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Learn PUA programs in which order?
01-28-2010, 04:36 AM
If i listed all the PUA programs i have recently gotten but haven't yet gone through learning will you guys help me pick a good order of operations.
Maybe give me first person testimony of what you thought of a program or once compared to the other.
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
01-28-2010, 04:55 AM
may be you need to read the book called ''learn english in 30 days'' in first ascending order.
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
01-28-2010, 04:58 AM
How helpful do you think you were taking the time to post that.
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
01-28-2010, 05:11 AM
its like a buffet.. just start whereever you feel and take what you like and leave the rest... I dont think there is any one truth about those things and I tend to believe that reading too much and making things to academic removes the focus from the only real "game", which in my opinion isn´t a game but really projecting who you are and comfortness..
most of the rest is placebo...
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
01-28-2010, 05:32 AM
I agree. I got a lot of programs for no cost. An abundance 86 programs or so.
Its very much like a buffet. I'm treating it in an academic way i think you're right maybe i shouldn't. I feel for me its a project. A communications project. I went through a short article it was an mp3 or other audio format. Called the slut report i think from Ross Jefferies. A quick 15 minutes and i had heard things that weren't in my current cache memory so to speak. I"m getting into the program reading for just that. To fill my cache memory with relevant information. I feel the more i browse should keep my brain on a theme rather then being a memorizer. I don't want to be scripted.
I think i should break down the different categories.
Just off the cuff in a logical order: Mental pre-frameing, Approaching, report building, qualifying, building value, closing. Getting what you want in repetition in and of itself can be another job to tackle. I'm here to learn you know. I don't know how well i communicate and i submit i wanna grow better.
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
01-28-2010, 03:44 PM
I've always found David DeAngelo and Mystery's stuff to be the most helpful overall. David DeAngelo is great for learning inner game, and Mystery takes PUA to the level of science. I was an absolute wreck as far inner game goes before DeAngelo. I was needy as hell, a complete wuss, insecure, failed every shit test a girl would throw, and would get depressed if a girl didn't want to continue seeing me. That's all like a distant memory now and it started with David DeAngelo. I think inner game is the first thing to get together. Once that's fixed, then move on to outer game.
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
01-29-2010, 10:54 AM
that is the kind of helpful testimony i was looking for thanks speak easy.
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
01-30-2010, 12:33 AM
I'm a big fan of David D. It's basically all inner game with a little outer game sprinkled on top so to me it doesn't really matter if I see a clip here or a clip there. It all sinks in. Inner game and outer game are related, but separate subjects. Like studying math and physics.
I started by discovering The Game. Then I skimmed throught The Mystery Method e-book. Read a bunch of stuff online. Found a torrent site and downloaded a RSD's Foundations, Transformations, and The Jeffy Show in that order. I later bought The Blueprint. All of these products were great. I read the Venusian Arts Handbook during the time I was getting into the RSD material. I've watched parts of Mystery's Revelations on youtube. To me, Lovedrop and Tyler Durden are two of the most analytical instructors in the game and break down even trivial social idiosyncrasies very well.
With all that said, I believe the best teacher is the approach. You can read all this shit online but the only way to get better at anything is experience.
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
01-30-2010, 04:32 AM
Also, if you can find some torrents of that show Keys to the VIP, it's helpful. It's really good to see guys who know what they're doing in action.
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
02-08-2010, 03:13 AM
I'm voting with Charmer.
I'll be nicer about it, but the kind of guys who buy books but don't read them need more than an order-- they need the motivation to read. So, throw the books up in the air and go left to right and just read them. You're over planning. Also, don't read them all and formulate some kind of master plan and "perfect" it before putting it to use. Approach. Over planning how to approach a girl will fuck you every time.
Work on your English. Don't know where you're from but if you want to pick up any English speaking girls or actually understand what you are reading, you need a stronger command of the language. It's bad.
Downloading a PUA torrent and writing a thousand excel spreadsheets worth of information is not going to get you laid.
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
02-08-2010, 02:50 PM
I'm not stuck with a pile of shit that I'm just looking at. I go through it randomly based on what i feel i can put to use right now. I know what you mean about a lack of motivation being a problem if i purchased this stuff then just didn't use it. My problem is that i acquired to much stuff in such a short amount of time i couldn't possibly go through it at the rate i acquired it.
How big is an ebook? How big is a dvd program.
they seem to be from less then 1 gig to less then ten gigs. I'm up to about 130 gigs of stuff.
That is the only reason i asked the question.
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
02-08-2010, 03:19 PM
thanks for the download links guys
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Learn PUA programs in which order?
02-08-2010, 07:06 PM
130 gigs sounds like a great way to fill up a mind with a shitload of information that the person who owns it cant really put to any good use.
The best way to go about it is to balance 2 hours in field (approaching, vibing and fucking chicks) for every 1 hour of studying. Seriously. Doing anything else will only cause more harm then good and signifigantly slow your process or learning things.