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France presidential elections

France presidential elections

Anyone here has been following the French presidential run? I know we have some French cats here too.

How it will be the impact of a Sarkozy's defeat ? What will change with this Hollande guy ? How it could affected Europe as a whole ?

I'm very interested in international politics , just wanted to get the ball rolling on this issue.

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

France presidential elections

Quote: (03-06-2012 03:52 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

Anyone here has been following the French presidential run? I know we have some French cats here too.

How it will be the impact of a Sarkozy's defeat ? What will change with this Hollande guy ? How it could affected Europe as a whole ?

I'm very interested in international politics , just wanted to get the ball rolling on this issue.

Tw-errrrr, maybe three words: Marie Le Pen

France presidential elections

As a Frenchman, Im following it with interest, mind you not as much interest as before but still it will be interesting to watch. Sarkozy has done way more harm than good and his time has come to step down. François Holland, I'm not sure what to think of him, will have to wait to hear his speeches or see what he has in store. Not sure I will bother voting tough...

France presidential elections

Sarkozy's time is up. He's lagging behind Hollande in the polls, but he's been narrowing the gap somewhat in recent weeks. I'm not sure if he'll be able to maintain a close race until April. I would be on Hollande, though an upset is possible

Many French people deride Sarkozy as a wannabe American. I think the impact of a Hollande presidency is a directional shift to emphasize domestic concerns and an directional shift towards socialism.

France presidential elections

If Hollande really wins what it will be interesting is that France would go to an opposite direction than the rest of Europe , who has been more inclined to parties on the right side of the spectrum (and far-right in some cases). I wonder if this will play a role in the big picture in Europe or if it will only influence locally.

Does Le Pen have a shot?

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

France presidential elections

If DSK hadn't committed that professional suicide in NYC last summer, he would have been the perfect candidate and the red hot favorite to win it.

France presidential elections

Good article about this election and the French presence in the UK. London is now the sixth largest French city. Over 300,000 French people live there.

France presidential elections

Considering how DSK was taken out, don't rule out any dirty tricks by Sarkozy to hang on. I like the runoff sysytem they use in France. Makes things more interesting

I have a seperate question, especially for the French forum members. If you think it's thread hijaking just ignore. Question is:

Why do you think that the French, and may other counties, have such a different attitude to sexuall morality in their leaders/polititians. Well, different compared to the US and UK anyway. I've heard the Northern Europe vs Southern Europe/Med arguments but don't really buy them. The Netherlands, Germany etc. etc. are not anywhere near as stuck up as US/UK.

France presidential elections

In the ''Marianne'' of this week they are really on the case of Sarkozy, good read . I think Sarkozy if He loose it will be more it's fault than Hollande Have win . I mean If I understand well, He want to tax more the lower and middle class with his ''plan de rigueur '' to retake the AAA cote ?

France presidential elections

Hollande said he wants a 75% income tax on top earners a few days ago.


Many French people deride Sarkozy as a wannabe American. I think the impact of a Hollande presidency is a directional shift to emphasize domestic concerns and an directional shift towards socialism.

I think he's much more popular than Sarkozy in small towns. I even know a few people who voted Sarkozy back in 2007 and now say they want Hollande to come to the throne.

Sarkozy is seen as an oligarch who isn't interested in people's everyday concerns. Nationalists also hate him for having kissed Gaddafi's feet in 2007.

He still has a chance to be reelected though.


How it will be the impact of a Sarkozy's defeat ? What will change with this Hollande guy ? How it could affected Europe as a whole ?

As far as Europe is concerned Hollande's plan is to revivify the Franco-German relationship with a new bilateral treaty.

His positions on other international issues are basically the following:
-> create a new partnership with north african countries
-> support the recognition of a Palestinian state
-> immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan
-> stop intervening in Africa

No one really care about international affairs in France so I doubt this will help him get elected.

France presidential elections

Quote: (03-08-2012 10:17 AM)Tresor Wrote:  

Hollande said he wants a 75% income tax on top earners a few days ago.

Can you spell C-A-P-I-T-A-L F-L-I-G-H-T.

Why would you stay in France if you were a top earner? I wouldn't. I would take my capital and leave to some place that wouldn't steal from me at such an outrageous rate. It sounds like the only economics Hollande understands comes from Marx. Unfortunate.

France presidential elections

If Hollande is elected I leave France!!!
Oh wait... I already did that [Image: smile.gif]

France presidential elections

I don't know about Sarkozy,but France's first Lady is turning into the Bride of Wildenstein![Image: confused.gif]:

[Image: attachment.jpg5237]   

[Image: attachment.jpg5238]   

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