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some people actually believe this

some people actually believe this

“Essentially, the idea of a “slut” is a myth told to women to keep them in their place. Just as Santa will not actually bring you coal on Christmas if you break a few of the house rules, you will not actually turn into an intrinsically tainted, unpalatable creature if you break one of society’s rules and have sex with one too many men. The word “slut” isn’t a criticism for having too much sex necessarily, but for being a woman: a real, living, breathing woman with quirks, foibles, normal sexual feelings, and personality; and failing to live up to the societal ideal for a woman: the passive, pliable, perpetually innocent, and sexually available Barbie doll.”

haha ok

some people actually believe this

People have tried to "take back" derogatory words for a long time (going back over 2000 years). This isn't a surprise, nor is it old news. People will try to rationalize anything.

What the author of that comment fails to realize is your reputation held a lot more weight in the past than it does today... for a multitude of reasons such as cultural shifts and larger societal pools. Being known as a slut 200 years ago could ruin you for life.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

some people actually believe this

And I'm sure the person who said that has had more dicks on her like a jockstrap.

Why can't women just be happy with being a slut? Cause most of us guys are.


some people actually believe this

Rosca it's obviously not the same for guys and girls.

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

some people actually believe this

My Sociology professor gave the class a handout that was similar to that. She was most definitely a red headed feminist slutball.

some people actually believe this

I read somewhere that a lizard can't actually psychologically handle having a lot of dycks run up in her. If she does eventually choose to settle down afterwards, she will be more likely to be dysfunctional.

Something about having multiple men penetrate her, leaves some kind of emotional residue that eventually becomes too much for her to deal with rationally.

That's why you often find porn sluts to be off in the upstairs department whereas the porn dudes are generally ordinary cats.

Maybe some men in here who are wified up with a former slut can care to comment?





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

some people actually believe this

Quote: (04-28-2012 01:05 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I read somewhere that a lizard can't actually psychologically handle having a lot of dycks run up in her. If she does eventually choose to settle down afterwards, she will be more likely to be dysfunctional.

Something about having multiple men penetrate her, leaves some kind of emotional residue that eventually becomes too much for her to deal with rationally.

That's why you often find porn sluts to be off in the upstairs department whereas the porn dudes are generally ordinary cats.

Maybe some men in here who are wified up with a former slut can care to comment?

sounds similar to this: http://socialpathology.blogspot.com/2010...-risk.html

some people actually believe this

Quote: (04-28-2012 01:47 PM)theoogabear Wrote:  

Quote: (04-28-2012 01:05 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I read somewhere that a lizard can't actually psychologically handle having a lot of dycks run up in her. If she does eventually choose to settle down afterwards, she will be more likely to be dysfunctional.

Something about having multiple men penetrate her, leaves some kind of emotional residue that eventually becomes too much for her to deal with rationally.

That's why you often find porn sluts to be off in the upstairs department whereas the porn dudes are generally ordinary cats.

Maybe some men in here who are wified up with a former slut can care to comment?

sounds similar to this: http://socialpathology.blogspot.com/2010...-risk.html

To play devil's advocate, I don't think that study really proves that having a low partner count is causing a decreased risk of divorce. It could be that women who are inclined not to slut it up are the same women who are likely to value loyalty to their husbands, and neither one of these actually causes the other (it seems fairly persuasive to me--the values that would support one position would also seem to support the other).

For our purposes, though, it doesn't really matter whether the correlation is due to causation or not. A girl's partner count will still be a good predictor of her marital fidelity.

some people actually believe this

Pussy is a commodity. The more dicks that have beaten it up drops it's value on the open market. Most women understand this, but Sluts (whores, feminists, cum dumpsters) try to turn this simple truth on it's head as a defense.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

some people actually believe this

To be fair, crazy women are more likely to be slutty as a general rule. I think that most very conservative or mentally stable women probably don't seek out a huge number of dicks.

For example, histrionic personality disorder (I had to deal with the bullshit antics of a histrionic chick for roughly four months this year) has hypersexuality as a symptom. She was informally diagnosed by me. I used to have to walk her to the coffee house whenever she showed up and my roommate was gone or sleeping, and she would cry and call herself a whore every time I would stare off at other women while ignoring her. She was also a horrible attention seeking shithead, lied compulsively, and told many men (including boyfriends) about how many dicks she's taken; she never gave up an opportunity to sexualize a conversation. She also claimed to be bisexual but that was probably just to get the attention of men as well.

some people actually believe this

Reputations and pussies don't fall back into place easily. Once it's stretched and burned its done.

some people actually believe this

Quote: (04-28-2012 05:18 PM)vinman Wrote:  

Pussy is a commodity. The more dicks that have beaten it up drops it's value on the open market. Most women understand this, but Sluts (whores, feminists, cum dumpsters) try to turn this simple truth on it's head as a defense.

I like this analogy. It seems to me that women call other women sluts more than men and its more "hurtful" in that context. Since women are always competing with eachother for a man/their enemy is their best friend etc they will be more "hurt" when a woman calls them a slut. It takes her self-esteem down a peg and gets the hamster revving. When guys call girls a slut its usually betas who are angry at them because someone else is butt-fucking her instead of him. When "alphas" or guys in game call girls sluts it means their pussy is of lower value, but easier to smash. So if you call a girl a slut to her face it will have less of an impact than her bff/girlfraaaan calling her a slut, she will just think you are angry at her for not giving the pussy up and thus overvaluing the pussy (provided she rationalizes that the guy is just angry at her)

some people actually believe this

I agree with gringochileno,

Its more likely the other way around. Girls that are fucked up already will become sluts. A girl who's got a good upbringing and values will not jump on a cock parade.

Edit: Hades beat me to it.

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

some people actually believe this

Quote: (04-28-2012 01:05 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I read somewhere that a lizard can't actually psychologically handle having a lot of dycks run up in her. If she does eventually choose to settle down afterwards, she will be more likely to be dysfunctional.

Something about having multiple men penetrate her, leaves some kind of emotional residue that eventually becomes too much for her to deal with rationally.

That's why you often find porn sluts to be off in the upstairs department whereas the porn dudes are generally ordinary cats.

Almost all forms of mental illness in women eg. Bipolar disorder, Borderline personality etc. are correlated to "sexual promiscuity". Promiscuity is actually a sympton of Borderline Personality Disorder in the DSM under Impulsiveness in potentially self-destructive areas. With Bipolar girls, hypersexuality is very common during their Mania phase. I don't think them actually taking lots of dick is what makes them messed up, they were already crazy in the first place. You can see this when you're my age and you still a few possible future cumdumpsters who haven't had many dicks yet but are already dysfunctional.

From what I see there are two groups of likely cumdumpsters: Crazy girls and manly girls.

I think these crazy girls are slutty in order to feel validated and better about themselves. Almost every slut or future slut I know well (mostly from school) have risque pics of videos floating around the internet which were supposed to make them feel good about themselves for feeling wanted. Girls find being sexually desired by men extremely lubricating. One girl from school used to offer to strip for guys when she was like 15. My ex (used to?) cam whore on Omegle. Same deal here.

The manly girls I think slut around because of higher testosterone. They're a smaller group than the crazy ones. They don't have low self-esteem and don't fuck for validation. They fuck purely because they're very very horny. They will either look (physical features especially jaw line, NOT fashion), talk or act manly. Roissy supports my obersvation.

some people actually believe this

Women will never stop surprising you.


To be fair, crazy women are more likely to be slutty as a general rule. I think that most very conservative or mentally stable women probably don't seek out a huge number of dicks.


Girls that are fucked up already will become sluts. A girl who's got a good upbringing and values will not jump on a cock parade.

I disagree. Why do guys keep thinking that conservative, traditional, red state, southern women are any different? Women are women.

Quote:Hooligan Harry Wrote:

Women are women dude, no matter where you go.

Have any of you guys actually lived in places like Alabama or Mississippi? It's like how people thought Polish girls were traditional and conservative only for Roosh to find out they were sluts. I grew up in a semi-rural area with the type of upbringing that you're describing. Church girls are sluts.

I wish some of you guys should read this blog on the reality of "good girls" in church: http://bwanasimba.wordpress.com/

Here's some facts based on reality of "good girls".

Quote:bwanasimba Wrote:

One thing that hit me was the naivety of everyone involved. The bridesmaids went off and got a male stripper, the grooms refused to go to a strip club to remain loyal and respectful. The men behaved in a more “civil” manner than the women did.

Quote:bwanasimba Wrote:

I met a girl today who several of the wonderful church betas males had been trying to get to go to their college church group. Although supposedly Christian herself, she refused. She didn’t want to piss off her Muslim boyfriend. She also showed jealousy at the fact I ate ham at my families Easter dinner as she herself couldn’t get to eat pork because her boyfriend wouldn’t allow it. I am willing to bet that her beta Christian friend listened to her gripes about her Muslim boyfriend and how much of an asshole he was… moron.

Another girl I know who used to be a “strong young Christian woman” has recently taken in with a druggie agnostic player and now has changed her views on marijuana, sex before marriage and no longer takes the Bible literally. Her Christian ex-boyfriend is of course praying for her. He still has hopes for her coming back to him. I told him to be a man and to either walk away or chase his “rival” away. Prayer and support are the best answers, according to him and her friends. She lived with a pastor for years, didn’t matter. She led a Bible study, didn’t matter. She (supposedly) actually resisted her “sisters in Christ” and tried to hold them accountable for her actions. Did. Not. Fucking. Matter.

The leaders of the church are blatant fools if they think their beloved churchian girls are going to fight for Jesus. Hell, I will go further and say western civilization in itself will fall due to society’s belief in women. Any strong man who isn’t Christian comes along they can completely redefine her entire worldview away from Christianity. That is the nature of women, a man who resists her attempts to control him will make her submit to him.

Roosh has noted that whenever a country's men are interested in game and start learning it as in the case of Brazil, it's usually not a good thing since the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Ask yourself, if everything's fine and well, why are there so many Christian "game" bloggers?


some people actually believe this

Quote: (04-28-2012 11:37 PM)blurb Wrote:  

Women will never stop surprising you.


To be fair, crazy women are more likely to be slutty as a general rule. I think that most very conservative or mentally stable women probably don't seek out a huge number of dicks.


Girls that are fucked up already will become sluts. A girl who's got a good upbringing and values will not jump on a cock parade.

I disagree. Why do guys keep thinking that conservative, traditional, red state, southern women are any different? Women are women.

Quote:Hooligan Harry Wrote:

Women are women dude, no matter where you go.

Have any of you guys actually lived in places like Alabama or Mississippi? It's like how people thought Polish girls were traditional and conservative only for Roosh to find out they were sluts. I grew up in a semi-rural area with the type of upbringing that you're describing. Church girls are sluts.

I wish some of you guys should read this blog on the reality of "good girls" in church: http://bwanasimba.wordpress.com/

Here's some facts based on reality of "good girls".

Quote:bwanasimba Wrote:

One thing that hit me was the naivety of everyone involved. The bridesmaids went off and got a male stripper, the grooms refused to go to a strip club to remain loyal and respectful. The men behaved in a more “civil” manner than the women did.

Quote:bwanasimba Wrote:

I met a girl today who several of the wonderful church betas males had been trying to get to go to their college church group. Although supposedly Christian herself, she refused. She didn’t want to piss off her Muslim boyfriend. She also showed jealousy at the fact I ate ham at my families Easter dinner as she herself couldn’t get to eat pork because her boyfriend wouldn’t allow it. I am willing to bet that her beta Christian friend listened to her gripes about her Muslim boyfriend and how much of an asshole he was… moron.

Another girl I know who used to be a “strong young Christian woman” has recently taken in with a druggie agnostic player and now has changed her views on marijuana, sex before marriage and no longer takes the Bible literally. Her Christian ex-boyfriend is of course praying for her. He still has hopes for her coming back to him. I told him to be a man and to either walk away or chase his “rival” away. Prayer and support are the best answers, according to him and her friends. She lived with a pastor for years, didn’t matter. She led a Bible study, didn’t matter. She (supposedly) actually resisted her “sisters in Christ” and tried to hold them accountable for her actions. Did. Not. Fucking. Matter.

The leaders of the church are blatant fools if they think their beloved churchian girls are going to fight for Jesus. Hell, I will go further and say western civilization in itself will fall due to society’s belief in women. Any strong man who isn’t Christian comes along they can completely redefine her entire worldview away from Christianity. That is the nature of women, a man who resists her attempts to control him will make her submit to him.

Roosh has noted that whenever a country's men are interested in game and start learning it as in the case of Brazil, it's usually not a good thing since the country is headed in the wrong direction.

Ask yourself, if everything's fine and well, why are there so many Christian "game" bloggers?

I think that conservative type women are different that the crazy slutty women because they have boundaries. I define sluts as chicks who are willing to fuck loser dudes to scratch an itch, and that's just something that the super conservative chicks don't seem to do. These girls don't drink, they don't party, they don't date in high school, they have maybe four sexual encounters, they have one to three boyfriends in college, they don't put themselves in situations where they're likely to do dumb shit (getting high on MDMA at a rave, etc), and they get married early out of a sexual guilt complex.

While I'll agree that women are women, and they all have sex drives generally, crazy chicks are another breed of women entirely, and I've seen enough of those. These are girls that will blow dudes in public at house parties, snort coke off some girl's ass, slash your tires if you're unfaithful, lie for the sake of lying, call their mothers to inform them they're drunk, suicidal, and full of morphine pills, etc.

I don't even blame the conservative Polish chicks for fucking a badass like Roosh because all girls will go weak at the knees for an interesting and genetically diverse foreigner with game.

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