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first kiss first date
12-08-2009, 06:35 AM
why first kiss on first date is so essential?,why it is necassary becaues i have been dating in the past and was unable to kiss those girls on first date,but i tend to got second date as well (thought it happend rare).
but why people says that its very important to have kiss on first date?.
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first kiss first date
12-08-2009, 08:14 AM
Its not essential but its just about escalating quickly and not wasting more than the required time to get to have sex with the girl. A lot of times you can't fuck a girl on the first day you kiss her but if you see her again you'll be able to get a little farther. So basically if your going on a lot of dates with different women you should go ahead and push for the kiss cause you'll save yourself time but if you can't then no worries.
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first kiss first date
12-08-2009, 08:45 AM
Quote: (12-08-2009 06:35 AM)mrnice Wrote:
why first kiss on first date is so essential?,why it is necassary becaues i have been dating in the past and was unable to kiss those girls on first date,but i tend to got second date as well (thought it happend rare).
but why people says that its very important to have kiss on first date?.
its essential to avoid most common trait of a woman..and that's flakiness,the more you escalate sex the less chance of flake.
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first kiss first date
12-08-2009, 10:19 AM
I think it is weird not kissing in first date. I just don't do that when I'm totally not into, the guy is boring + ugly and so on...
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first kiss first date
12-08-2009, 01:04 PM
I try to kiss a girl within the first 20-30 minutes of meeting her.
It is a great qualifier on how she reacts. You know very quickly what the prospects are by how you "read" her reaction.
It also starts the encounter in a very sexual/passionate light, which if you think about it is a good light to start with.
Even if the girl does not return the kiss (Latina's especially), you can tell from her reaction weather or not she will want to down the road.
(Down the road could be in 15 minutes).
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first kiss first date
06-25-2012, 09:38 PM
I don't think I have ever screwed a girl that did not kiss me on a first date in my entire life. Usually because the act of rejecting a kiss on a first date is such a turn off to me that I usually have no reason to keep seeing that girl instead of other options and of course because it happening at all is rare, as it should be.
Do a lot of guys still pursue girls after they won't kiss on the first date?
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first kiss first date
07-01-2012, 03:47 AM
All the girls in my life that I did not kiss on the first date I never kissed afterwards because they were totally closed off on second and third dates, or just vanished instantly. Which says a lot more about them than about me, but the moral of the story is that you have to adapt and go for the kiss and bang quickly.
A man who will not escalate quickly causes women to feel sheer hatred and disgust usually reserved for rapists and mass murderers.
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first kiss first date
07-01-2012, 10:10 AM
It's about momentum to me. You need to get the sexual vibes started as soon as possible or else there's a weird tension and increased chance of flaking.
Think about how easy escalation is when you start and maintain kino throughout an interaction as opposed to no kino at all. Same concept.
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first kiss first date
07-10-2012, 11:01 PM
"I can't stress how important it is to kiss her by the end of the first date. Except for one exception, a virgin, every girl I've ever had sex with was kissed by that time. If you're aiming for sex by date three, a reasonable goal, you need to get the first kiss quickly." P. 108 of Bang
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first kiss first date
10-27-2013, 03:33 PM
I want to revisit this issue because I believe that going for the kiss is not as unambiguously the best thing to do as many people are making it sound.
I have started going on a lot of OKC dates, and am considered a catch -- someone who women's wouldn't expect on the dating site, and who they would think would have no trouble meeting women.
I find that going for the kiss can be counterproductive as it can make the dude seem desperate, something that is all the more a problem when the guy is considered a catch. The thinking is: "Why is this guy, who seems such a catch, so eager to kiss"?
Maybe my problem is that I'm not being as flirty/sexualizing the conversation enough to pull it off. In any case, I have been following Roosh's advice, but I feel that I have ruined some good first dates by going for the kiss. (One woman explicitly told me that my kiss was a turn off as she doesn't normally kiss on the first date.)
I would rather bang on a later date after foregoing a first date kiss than going for the kiss and not getting a second date.
Have I ever banged girl I didn't kiss on the first date? No, I can't recall ever doing that. But I think that may change in the near future. I will report back on this.
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first kiss first date
10-27-2013, 06:45 PM
every chick i ever go out with whether from day game, tinder, okc or whatever, knows that i want to bang them
i like to kiss within 30-60 minutes of a first date. just grab their arm and pull them right to me
i'm very dominant and aggressive so this is congruent
basically if a girl spends any more than 60 minutes with me after meeting me it means she wants to get fucked because she knows thats what i'm after
if she didn't want to, she'd have bailed already - and some do
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first kiss first date
10-27-2013, 06:52 PM
Kissing on the first date is a must. I can always tell if I they want it, and if I want them from the kiss. First date with a girl on Thursday, nice face, even better body, chapped fucking lips. I threw up a little in my mouth, like kissing a plate of broken glass smeared in lipstick. Probably wont call her back. Conversely, my most recent bang came from one that was all over me on the first date after I initiated quickly.
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first kiss first date
10-27-2013, 11:35 PM
Absolutely Essental. I remember one chick i pulled off okc, decided to try something and kissed her on first meet up. Worked out good, got the bang on date 2. Not sure its a strategy worth recommending but it worked th one time i tried it.
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first kiss first date
10-28-2013, 12:02 AM
Everything guys said in this thread is true. Most of the time.
But back in the day I banged plenty of girls who I only hugged on the first date.
Rules are made to be broken.
If you have any game, you should be kissing the girl within a half hour or whatever. It shouldn't be a big deal - it should be a culmination of built up tension and a stepping stone to sex.
But to the guys who went on a first date and didn't even get a kiss.
Don't stress out unnecessarily.
Is she still interested? You know if she is. If she is, you can makeout with her next time and lead her to your cock.