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'Don't forget to bring a towel!'

'Don't forget to bring a towel!'

Don't forget to bring a towel!

My best friend (and best wing) is temporarily incapacitated for the next few weeks with a leg cast, so last night I popped him a visit. We did what we usually do when we don't go out and chase girls; riff, catch the game and drink a few drinks, just hanging out.

Now inevitably when we hang, someone always breaks out the buds. I'm a recreational smoker, but I don't smoke when I'm about to go chopping girls; it makes me too chill and withdrawn to run my best game (I have no problems at all smoking with a girl I've already banged or when the bang is imminent, in fact I love it). Around 1 AM we're super faded and watching South Park. It was the Towelie episode.

Sometime later it hit me; Towelie's catchphrase, Don't forget to bring a towel! could actually be a fairly workable opener in quite a few situations. It obviously needs some tweaking, and you may think I'm insane, but picture this:

Cute girl going to / leaving from the gym (or doing any exercise): 'Don't forget to bring a towel! Nobody likes sitting in someone else's sweat, so that's why I always say, 'Don't forget to bring a towel!'.

Cute girl sitting down to a coffee: 'Don't forget to bring a towel! Coffee sometimes spills and nobody wants really hot stuff in their groin, so that's why I always say 'Don't forget to bring a towel!'.

Lather, rinse, follow with game.

There are other situations this can work in. You might all think this is nuts, but there are a few reasons it could work:

1) Shows you have a sense of humor (we all know how key this is).
2) What girl doesn't like South Park? Super Right-wing Christian girls (who won't bang you until you wife it anyways) and ones over 40 with no sense of humor (and really why bother?)
3) Towelie is firmly in the zeitgeist, a girl that's even a passing fan of South park would likely crack a smile.
4) While it's not a creation of your own, I think as an opener it shows originality.

I'm gonna spend a bit of time tweaking and reworking it, but the idea is sound, agree or disagree? I wouldn't mind assembling a list of off-the-cuff TV/Movie openers that could work.


'Don't forget to bring a towel!'

It's definitely different. [Image: biggrin.gif]

That is a nice way of saying, "WTF were you smoking?"

'Don't forget to bring a towel!'

staring at your post subject and then reading your thread,i seriously dont know what do you exactly want.

'Don't forget to bring a towel!'

Sounds dangerous if she doesnt get the reference, but I'd like to hear a FR.

'Don't forget to bring a towel!'

i duno, my southpark references never go over well. go for it tho lol

'Don't forget to bring a towel!'

I ve seen WORSE pick-up lines WORK...

'Don't forget to bring a towel!'


It's definitely different. Big Grin

That is a nice way of saying, "WTF were you smoking?"

I'm not one of these fools who brags about what 'strain' it was ('Yeah man, this is AK-47/Juicy Fruit/Sweet Tooth/Whatever...') and in fact think that doing so makes you look like an overcompensating tool. Most people learn this lesson by their 20's but there are always exceptions.

But the word on the street is lots of NL#5-based buddha has been circulating my area, it was definitely light colored and very good, and I live in a very lax area for it.

As I said, I have a no chronic policy when I'm out trying to get leads, but when I'm scheming new material or hanging with a girl it definitely helps me think outside the box [Image: sleepy.gif]


staring at your post subject and then reading your thread,i seriously dont know what do you exactly want.

Next time a girl jogs by (without an iPod) and makes eye contact, try saying 'Don't forget to bring a towel!' followed by some routine.

Try to get that episode for context (and because its hilarious), season 6 I believe. I know a spot where you can stream South Park for free but don't know Roosh's policy on it. PM me and I'll link you.


Sounds dangerous if she doesnt get the reference, but I'd like to hear a FR.

Isn't any attempt to open a girl a gamble? I'll try to get a few done next week when I'm back working on the streets near one of the western world's best high-end shopping districts.

Likewise, even if it falls flat, if you can handle the weirdness I guess it's a nice little DHV if you play good recovery game.


I ve seen WORSE pick-up lines WORK...

That's an opener, and yes, I've also seen worse ones work. Never what you say, always how you say, I bet top players can open with 'I want to do your parents a favor and kill you so I can skull fuck your eye socket.' and still get somewhere.

'Don't forget to bring a towel!'

Dude, give me some of what your smokin'.

'Don't forget to bring a towel!'

dude if you have to be like, episode 608 dummy, when she raises her eyebrow at you you're not gonna bang this girl lol

'Don't forget to bring a towel!'

hahaha, the best SP episode ever. i would never try this really though, even casual SP girl fans I know don't know the episode. don't know how many times we watched this back in school

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