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Just read "The Game"

Just read "The Game"

Just got finished reading The Game...overrall I liked it.

Knowing I want to start learning pick-up, most of the stuff I read in that book was pretty fucken stupid...im embarrased just thinking about most of it.

how did everyone get started after reading that, if that was their introduction?

Just read "The Game"

The Game is probably the worst of the major PU books out there. In terms of pick up, Strauss doesn't include any new material. He just gives basterdized summerizations of what other PUA's are saying. As a novel, the book is even worse. The story has no center, just a long list of random incidents. There are too many characters, many of whom are depicted innaccurately. Just a terrible book in my opinion.

Mystery Method or Bang FTW.

Just read "The Game"

Yea I just read it because it seemed like it was a popular read. I havent really started reading too much into the whole scene yet. That was my first real introduction...

Most of the ppl in it seem to be total losers...

Just read "The Game"

I couldn't even finish it.

And no, it wasn't my introduction to Game.

I have been swooping fly girls since Strauss had a full head of hair.

Just read "The Game"

OG like doughboy?

Nah just an introduction read to the whole "community" thing

Just read "The Game"

"OG like doughboy?"

Ha. I got time in The Game. In ten years I will be like A-Wax:

"A-Wax was older than the rest of us.
I mean, he was what we called a "G"...
He was funny to us.
it got to a point...
where he just liked to see other people do dirt."



Just read "The Game"

haha niceee. good shit

Just read "The Game"

I thought it was a fun read. Although it did touch on some important techniques, like which direction to walk up to a girl when you're approaching for example, it was more about his coming of age story than a pick up guide. Seeing a guy go from a sexless nerd to a world-class PUA makes for a good story.

Just read "The Game"

yea the story was good...but it doesn't go into any detail, which I didn't really mind too much because the way those dudes in the book worked just seems way too rediculous...like who the fuck would do magic to a girl

Just read "The Game"

Well the guy that does magic, Mystery, accomplished a lot for the pick up "community". One of the most important concepts he came up with (I think he came up with it) is the 3second rule. This is what changed my game the most. I used to stand around thinking about what I should do. When I forced the 3sec rule on myself, my game changed tremendously!

Just read "The Game"

he might have done alot for the community...but for non loser guys that have had relatively decent success with women, I dont think most of his advice would work...just sayen. I could be wrong.

Just read "The Game"

If by lame you mean look like this:
[Image: mystery1.jpg]
and this
[Image: kosmowins.jpg]
and this
[Image: mystery_method_neil_strauss_style_pua_peacocking.jpg]

I agree [Image: biggrin.gif] [Image: banana.gif]

Just read "The Game"

Who's that second guy? [Image: lol.gif]

Just read "The Game"

Quote: (11-21-2009 04:17 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Who's that second guy? [Image: lol.gif]

i think the second guy is the actor that played the aspiring pick up artist on the VH1 show "the pick up artist featuring mystery and friends". hes the "winner" of season 1.

Just read "The Game"

Hahaha thats Cosmo. or Kozmo.

Just read "The Game"

It's hard to diss Mystery. I mean the guy has proven his shit out in the field. He may look like a freak, but he's found an angle that works for him. He came from nothing and figured it all out on his own back when none of this game stuff was widely available. I think because he's the most prominent guru out there right now and the most eccentric, he's going to have a lot of haters. I say more power to the guy though. He came up and the guy is a true rags to riches story if there ever was one.

Just read "The Game"

Quote: (11-21-2009 04:17 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Who's that second guy?

It looks like he pissed in his pants. The guy with Mystery.


Just read "The Game"

Good point on the rags to riches story. Respect for that. And I will give him credit for his writings.

His "style" (no pun intended) gets a huge thumbs down.

The thing I ask with most of these PUA's is "Where were they ten years ago"?

Most of them have had short careers from my perspective, and therefore overrated.

If they are still in The Game by the end of next decade, then maybe, just maybe they can get a seat at my table.

The G VS The Pickup Artists II: http://www.thegmanifesto.com/2008/09/the...ts-ii.html

Just read "The Game"

hahaha wowww

that dude that won is an actor?? no shit huh, figures with reality tv these days

Just read "The Game"

Here he is in action. Mystery seems to be a really chill guy and someone I'd like to hang out with one day.

[Image: n3304264_37202254_265.jpg]
[Image: n3304264_37202255_639.jpg]
[Image: n3304264_37202257_1372.jpg]
[Image: n3304264_37202258_1764.jpg]

Not my pics, but they were taken in DC.

Just read "The Game"

I have a close friend that talked to Mystery for like half a day, something regarding a possible movie deal. Don't know what became of the movie, but he said Mystery was a pretty cool dude.

Just read "The Game"

Okay, every chick I've come across that knows who he is all say the same thing. They all think he looks like a douche with how he dresses and there's no way "I'd ever sleep with him"

Well I call them all out on bullcrap. My arguement was that if you didn't know who this guy was and he gamed you on the street I'd say there's a pretty good chance you'd bang the shit out of him. The only reason why you say you wouldn't is because your mind is tainted and biased now.

I look at Mystery and I'm thinking the same thing. This guy dresses like a douche bag. But you know what if it works for him then I gotta give him props. If this is what he did while gaming and pulling mad puss then I say keep doing what you're doing if it's working for ya. I personally would never go that route because I think it looks retarded.

Just read "The Game"


They all think he looks like a douche with how he dresses and there's no way "I'd ever sleep with him"

They're probably telling the truth. Point of game is not to sleep with EVERY girl, just a higher percentage of girls. If you sleep with 5% of girls you approach, you're doing extremely well. The average guy on the street has a percentage in the 0-1% range.

Just read "The Game"

I understand what you're saying, but I have to disagree about what women say versus what they actually do. Experience tells me women have no clue as to how attraction works. They just go with with whatever feels good at the time. Not to say that they all would spread open for him but I just don't take their words at face value is all.

Just read "The Game"

Ive never read "The Game" or any other Pick up book.....I only read Roosh.....I did see Mysterys show on VH1....at first i thought Mystery was some gay weirdo actor.....but over time i began to respect his knowledge of body langauge, the female brain, attraction science, etc.......he does seem to know what he's talking about with that stuff.....and you gotta respect his hustle and his business skills....not exactly my style but i guess he has found a look that works for him.....when i think about it.....when i dress really crazy... almost like mystery .....GIRLS LOVE IT....THEY JUST LOVE CRAZY MOTHERFUCKERS WHO DONT GIVE A SHIT.

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