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Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Don Juan left an interesting comment:

"Mr Roosh, I’ve been reading your blog and I found it interesting and hilarious at the same time. I think that all your pick-up advice only works for a certain type of women: young, shallow and stupid.

Most smart educated women I know could tell your so-called “game” right away and instantly will label you as a douchebag, hence non-touchable, no doubt.

I agree 100% with everything you said about Argentine women, because that’s where I was born and wasted the first 24 years of my life trying to figure out a way to get laid, in vain. Fortunately since I moved to the US my luck had changed completely, thanks to the more liberated nature of women over here.

All your advice about hitting on random women on a constant basis as the ONLY way to get laid I think is bullshit. That’s just your way and it works for you. I get laid with two different women every week on average and I have a large group of friends with benefit and casual fucks in constant rotation. I can’t remember when was the last time I tried to approach a woman at a bar or club. Maybe years. I never do that and I still get laid more than any other male that I know. How? Very simple, instead of being a player, I’m the playee, I make them come up to me, they take the initiative and that makes the matters a lot simpler to me because if the woman approaches you you don’t have to deal with rejection possibility and you have a guaranteed fuck right away, specially if she’s over 30.

I found than being passive, playing the prey instead of the hunter is a lot easier, less stress-inducing and way more rewarding. Granted, not all the women who approach me are hot, but they are so many that I get to screen them and select the ones who I want to do.
As you already know, that doesn’t happen in Argentina. Over there women don’t even give you the most minimum sign that they are interested in you, even if they are dying to kiss you. But here in the US, it works to perfection. I can walk to a bar all by myself, stand there and wait, eventually one will fall in the trap.

I have to clarify that I’m not a particularly good looking man, I’d say I have average looks, I keep myself in just decent shape and I happen to have an above average size penis. I used to do porn and even strip. Women among my social circle know this fact and the rumors of that kind run very fast.

Regardless, I still consider myself a proud beta male. Whenever I see macho alpha-males compulsively attacking girls like you describe in public places such as bars or clubs I feel sorry for them, they make me feel embarrassed for their ridiculous desperate behavior, I tend to think that they are desperately in denial of their gay side and try to fill that up with huge amounts of random quality-less pussy. I prefer to sit back, be cool, wait for them (all the ones who reject douchebags) to come to me and they always do. Your “game” doesn’t work for everybody."

I am interested to hear peoples thoughts on this.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Yeah, if he's into 30+ y/o chicks, like he said, then sure, you can wait around. Older girls, or women as they should be called once they reach the age of 25, get a little more desperate as they age.

I prefer younger girls, so I will continue to approach.

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

i'm no pua but this appears to be affirming roosh's style, not refuting it. roosh's pick-up style is find a type of girl you like, then experiment relentlessly until you figure out what gets them. he's got some good tips that will nudge you in a good direction, but really his entire philosophy (as i see it) is

a) persistence
b) frame
c) shore up your weak spots

this guy has used those things to craft a different style of game that targets a different type of girl. he's getting laid, he has a system, and he developed that system through trial and error. if he's getting laid, then he has game, and you have to give props on that. the rest of the hating on roosh is probably the result of a very internalized frame, where he has to hate on the guys who approach in order to keep his cool while he waits.

Quote: (10-27-2009 12:30 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Don Juan left an interesting comment:

"Mr Roosh, I’ve been reading your blog and I found it interesting and hilarious at the same time. I think that all your pick-up advice only works for a certain type of women: young, shallow and stupid.

Most smart educated women I know could tell your so-called “game” right away and instantly will label you as a douchebag, hence non-touchable, no doubt.

I agree 100% with everything you said about Argentine women, because that’s where I was born and wasted the first 24 years of my life trying to figure out a way to get laid, in vain. Fortunately since I moved to the US my luck had changed completely, thanks to the more liberated nature of women over here.

All your advice about hitting on random women on a constant basis as the ONLY way to get laid I think is bullshit. That’s just your way and it works for you. I get laid with two different women every week on average and I have a large group of friends with benefit and casual fucks in constant rotation. I can’t remember when was the last time I tried to approach a woman at a bar or club. Maybe years. I never do that and I still get laid more than any other male that I know. How? Very simple, instead of being a player, I’m the playee, I make them come up to me, they take the initiative and that makes the matters a lot simpler to me because if the woman approaches you you don’t have to deal with rejection possibility and you have a guaranteed fuck right away, specially if she’s over 30.

I found than being passive, playing the prey instead of the hunter is a lot easier, less stress-inducing and way more rewarding. Granted, not all the women who approach me are hot, but they are so many that I get to screen them and select the ones who I want to do.
As you already know, that doesn’t happen in Argentina. Over there women don’t even give you the most minimum sign that they are interested in you, even if they are dying to kiss you. But here in the US, it works to perfection. I can walk to a bar all by myself, stand there and wait, eventually one will fall in the trap.

I have to clarify that I’m not a particularly good looking man, I’d say I have average looks, I keep myself in just decent shape and I happen to have an above average size penis. I used to do porn and even strip. Women among my social circle know this fact and the rumors of that kind run very fast.

Regardless, I still consider myself a proud beta male. Whenever I see macho alpha-males compulsively attacking girls like you describe in public places such as bars or clubs I feel sorry for them, they make me feel embarrassed for their ridiculous desperate behavior, I tend to think that they are desperately in denial of their gay side and try to fill that up with huge amounts of random quality-less pussy. I prefer to sit back, be cool, wait for them (all the ones who reject douchebags) to come to me and they always do. Your “game” doesn’t work for everybody."

I am interested to hear peoples thoughts on this.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

I think this guy is looking at it the wrong way. Maybe he is getting laid by standing around and doing nothing but think of how much more he would be getting laid if he expanded his game.

Also, after the woman approaches him he still needs some game to sleep with her.

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

My experience tells me that guys who get laid, don't hate. And this guy is hating hardcore.

I question the validity of most of his statements. He is either really good looking or doesn't get laid or runs game on girls who open him. I'm guessing he is just trolling.

That, or he's Neo.

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

I think bcg's response is spot on. The only thing I wonder about is Don Juan's self appraisal as a "proud beta male." I don't believe being an alpha necessarily equates to aggressive pursuit of women. In fact, I don't think the term alpha male should be correlated to any specific behaviors. Rather, I think of an alpha male as someone who has enough self confidence that he can play whatever game he wants with whatever rules he chooses.

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Not sure what value this guy provides.

So he's advocating "wait and pray" approach?

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Quote: (10-27-2009 04:31 PM)elguapo Wrote:  

Not sure what value this guy provides.

So he's advocating "wait and pray" approach?


Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

He is basically taking on the traditional passive role of the female in a society where women act more like guys.

Sounds kinda lame to me for the primary reason that you will only ended up with a small subset of the women who approach and women who approach generally are a small subset in themselves. So its a subset of a subset instead of growing balls, getting game and not limiting yourself.

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Where did you get this from, Gmanifesto?

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Quote: (10-27-2009 06:40 PM)UgSlayer Wrote:  

Where did you get this from, Gmanifesto?

It was a comment on: http://www.rooshv.com/18-reasons-why-you-dont-get-laid

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan


Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

I'm 100% sure the comment is fake and I have a feeling it is written by a woman. Giveaways:

"Most smart educated women I know could tell your so-called “game” right away and instantly will label you as a douchebag, hence non-touchable, no doubt." A man wouldn't write this.

"I get laid with two different women every week on average".. 104 women a year for a guy who NEVER approaches???????

"I keep myself in just decent shape and I happen to have an above average size penis. I used to do porn and even strip."

So fake

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Quote: (10-27-2009 09:05 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I'm 100% sure the comment is fake and I have a feeling it is written by a woman. Giveaways:

"Most smart educated women I know could tell your so-called “game” right away and instantly will label you as a douchebag, hence non-touchable, no doubt." A man wouldn't write this.

Good detective work Roosh.

Case closed.

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

**charmer** not even interested to comment on this.

useless thread by OP.

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Quote: (10-27-2009 11:41 PM)charmer Wrote:  

**charmer** not even interested to comment on this.

useless thread by OP.


Charmer, cut me some slack.

I knew something was fishy about it, but I couldn't put my finger on it (so to speak).

I am glad Roosh sherlock holmes'd it.

I think we all feel better now.

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Quote: (10-28-2009 01:16 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2009 11:41 PM)charmer Wrote:  

**charmer** not even interested to comment on this.

useless thread by OP.


Charmer, cut me some slack.

I knew something was fishy about it, but I couldn't put my finger on it (so to speak).

I am glad Roosh sherlock holmes'd it.

I think we all feel better now.

what i meant is that guy in the scenario has poor game where he just stand and wait.

i never saw a goat standing between a jungle waiting for lion to come and prey so that the goat fucked up..very odd to nature.

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Quote: (10-28-2009 01:27 AM)charmer Wrote:  

Quote: (10-28-2009 01:16 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2009 11:41 PM)charmer Wrote:  

**charmer** not even interested to comment on this.

useless thread by OP.


Charmer, cut me some slack.

I knew something was fishy about it, but I couldn't put my finger on it (so to speak).

I am glad Roosh sherlock holmes'd it.

I think we all feel better now.

what i meant is that guy in the scenario has poor game where he just stand and wait.

i never saw a goat standing between a jungle waiting for lion to come and prey so that the goat caressed up..very odd to nature.


I got you.

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

Agreed, it's fuckin' fake. This is what really did it for me, this is SUCH a typical thing for a chick to say:


"Most smart educated women I know could tell your so-called “game” right away and instantly will label you as a douchebag, hence non-touchable, no doubt." A man wouldn't write this.

Comment on Rooshv from Don Juan

a FAKE post but still an INTERESTING post.....would it be better to sit back and not approach? just look good and have great body language and position yourself well etc. .......sounds like a nice "change of pace" from the normal chatty routine!....of course the better looking you are the better this theory would work......but you still gotta be able to close when the girl opens you......in the end i think its a little "unnatural".....imagine a young lion who wants to be out hunting...just waiting in the bushes! doesn't seem right.....BUT.....sometimes it is fun to just sit back and play "mysterious" type....

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