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The Las Vegas Litmus Test

The Las Vegas Litmus Test

New must read info for Las Vegas:


The Las Vegas Litmus Test

I'm not a big Vegas person, but the Wynn hotel is the shit.

The Las Vegas Litmus Test

" I'm not a big Vegas person, but the Wynn hotel is the shit. "

Yeah, I think it is my favorite.

Made some scratch on their stock as well before it peaked at $160, so I have to love them for that.

I think I am going to do a Las Vegas hotels data sheet soon.

The Las Vegas Litmus Test

It's awesome seeing other people perspectives of Las Vegas. People always assume living there you do the same things as the tourists, but it's soooo different. On the baller hotel room thing, if a girl is from Vegas, she has probably been in one of those hotels rooms many times. We used to rent them for parties at least 2 or 3 times a year.

The Las Vegas Litmus Test

Brandon E,

Yeah, I remember seeing some of your comments before, you live in Las Vegas right?

The Vegas home base vs the Vegas visitor is a very different Game.

I know a little of the "The Vegas home base" Game too.

And swooped a bunch of fly ex-Bishop Gorman girls to prove it.

I know you know what I am talking about. Ha.

The Las Vegas Litmus Test

Quote: (12-03-2009 06:46 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I think I am going to do a Las Vegas hotels data sheet soon.

That's good news.

I'll be at the "World of Concrete" convention Feb 1st to 5th. It's all a write-off.

I just did The Hotel a few months back. The info about the service levels at the high end places in Vegas on Thegmanifesto is right on.

Service wise that place was almost (I'm biased) on the same level as Princeville or The Halekulani.

For this trip I need to find something a little more old school. I'll be traveling with my father, a Hawaiian in his 60's. He still tears things up, and only travels in style, but his targets are 40ish.

I'm a loyal guy, and would like to go back to The Hotel, but it I need something a little more mature minded.


The Las Vegas Litmus Test

Quote: (12-04-2009 02:14 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Brandon E,

Yeah, I remember seeing some of your comments before, you live in Las Vegas right?

The Vegas home base vs the Vegas visitor is a very different Game.

I know a little of the "The Vegas home base" Game too.

And swooped a bunch of fly ex-Bishop Gorman girls to prove it.

I know you know what I am talking about. Ha.

Haha, the Gorman girls my man, nice swoop. I actually don't live in Vegas anymore. I moved to Colorado about 3 years ago, but now I kinda live in South America for the moment. When I get back to the states I'm thinking about moving back to Vegas. Yeah man, if you can get hooked up with some locals in Vegas, you should have a great time if they know the right people. Let me know next time your in Vegas. I know a lot of good people to know, we'll show you a great time.

The Las Vegas Litmus Test

This deal looks pretty good. http://www.hardrockhotel.com/las-vegas/h...cfm?id=519

I gotta give one of these Vegas pool parties a try next year when it starts warming up. I hear that Rehab at Hard Rock Hotel is the best. I've never really done up Vegas. I'm willing to give it a shot.

The Las Vegas Litmus Test

Quote: (12-14-2009 01:45 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

This deal looks pretty good. http://www.hardrockhotel.com/las-vegas/h...cfm?id=519

I gotta give one of these Vegas pool parties a try next year when it starts warming up. I hear that Rehab at Hard Rock Hotel is the best. I've never really done up Vegas. I'm willing to give it a shot.

Dude, the pool parties are sick, and that is coming from a local that hardly goes to any of the touristy spots. Definitely hit one up.

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