These days I don't spend very much time on facebook because the friends that I do have on my book are those from high school or girls that I met at parties when I used to DJ at clubs. Some of the girls that I met via DJing have turned into LTRs and others I ran pipe game on and got a bang here and there.
The friendships that I made in highschool were before I understood game and, now, when I revisit old friendships, friends try to put me in a beta role out of habit. This tends to lead to friction because behavior that was once acceptable is no longer tolerated. This has led to me ending a lot of old relationships with people I used to consider good friends because, well, lets face it I'm not who I once was.
That being said, I was friends with a number of good looking, influential, girls in high school who I "subconciously" recognized their value, but never knew the steps of how to proceed so I was comfortable just being friends (or so I told myself.) Now that I am more wise, I realize that most of these girls are girls I just wanted to bang, but I now find myself pedestalizing these hoes in the name of "friendship."
What I want to know is this: Is maintaining these relationships (which basically equate to one-itis for girls that I used to know, cue in gotye) a way to subconsciously enable beta behavior, or is there something meaningful to be gleaned from these "beta" relationships? Feel free to respond with experiences, advice, whatever.
The friendships that I made in highschool were before I understood game and, now, when I revisit old friendships, friends try to put me in a beta role out of habit. This tends to lead to friction because behavior that was once acceptable is no longer tolerated. This has led to me ending a lot of old relationships with people I used to consider good friends because, well, lets face it I'm not who I once was.
That being said, I was friends with a number of good looking, influential, girls in high school who I "subconciously" recognized their value, but never knew the steps of how to proceed so I was comfortable just being friends (or so I told myself.) Now that I am more wise, I realize that most of these girls are girls I just wanted to bang, but I now find myself pedestalizing these hoes in the name of "friendship."
What I want to know is this: Is maintaining these relationships (which basically equate to one-itis for girls that I used to know, cue in gotye) a way to subconsciously enable beta behavior, or is there something meaningful to be gleaned from these "beta" relationships? Feel free to respond with experiences, advice, whatever.