Quote: (03-15-2010 03:20 AM)speakeasy Wrote:
I'm not quick to say they reflect on all American women. I mean you have to think about it. Peru(and S. America in general) is going to attract a certain kind of American woman. Probably the types that read National Geographic and think wearing makeup and high heels is wanton superficiality in a world full of have-nots. That's especially true if you're talking about cheap places like hostels. I go out to clubs here in America and they are packed full of hot women dressed to impress. But you won't find those types stuffing their jaws with coca leaves and crawling through the mines of Potosi.
More or less how I view it.
It has been a long time since I have stayed in the US to know how the banging of locals has evolved or how their attitudes are at this moment. But I do know by seeing, that girls that go to Central and South America from the US, Canada or Europe, mainly are chicks who want to feel good about doing something for the poor, whatever their motivations are, they have this aura.
But they are not the whole sample of their countries.
For example, I noticed 1st hand how european and north american girls in these countries, normally are from a lefty extraction, well, they are not going to be dressing to impress, doesn't mean they are not sluts, it just means their "quality" men are to be found in wanna be Che Guevaras.
Since I am not interested at all in lower quality material or lefty wannabes, I stick to my social circle which is elitist and filled with superficial girls who want to be seen as queens and sometimes are far less superficial than the lefty girls, in fact. It works both ways, of course.
Matter of fact is, there is a sample for each of out tastes adn all we need to do is choose and act accordingly.