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South Brazil***- Need INFO before I leave

South Brazil***- Need INFO before I leave

So I am leaving for Brazil in a couple weeks and Im staying until the 20. I fly into Sao Paulo then Rio then down to Floripa/porte allegra. My question was this...What is the average cost to enter into a club down there. I was told by a friend that lives in SP but has never been down south that it costs -50 to 300 USD just to get into some of these places. He says since it is a nicer part of town it's their way of

Cleaning up the riff raff
eliminating threat to people that can afford to enjoy themselves. Anyways can someone please confirm or deny this claim and if someone is going to be down there let me know I wouldn't mind meeting up with some more peeps to game it up out there.

South Brazil***- Need INFO before I leave

Nah, thats crap. There may be some really high end clubs where you are going to pay that but in Sao Paulo and Rio, most clubs the most you will pay is maybe $40 to enter and usually if you are paying that much, you get to drink that much as well. In other words, you pay $40, but you also get to drink $40 worth of alcohol with what you already paid for admission. And you most likely wont drink more than $40 worth of boose unless you are a real alchie. Some places MAYBE $50. I dont know too much about Floripa, but my friend was telling me its usually R$40-60 just to enter, which is around $25-35 dollars maybe. But no way are you going to be paying over $100 to get into any club. Not even more than $60 I wouldnt think, unless you are going to some of the nicest upscale clubs in Brazil, but you probably dont want to go there if you are trying to pick up girls. My friends told me about clubs like this, but everyone there is a whole diferent level of stuck up and the girls are just there for your money. They are the types of clubs the celebrities in Brazil go to. As far as that statement your friend made about `cleaning up the rif raf,` a R$50 cover is enough to do that. `Rif raf´ either cant afford the cover, or dont like these places. I think the first is more accurate. Brazil is expensive for South America, but slightly less expensive than the US.

South Brazil***- Need INFO before I leave

If it is possible, pay the consumação.
SP is expensive, and far more expensive for guys in the night scene. That's why man always drink before going to the clubs, action named warming up/

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

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