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Do you download PUA stuff

Do you download PUA stuff

I came across pick up artist files online. That is what lead me to this site and resources like it.

1) If you used a website full of resources will you tell me where to look?

2) What do you consider to be the Diamonds in the ruff. The programs that are best of breed out of all the stuff available.

Often people fall in love and recommend the first program that began to get them results. Regardless of where it truly is on the hierarchy of programs. In you're case what programs do you give credit? Please give me a ratio. For instance it is your favorite piece of the 6 you have used. Or it is the best of the 9 you have used and applied. IF you only had one book, and you recommend me that book it isn't going to be something to invest in compared to someone that has been at this for 15 years and has consumed the info form EVERY fucker on the planet then says ok, guys.... use these three programs in this order and may the force be with you.

last question:
There is an abundance of information available. I myself had 50+ gigs of information that i hadn't even opened then tonight I'm adding what seems to be about another 20. That is more gigs of info. then a BA in accounting. Its a lot. From your experiences do you fee less is more. Get one program and just put blind faith into it and use what ever systematic approach they provide until you feel like a failure once again before you move on, or do you recommend i take a marble note book and a box of pens and treat this shit like its the SAT. Read > note take > practice > repeat.

Do you download PUA stuff

Not to hijack your thread man but last night was the first time I've seen what I believe to be a PUA bootcamp deal taking place live and in person. It was as creepy as I thought it would be. There was one guy with a blue mohawk basically yelling in dudes ears all night "GO APPROACH!", "GROW SOME BALLS!!!", "DO IT... DO ITTTT!!!!". I was like fuck man, if that guy was in my ear like that I'd probably end up karate chopping his ass at some point. The mohawk dude was running what looked to be "slime-ball" game. His move was to drape himself over the ladies and try to plow his way to victory. The couple of times I saw it, the ladies took the first opportunity to run. I'm not trying to discount the validity of these kinds of services or the mohawk guy's direct approach, all I'm saying is that if this what people are paying $500-1k for then I'm definitely in the wrong line of work.

Do you download PUA stuff

"I was like fuck man, if that guy was in my ear like that I'd probably end up karate chopping his ass at some point."

Ha. Yeah, or broke a bottle in his mug.

This "pickup artist crap" has already peaked.

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