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Teaching English In Asia or SA

Teaching English In Asia or SA

Anyone have experience teaching English in Asia or South America?

I have time to kill before law school and feel like going on an adventure for a few months, wondering what country would be best to do it in.


South Korea

Teaching English In Asia or SA

I know some about the Asian destinations because a lot of people I meet out here do it, but I don't have any first-hand experience. Japan and South Korea are going to give you the best money (which is supposed to be pretty decent because many expenses are provided by the school), and I think it's easier to get a job in South Korea because there's more of a supply/demand imbalance. If I were you and coming out to Asia, I'd focus on Korea.

I've http://www.eslcafe.com recommended a lot of times, but you probably already know about it.

Teaching English In Asia or SA

Ive heard great things about south korea.... honestly it really depends what you are looking from the trip. I would teach in a country whose native language you want to learn.

Teaching English In Asia or SA

I was looking into teaching English is Brazil and it paid about R$15 an hour or around $7. That isn't very good money in Brazil

A coworker of mine has a brother that teaches English in Veitnam I beleieve it is, and he lives comfortably there. He even makes enough money to take time a couple months a year off to go skooba diving.

I think in Asia teaching English is easier to make a living off of than in South America.

Teaching English In Asia or SA

Cant you hook up with something related to studying law? I mean maybe help write correct english in Brazil and get both money and something nice on the CV?

Teaching English In Asia or SA

Generally speaking programs in asia are going to be better organized and will take care of you much better than programs in South America. One kid I know went to Nagoya, Japan and his housing was taken care of and he was given use of a company car to drive on top of a generous stipend. And cases like his aren't super unusual.

Good luck.

Teaching English In Asia or SA

You could try these programs connected with law although they are mostly for europe:



If your european you have a lot of programs:
Erasmus, Leonardo, etc...

ThereĀ“s also this site but I don+t know much about it:


Teaching English In Asia or SA

if you only have a couple of months it might be a little difficult. Most places will want you to sign a contract for 6 months or more. It is possible to show up and go to different schools and pick up a few hours at each place. But that could take weeks to get everything started. If you don't mind you can lie and say you will be there longer but then you kind of screw the school and students. you also have to make sure you are going at the right time of year. eslcafe will answer all of your question. Make sure you research it thoroughly or you will get hosed. Some people hate the teaching some like it. If you have no idea how to teach it might not be so fun. 20 hours a week of teaching and you'll be pretty busy.

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