, Miami Beach, NYC, LA.

And spring break/High School Senior Week destinations.

Although, those can be hit or miss.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Yeah, I meant outside America. I can't remember going anywhere where I saw hot American tourist chicks.

Yeah though South Beach, NYC, and Vegas are good. San Diego too.

Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Amen Brother!...on the sentiment about the Gringas! I think every birkenstock-wearing, NGO-joining, trustafarian this side of Woodstock hears the word "Peru" and decides it's a good idea to not wash out her snatch until the Dead go back on tour.

There are plenty of "cute" chicks in Peru in the 6-8 range, maybe not a ton of 9's & 10's...just gotta know where to look...[Image: wink.gif]


Rant: Gringo Chicks in Peru

Quote: (02-05-2012 10:07 PM)nomadicdude Wrote:  

Yeah, I meant outside America. I can't remember going anywhere where I saw hot American tourist chicks.

Yeah though South Beach, NYC, and Vegas are good. San Diego too.

Neither do I too much.

Here is the thing though:

If there is a hot American girl in another country (it does happen although rare), you don't recognize her for being "American".

You think she is a local.

She dresses nice, is thin, wears high heels and blends in.

It is easier to notice American girls abroad when they are acting like this:

[Image: 9loo5gbqcceh1uvldUh6VqJu_500.jpg]

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