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The Bang Spanish phrasebook

The Bang Spanish phrasebook

hola, everyone who can should add to this post, let's see how it ends up..

What have you guys learned, turns of phrases that will help meeting/picking up/hell even shit to say during sex.. the hardest part is NOT learning the words, the grammer the syntax, the hard part is saying things that make u seem acclimated to the scene your in. so really without further adieu, just add what you've got in this similar vein.. ive got hundreds of things so if u guys share ill share even more! it's kinda hard to think of them just sitting here but my examples should give u guys ideas of what you've heard and vice versa.. Por ejemplo..

two rules to make you sound comfortable
A: figure out your ser y estars.. its the most basic function that most gringos fuck up for a year or more. figure out where they go and why. No eres aqui, ESTAS aqui.
B: Same goes with por/para. figure out which is for which. cool trick "pa" can often be both if you're not sure.
C: Go ahead and greet in Usted form, except in Spain.. with to informal after you break the ice

I like to say "Hey guys" in English at english bars, afortunadamente, this works in spanish as well.. just turn and say hey guys. they understand. i also greet people and say goodbye in english often. im proud to be american and if i speak spanish well and still use greetings in english, it projects someone who is comfortable where they are y en su dominio de la lengua
**one of the main barriers to my approaches in spain were the fact i couldnt break the ice.. just fuck it, break the ice in english
You: Hey guys
her: no hablamos ingles... we dont speak english
You: Oh, olvidalo pues....oh, forget it then (obviously you've switched to an informal spanish and now you're a mysterious educated gabacho)

Here's how I ask for directions or interrupt someone on the street.
Me: Disculpe.. Her: si? .. go from there.
No diga: perdon, con permiso, excuse me, donde esta, NUNCA DIGA "HOLA". it sounds so silly. Hola! oh shit now i have nothing to say.

But, if you're getting good eye contact, go ahead an say Hola, it signals that you want to talk. Hola has a gravity that hey, hello or hi do not have in english. it signals you wanna chat. If you see someone passing in the street and only wanna say hi.. u say Hasta luego, u dont say hola or they will stop and expect u have something to say

Small talk:
Vives cerca? ... You live close by?
Eres de X? are you from here?
Con quien estas? Who are you with?
Estas soltera? Are you alone? (sketchy to use this once, i got it out of a normal phrasebook)
Trabajas o estudias?... important turn of phrase, do you work or study.. or are u a student.. that is all this question right here.
Que te gusta hacer .. (en su tiempo libre)? what do you do in your free time anyone got another for this that is less gringo-ey?

Por que estas aqui? Why are you here? Una pregunta vas a tener muchas veces.
Estoy aqui para estudiar. im here to study
estoy aqui 'pa una práctica. im here for an internship
Aventura. adventure, good go to answer
Tu. you. -- lay it on well, or risk sounding muy cursi

i gotta move on with my day and the text box is acting funny so ill just post and see if you guys think this is a good idea and it takes. I really feel like we should expand small talk section... thats where i need help finding things that are normally said as opposed to something ive made up with my limited vocab

The Bang Spanish phrasebook

Here is a funny little thing I do with girls... Usually at some point after talking to them for a while, I take a picture with them or with the group. I then turn to the girl and say;

Tengo un pregunta -- I have a question

She then looks at me expecting a serious question and is eager to help answer it.

Quien is este chica linda? -- Who is this pretty girl? (pointing to her pic in the cameras LCD, and acting as if I have no idea who the girls is and am really interested in finding out)

Lumiere has seen me do this one. Its kinda silly, but its playful and always gets a laugh.

The Bang Spanish phrasebook

No pagando para su pinocha!

The Bang Spanish phrasebook

I'm really warming up the idea of always opening up in English and then flowing into Spanish if necessary.

One word that I learned to use in Medellin was "erotica" as in "tu eres muy erotica". I thought it would bomb because in the US nobody says that you look erotic, but I was tired of saying "bonita" and "linda" so I gave it a shot and it always went well.

Also, about correct language... I think it's more important to work on vocabulary rather than the technicalities (el/la, es/esta, etc) because with enough vocab they'll always understand you. I never talked to any local that was annoyed by grammatical imperfections.

The Bang Spanish phrasebook

they'll understand you, but you sound so goofy. im not saying imperfections por/para and ser/estar are some of the most basic words in spanish, their proper use is necessary to not sound like a dummy.

eres bueno..you are good/handsom
estas bueno.. does not function, literally makes ZERO sense..

The Bang Spanish phrasebook

I dont know what foreign girls think of our goofy spanish, but I've dated a few foreign girls here in the US, and I've always though their bad grammer and pronunciation was really cute, and kinda sexy.

One time this italian girl said to me: I want to go see the "any malls" I was like What? Shes like " the any malls, the any malls." It took me a full 30 sec to realize she was trying to say "animals" lol

The Bang Spanish phrasebook

If a chick gives you attitude or is being unfriendly :

Tú no sales mucho, verdad? Que comiste en el desayuno? Mala onda instantanea?

The Bang Spanish phrasebook

good ones lumiere

The Bang Spanish phrasebook

Eres la chica buena o la chica mala? "Are you a good girl or bad girl?"

Ay, tu rompiste mi corazon. "Oh, you broke my heart."

Me puedes ensenar xxx por favor? "Can you teach me xxx please?" I used bailar or espanol.

Lo siento. Soy un gringo. "I'm sorry. I'm a gringo." I apologized for not knowing something in spanish.

Estas cerca de mi corazon. "You are close to my heart"

Just a few things I put toegether during 10 days in Peru.

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