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Quote: (03-08-2012 03:08 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2012 03:01 AM)dulst Wrote:  

Oh for fuck sake, they've made a poster of him comparing him to hitler and bin laden.


Don't quote me on this, but Kony's probably been responsible for more deaths than bin Laden if you exclude deaths associated with the U.S invasion of Afghanistan.

Perhaps, but Kony doesn't randomly attack other countries. (As far as I'm aware) he's a domestic warlord, not an international terrorist.

21 y/o brit.


People are fucking idiots. I agree with Athlone's pictures. Dumbasses won't help an old lady cross the road, but want to post this all over Facebook to make themselves feel better because they're "helping the cause". Give me a fucking break.


I like how both sides are brainwashing kids/young adults to do stuff for them.


Ooh, you know what would be an awesome movie? You get the main character as the self-important hipster filmmaker who's shooting footage of starving african child soldier rapists or whatever, but then in the plot of the movie it turns out that the nonprofit the guy's working for is actually starting the wars in africa to get charitable contributions, 90% of which go to pay off the people running the charity.


This shit is fucking ridiculous it is everywhere.

There have been charities for years trying to sort this out. Notice how people care a lot more when they get to post a video instead of actually give money or volunteer themselves.


Interesting article from the guys at vice here

That picture it the three guys holding the weapons is pretty eye opening, it is too big to embed but it's easy to find.


LOL @ Athlone's meme's I've gotta share one of those on fb.


This campaign is a complete joke. It shows how fucked my generation has become that a shiny video with A LOT of holes in it rises masses up to senseless proportions.

The big elephant in the room is the natural resources and Ugandas dictator whom has been in power since the 80's. People may be to young or they forget that USA TROOPS in Africa is a touchy subject. The last time American boots were (openly) on African soil they were killed and dragged through the streets. This has a devastating effect on the American people at that time and since then America has largely left Africa alone only using air or drone attacks to carry out is business.

Since Obama has come on the scene he has made Africa part of broad USA strategy/policy. The first action he took as president was to sign a executive order to carry out a bombing campaign in the DRC (google it), to the partition of Sudan, the chaos in Somilia with Shabab, Libya and Nato, Egypt, all of these actions for the most part have fit into the direction of USA policy to hold a strong foot on the nile basin and contain China. Uganda and South Sudan have by some estimates as much oil as Suadi Arabia. The DRC holds easily the largest uptapped bounty of resources with estimates putting the value at 40-60TRILLION!!!!! (Equal to the total GDP output of the globe) This is the reason non-stop conflict has gone on in the DRC for 3 decades, but back to Uganada and Kony.

This goal of this campaign is military action. As I stated above you need a good PR campaign to soften Americans to the idea of American troops on the ground in Africa. As a African it puts chills down my spine to think of this, IC campaign falls lock step in line with broad USA AFRICOM policies. IC does not even mention UGs dictator or the fact that the USA can't legally detain Kony anyways (USA is not part of ICC, Uganda is though). This campaign is so off the charts because it lines the pockets of IC, promotes more war and bloodshed, ignores core issues present in Uganada TODAY, and will lead to further to destabilize the region. Its a complete mess.

I just wish people would just take a step back and look at both sides. This goes for anything not just KONY2012. Its funny how mostly Women are on this shit hard. The emotional aspect of the film was pretty much porn for women. I am putting energy into exposing this campaign and educating people on the real facts of Uganda, Kony and USA policy.

@Pdog Bin Laden was only formally charged with the USA Embassy bombings. The tally from Kony goes towards a asymmetrical war that spanned 30 years. NATO killed 150K Libayns in a few months.


Some girl wrote this on another forum..made me laugh. I don't know how to respond to it.

[quote pid='341827' dateline='1331236282']
some people are just plain ridiculous.... people are treating this like its bad that there are people that care about what this man is doing... its not bad and they (the man that made the video asking for support) are not saying they dont care about any other problems out there ... and they certainly are not pretending this is only tragety happening in the world.... this particular man that made the video is just doing what he can for this particular tragedy.... so shutup about how the US should not do anything .... there have already been US troops over there helping to capture this horrible piece of shit man... this isnt a small issue, this is a man that has power over an entire country and is using it for the worst... so WHY NOT STEP IN AND TRY TO CAPTURE HIM?! someone has to help these people because they cannot do it by themselves.... we cannot just ignore it because it is not our country

someone from our country has the voice to ask for help from his own country... and it is working .. and i hope they capture him and free those children


Good post Kosko, I'm curious about how you say that this is part of the USA's broader strategy to soften the American public's view of troops on the ground in Africa, do you have any specific links?

I actually posted on my facebook status that the campaign is bullshit and will result in many unintended consequences by giving more military aid to Musevini, his government has already caused quite a bit of trouble in that part of the world.

I also posted this link: http://www.worldvision.ca/ContentArchive...flict.aspx

I wonder how many Kony2012 supporters would be willing to give up their cellphones and laptops to save the thousands of people who die in conflict each year in the eastern DRC? Uganda has been involved in this as well and this campaign basically legitimizes Musevini's government and advocates giving them MORE arms, surely theres a better solution.


@scotian I am on my phone but I can do a link dump when I get on a PC. The main USA engagement I was referring to happened back in 1993. The Battle for Mogadishu in Somalia. This was a big blow to the USA military at the time because they sent in top-tier special-ops and Navy Seals into this conflict and we're brutalized. The famous movie 'Blackhawk Down' was based of this but many Americans whom are old enough to remember this remember the images of American soilders being dragged through the streets of Somalia. America backed off from Africa after this, I personally feel that the situation in Africa was to diverse and complex for them to contain. Clinton still persued the Africa agenda on a smaller scale and eventually the horn of the continent was somewhat solidified. America understands it has been late to Africa, China and India have been there since the 60's and offer less destructive means of partnership. You see now the USA focusing on arguably the most dysfunctional region of Africa to attempt to try and secure a type of soft border between Chinese interests and their own.

Its always been said the future is in Africa. The continent has enough resources to keep western style growth going for a long time. It is the only frontier on the globe without a USA military presence, aside from a small operations base in Dijobuti. It has been looking a post to set up a full-scale base and surprise surprise Uganada has been looked at as an ideal strategic spot. All a coincidence? I have not found any links yet to Invisible Children and any Govt funding groups like 'Freedom House', or 'National Endowment for Democracy' which were created by Regan to funnel cash to interests groups and militia after Iran-contra blew up in his face. If there are ties between IC and any USA quasi NGO then you know what is up. I can't confirm that though that IC is receiving funding/grants from them so its just speculation on my part.

I will post up links tho, yea I am getting heat on FB also for my views and getting similar responses "So what... What about the CHILDREN" ... A full blown military-op would kill more kids. And if Kony is such a big time threat seek-out and freeze his assets. Is the man walking around with bags of cash? NO. Either he is so weakened he literally is living off the bush or there is more we don't know. Any legitmate warlord as some type of money stream either it be via arms, drugs.. Whatever. running an Army takes cash, eventualy brainwashed kid soilders grow up and what to get paid lol.

Warlords in Afghanistan are raking in mad cash via drug sales. So.. Where is Kony's money if he is such a large present threat?


Kosko - you can reply to that quote I put up if you want. I'm sure you'll have that girl's head spinning in circles haha.


[Image: kony-meme-putting-the-infant-back-in-infantry.jpg]


The warlord meme is my new favorite meme, cant stop lolling

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men


Wow. Will Americans be so stupid as to fall for this disinfo campaign ?? Let me guess how its going to go ?
- KONY is the new threat (weird name(check), non white(check), from "uncivilized" area (check), that area also has oil (check)
- KONY is a terrorist, child killer, rapist, criminal, ...who is working for Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah
- we must invade Uganda in order to stop Kony from securing weapons of mast destruction ....and to help "the children"
- there will be "kinetic action", Nato incursion, UN "peace keeping"...i.e. invasion
-military industrial complex makes more billions, domestic police sate increases, - thinns continue as the new normal.

Will we fall for it again ....... probably


The cruelest part of the joke is that the system needed a black man - Obama - to do what no white president would dare : re colonize Africa:

Libya, Somalia, Egypt, coming soon - Uganda, Ivory Coast, Nigeria.

the people who devise this stuff are good.


[Image: 42b.jpg]
[Image: ca0.jpg]
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[Image: c0a.png]
[Image: eff.jpg]
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Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.


[Image: 162Be.png]


I'm straight cracking up at Athlone's memes. So hilarious!


And they just keep coming. Thank you, internet:

[Image: tumblr_m0lw2q8zS51qbi87bo7_r1_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_m0lw2q8zS51qbi87bo1_400.jpg]
[Image: 76a.jpg]

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.


[Image: woke-up-this-morning-kony.jpg]


When I saw the Kony video I emailed it to two of my cousins for their thoughts. They both had the exact same response


He REALLY does look like my uncle. It made watching the video interesting, to say the least.



"Control of your words and emotions is the greatest predictor of success." - MaleDefined


Ahhh...I guess he is the new "enemy of the week".

Whoop dee doo.


Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

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