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The Trouble With Fructose (evolutionary perspective)

The Trouble With Fructose (evolutionary perspective)

do you honestly think insulin spikes make you fat?

if you do then we'll leave it at that

The Trouble With Fructose (evolutionary perspective)

You guys are arguing with either an idiot or a troll. I assume, anyway, as the posts are hidden. Just ignore him, he wont listen, and knows it all.

The Trouble With Fructose (evolutionary perspective)

Seriously, stop wasting time arguing with a guy who thinks that eating fruit is no different than eating an ice cream sundae. There's nothing left to say.

The Trouble With Fructose (evolutionary perspective)

Haha I wish I saw this thread earlier. I just called him out on this thread http://www.rooshvforum.network/thread-16436-...#pid281991 .

I didnt know you guys were already shutting down the troll. I'll even give him the benefit of the doubt that he can eat all this garbage and still get lean. But enough with the youtube videos. Just post one picture with your username on a piece of paper covering your face and show us how it is working for you. You might be the exception to all the nutrition rules in the world. Just prove it and everyone will say "You win".

Im willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that all you say is true in regards to your body. But realize it is only because you are the exception to the rule, not the norm. On this website, we are trying to help the average man. Just because you have lucky genetics that allow you to eat whatever macronutrient wise as long as your calories are on point and still be shredded, it doesnt mean the average man can too.

The Trouble With Fructose (evolutionary perspective)

Quote: (10-05-2012 09:02 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Seriously, stop wasting time arguing with a guy who thinks that eating fruit is no different than eating an ice cream sundae. There's nothing left to say.

explain this to me please:

persons bmr is 2500 calories.they have eaten all their calories that day
the person then decides to eat 6 bananas and it comes to 500 calories.

another person eats their 2500 calories.
then decides to eat one candy bar equalling 100 calories.


you are saying that when you eat a candy bar,your body says,this is a candy bar,this is a "dirty food" and you instantly get fat? get real.

i can eat all the brown rice,chicken and salad and still get fat if i go over my base calories.I am naturally an endomorph,at the moment im about 10% bf i will show you a picture,i track my macros meticulously,any slight increases here or there and i get fat.Its extremely hard for me to stay this lean because my body wants to get back to my natural bodyfat setpoint which is probably 15-16%

when did i ever say that i can eat all this junk and so called "get away with it?"

its called IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS.i dont sit around all day eating cereal,drinking sodas and scoff down pies,because doing that would result in severe micronutrient deficiencies and deficiencies in my protein intake and fibre intake.Its the overall picture that you need to understand.If i ate these so called dirty foods i would have to supplement more for my protein intake and take a load of multivitamins to compensate

This is 80% of my diet:

oatmeal>has fibre,low fat,some protein,high carbs
whey> complete protein source,highest source of leucine
chicken> protein source
eggs,vegetables and some fruits,for their micronutrient value.

the other 20% of my diet comes from cereal,soda,cookies,ice cream etc that i can fit into my macros.

I do not eat any excess fats in my diet as that would drastically increase my kcal,which would result in me getting fatter.I am to gain 1lb a month when bulking.You cant eat high carbs and high fats as that would be a recipe for fat gain,people with really fast metabolisms can do this.My metabolism is not naturally fast as I already said,eating high carbs keeps my metabolism high.I had alyways been "afraid" of carbs because of the insulin spike myth and it would make you fat etc,but its bullshit.eating low carbs year round slows down your metabolism,take note.

The Trouble With Fructose (evolutionary perspective)

Quote: (10-06-2012 10:54 AM)alecks Wrote:  

I do not eat any excess fats in my diet as that would drastically increase my kcal,which would result in me getting fatter.I am to gain 1lb a month when bulking.You cant eat high carbs and high fats as that would be a recipe for fat gain,people with really fast metabolisms can do this.My metabolism is not naturally fast as I already said,eating high carbs keeps my metabolism high.I had alyways been "afraid" of carbs because of the insulin spike myth and it would make you fat etc,but its bullshit.eating low carbs year round slows down your metabolism,take note.

Boom, you just contradicted yourself? If you are going to believe in "metabolism" you can't believe in calories in / calories out.

What is "metabolism"? Metabolism is how your body responds to the energy in the blood stream. What impacts how your body responds? The type and amount of "energy" in the blood stream at any one time, as well as other hormones present at the time.

The role of insulin is to take "energy" in the bloodstream and put it somewhere. The more sugar detected in the blood, the more insulin your body is going to produce and vice versa. If you are eating foods that do not result in lots of insulin being reduced (proteins, fats) then your body is going to be more prone to letting it stay in the blood until needed than storing it.

If you are active - lifting weights, doing a sport, etc then hormones like testosterone and growth hormone are going to present in your blood stream as your muscles are signaling that they need energy. If you are sedentary they will not be present. Therefore when you eat something that spikes insulin and you are active, the energy will be primarily stored in the muscles. If you are sedentary it will be stored in fat.

Fruit won't spike your insulin to the same extent that a candy bar will because it has fiber.

The Trouble With Fructose (evolutionary perspective)

I already replied on the other thread but props on the physique.


I'll say it on both threads. In your picture, obviously it is working for you. Your in great shape and I respect that. But thats not the point. From your overall mass and musculature, your not the average guy. The average guy cant eat 200+ carbs a day and be as lean as you are.

Yes it works for you, but "broscience" works for "bros" who are "the average guy". Dexter Jackson routinely eats hamburgers when he diets down for a contest and still is in phenominal shape, but that doesnt mean everyone else can. I respect what your doing for you, but how many people have you trained with your dietary approach that also got as lean as you?

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