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Which European city to choose?

Which European city to choose?

Hey guys, not posted here before but I'm a long-time lurker both on the forums and Roosh's blog. I went to South America last year after reading a lot of the posts and found a lot of the info about the girls etc to be spot-on.

Thing is, in a couple of weeks time I've got 9 days off work and I'm thinking of booking up a short break (about 5 days) in a European city (I live in the UK). I'm looking for advice from guys who have visited any of these places about the city itself, things to do, vibe, nightlife and of course the girls (quality, friendliness, easiness). Any recommendations are appreciated.

My shortlist is:
ITALY - Rome, Milan, Venice
SPAIN - Madrid, Barcelona
SCANDINAVIA - Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Reykjavic
GERMANY - Munich, Stuttgart, Cologne
EASTERN EUROPE - Kiev, Sofia, Zagreb

I know that's a lot of places but if there's just ONE you'd recommend, let me know where and why. Cheers!!

Which European city to choose?


Which European city to choose?

Berlin has a lot going on, and it's a party place, but it's supposed to be really cold right now.

I'm guessing if you want to spend a little under a week having fun, check out the weather reports and find the nice mediterranean beach spots that attract the most chicks. Mallorca? Mykonos? Mykonos is supposed to be well known as a hook up spot. I personally haven't traveled that far east while I was backpacking around Europe, but I met up with two other backpackers who said it was ridiculously easy to hook up over there. Also, I'm guessing it will be a nice change from UK... beaches, sand, hot bitches
[Image: mykonos_gays.jpg]

[Image: biggrin.gif]

Which European city to choose?



Been there, done that. I went back when I was a bit of a stoner (ok, maybe a major stoner) and didn't have the balls to talk to a girl I didnt know in a bar. Great place tho and it comes highly recommended. And just in case you're wondering, no I didn't bang any hookers (no seriously).


Berlin has a lot going on, and it's a party place, but it's supposed to be really cold right now.

I'm guessing if you want to spend a little under a week having fun, check out the weather reports and find the nice mediterranean beach spots that attract the most chicks. Mallorca? Mykonos? Mykonos is supposed to be well known as a hook up spot. I personally haven't traveled that far east while I was backpacking around Europe, but I met up with two other backpackers who said it was ridiculously easy to hook up over there. Also, I'm guessing it will be a nice change from UK... beaches, sand, hot bitches

Done Berlin too, great city and I'll prob go back at some point but want to try somewhere different.

Although the south of Europe's still decent weather just now, it's still autumn-going-on-winter so not beach weather. Probably looking at a city break. Where is Mykonos? Greece or Croatia or somewhere like that?

My shortlist is based on where I can get cheap-ass flights to with budget airlines and I think the list above pretty much exhausts the list of available places where I haven't been and won't break the bank. Cheers anyway tho.

Which European city to choose?

Then I would do Italy. Never been, but I mean it's Italy.

Which European city to choose?

If you go to Italy prepare to have a hard time with girls, if you speak italian it might be easier. Rome is an amazing city, as soon as you walk off the airport it looks like your in an open air museum. To be able to visit the coliseum is a one life time experience.
Been in Mykonos (greece) some time ago. It was great, although there was a strong gay scene. I don´t know if it´s right time to go there though, since it´s already October.
You will have surely a good time if you go to Spain. If you wanna feel real Spain go to Madrid. If you´re looking for more cosmopolitan city, then Barcelona. It´s hard to choose one, but fun is guarranteed in either one.
Lisbon is where I live, the weather and food are amazing. Portuguese girls, like all south europeans girls are not easy. A friend of mine, sometimes joking ,says that to bang an above average portuguese girl, you first have to bang her entire family, tennis teacher, girls friends, and then if you´re aproved you can bang her in one single position (there´s some truth in it). Average portuguese girl are not as good looking as spanish or italian, but there are definitely some hotties, normally in higher classes, meaning that they are as hot as they are stupid. If you decide for this destination, let me know.
Eastern Europe is my number one destination for easy, beautiful girls, but the weather will start dropping till negatives. There is a lot of information about these countries on the forum. The same goes for scandinavian countries. I was in Iceland in June, it was supposed to be the best time to go there, but it felt like a giant freezer. I can´t imagine going there now cause I think it will soon start being dark all day.
Been in Munich also some time ago, saw the best pair of tits in my life, a lot of hotties walking in streets. Zagreb was nice, also full of hotties, nicer than germans, but I don´t think the city as much to offer regarding sightseings.
To sum up in your case I would go to Spain, maybe Barcelona.

Which European city to choose?

If you are going the end of Oct, I personally would let weather let me decide.

Spain or Italy.

Or France.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Which European city to choose?

Quote: (10-04-2009 04:55 PM)Pepini Wrote:  

Eastern Europe is my number one destination for easy, beautiful girls, but the weather will start dropping till negatives.

Pepini, can you do a thread about your experiences in Eastern Europe? Where you had the most success with girls, where you had the most fun, language barriers, costs, nightlife, etc.

I am very interested in doing eastern europe, and hearing your first hand experiences would be great.

Which European city to choose?

Thanks for all the advice.

I've done some travel in central/eastern Europe, back when my game was average (now I'd say it's not great, but above average). I found Polish girls to be absolutely stunning, but also very difficult to pull. Czechs were the easiest, followed by Germans. Czech girls are also quite hot but not so much as the Poles, and Prague is so touristy it's fucking hard to even MEET one. They're also friendly and very sexually liberated. Hungarians are also very pretty - they have tanned skin and dark hair like Spanish chicks but a lot of them have blue eyes; really nice combo. Romania is a real mixed bag - in some parts of Bucharest you see loads of women who look like they'd just come from Cherynobyl or some Communist javelin-throwing team, but then some absolute stunner will walk by. In the university cities like Cluj-Napoca there's plenty of hot pussy and the nightlife is outstanding. I also went to Krakow, Poland in December where the temp got as low as -15C and the Polish girls looked really cute in their parkas and wooly hats, but as soon as they got into the clubs they were in miniskirts and boots [Image: banana.gif]

As well as trying to bang the locals I'm also interested in sightseeing and cultural stuff so I apprecaite the info. After your descriptions Pepini I think I might go for Madrid or Barcelona and if I ever visit Lisbon I may give you a shout! Maybe go for somewhere in Scandinavia in the summer when its a bit warmer/lighter.

Which European city to choose?

You´re welcome in Lisbon, just send me a PM.
About the thread, there´s a lot of info in the forum. The main rule is to avoid the capitals, because girls are fed up with foreigners, I mean you still get to have fun there, but not as much as in secundary cities. The downside is that there´s nothing much to do in secundary towns, besides meeting girls in the night. I would normally go to a mall with a friend and latter see football matches till night time.
I´ve only been in Czech Republic, Latvia and Slovakia. From those three, the best is Czech Republic, but I still need more countries to make a general idea (Poland, Hungary, etc.).
I can only say that if you go to Ostrava you will definitely have fun.

Which European city to choose?

i've been to Sofia several times ( i used to have a friend who was stationed there for work) and always enjoyed it alot. the girls arent easy if you are a tourist but if you spend some time there and invest some time in a few girls you can do very well. its also a pretty cheap place to visit.

Which European city to choose?

I'm headed to Sofia over winter break for 3 days. Maybe I'll do a write up of my experiences there when I'm done. I was going to head to the Black Sea coast this past summer but received a grant and ended up in the US Midwest instead.

Which European city to choose?

Quote: (10-09-2009 02:26 AM)Eric Wrote:  

I'm headed to Sofia over winter break for 3 days. Maybe I'll do a write up of my experiences there when I'm done. I was going to head to the Black Sea coast this past summer but received a grant and ended up in the US Midwest instead.

Yeah, I want to hear about Sofia.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Which European city to choose?

i've spent about 6 weeks in Sofia all total, I'll be happy to answer any and all questions you may have.

I also spent a few days at the Black Sea (Sunny Beach) this summer.

Which European city to choose?


Can you break down the place on a new thread?

Places to stay?

Times of year to go?




The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Which European city to choose?

Well, if you are planning to have a short vacation in Europe, the decision still depends on your choice. If you are after nightlife and things to do, try Italy. I am sure the romantic place will keep you occupied with lots of historic places to visit. Both the nightlife and day activities are full of interesting activities that will surely entertain you.

International Travel Insurance

Which European city to choose?

Brian, I'd like to read that info too.

Which European city to choose?

Just back from Madrid. Cool place (though I've heard Barcelona's better). Don't have time to write a detailed report just now, but in short I'd say I'd recommend it if you're travelling in Europe or for a couple of days away (if you live in Europe and can get cheap flights). More info to come.

P.S. Enjoyed the report on Sofia Brian. Might check it out if I get the chance.

Which European city to choose?

I've been to Madrid and Barcelona. I happen to like Madrid better -- to me it's the real Spain. I'd also suggest visiting Andalucia (Sevilla, etc). Much friendlier than either Madrid/Barcelona and hotter chicks.

Plus weather-wise that region is can't be beat this time of the year.

Which European city to choose?

El Guapo,

"I'd also suggest visiting Andalucia (Sevilla, etc). Much friendlier than either Madrid/Barcelona and hotter chicks."

Please expand on this.

Can you bust out a Sevilla report?

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Which European city to choose?

Quote: (10-18-2009 03:55 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Can you bust out a Sevilla report?

Yes, please do. Id like to read it too.

Which European city to choose?

Unfortunately I've been there a while back and only for a week or so, so I don't remember specifics.

I was really surprised but most people I met in Spain did not speak English (a pattern throughout southern Europe)
So brush up on that before hand.

I was in Sevilla, Cordoba and Granada. I remember having a great time in Sevilla though. Nice friendly, morena girls.

Which European city to choose?

"I was really surprised but most people I met in Spain did not speak English"

Agreed. It is paramount that you speak at least some Spanish in Spain.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Which European city to choose?

yeah I agree. I went to a bunch of different countries in Europe and Spain was by far the country were the fewest amount of locals spoke English.

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