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Dating in Ukraine

Dating in Ukraine

I'm getting ready for a trip and was starting to prepare, online pipelining, packing stuff, etc.

I was also trying to prepare mentally for my FSU trip.
What am I supposed to do on a date?
I had 3 dates last time I went and I talked a lot and practiced my Russian, but not much else.

Its just such a new situation for me. I'm in a city I know nothing about.
Back home, I had several options: invite a girl back to my frat for a drink in my room, make brownies together, or take her to a trendy bar for drinks. I could close with a candlelit dinner on the roof of my frat, then sex. Nothing fancy, but I had a routine developed, social proof, and a nice residence.

Here in the FSU...I don't know.

(msg on online dating ->phone number and give her a call)
1. Grab tea at a cafe
2. talk...
3. go for a walk in the park
4. hold her hand
5. kiss

What do you guys do during your dates in Ukraine, Russia, etc.?

Dating in Ukraine

What city are you going to?

Dating in Ukraine

It very much depends on who you are and what your level is.

What you mentioned sounds good, girls in my area at least are very traditional, and they like the flowers, dinners etc. She will be very impressed that you can cook, Ukrainian men don't cook.

Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 04:08 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

It very much depends on who you are and what your level is.

What you mentioned sounds good, girls in my area at least are very traditional, and they like the flowers, dinners etc. She will be very impressed that you can cook, Ukrainian men don't cook.

While I agree that Ukrainian men lack many things, having lived with a Ukrainian family for 6 months I can say that its exaggerated.

For example the 16 year old kid I was living with had a six pack. Many Ukranian men are slim and dress well. Lets ignore the fat slob alcoholics...they're not our competition.

Another guy I met was a cook at a restaurant... he was poor but had a decent girlfriend. He was talkative, could tell a few jokes, and well groomed.

Yes, they were pretty dim. For example, the 16 yo could barely read in his native language and the cook used to attend a technical college buy was kicked out.

Lets be honest, the main reason these girls want to be with us foreigners is because we have money. A lot of the local guys are better looking, can be talkative/funny in her language(native language is always the most important), but they're too poor because many are too lazy to get educated or find a real job.

When presenting myself to FSU women, I always emphasize my education/career/economic prospects and my knowledge of her culture (speaking Russian, raised by Slavic parents, etc.)

Here are some typical competition (no homo):

[Image: best-ukraine-boys.jpg]

[Image: 303090_10150301062182286_517477285_80811...2050_n.jpg]

[Image: High_School_Graduation_Ternopil_Ukraine_..._Shirt.jpg]

Notice that they don't smile too much. Also, the guy on the bottom is ideally dressed for Ukrainian society: Dress pants, and dress shirt, pointed toe dress shoes.

Dating in Ukraine

Ukrainian men are slim because they are malnourished, heavy smokers and drinkers.

This article explains things rather well:


Ukrainian men generally do not dress well, they dress "smart", but wear hideous sweaters, shirts, shoes etc. Not saying it's their fault, they can't afford designer labels and can only buy Ukrainian clothes.

It's a huge misconception that women here are only interested in foreign men for their money.

Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 05:52 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Ukrainian men are slim because they are malnourished, heavy smokers and drinkers.

This article explains things rather well:


Ukrainian men generally do not dress well, they dress "smart", but wear hideous sweaters, shirts, shoes etc. Not saying it's their fault, they can't afford designer labels and can only buy Ukrainian clothes.

It's a huge misconception that women here are only interested in foreign men for their money.

What you consider hideous is well dressed in their culture. For example, wearing gold chains is considered gauche in the West..but a sign of class in Ukraine.

Regarding the article, most of my competition is 25 or under at which age they are still fit.

Perhaps your'e right, they have other reasons to date foreigners.
I'm just looking at what I have to offer that is better than the Ukrainian guy and what I came up with.

Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 06:00 AM)DrainTree Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2012 05:52 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Ukrainian men are slim because they are malnourished, heavy smokers and drinkers.

This article explains things rather well:


Ukrainian men generally do not dress well, they dress "smart", but wear hideous sweaters, shirts, shoes etc. Not saying it's their fault, they can't afford designer labels and can only buy Ukrainian clothes.

It's a huge misconception that women here are only interested in foreign men for their money.

What you consider hideous is well dressed in their culture. For example, wearing gold chains is considered gauche in the West..but a sign of class in Ukraine.

Regarding the article, most of my competition is 25 or under at which age they are still fit.

Perhaps your'e right, they have other reasons to date foreigners.
I'm just looking at what I have to offer that is better than the Ukrainian guy and what I came up with.

No guys wear gold chains here, they can't afford it.

Fit and skinny are too different things, guys under 25 are getting competition from guys in their thirties and forties, even fifties. It's the money.

I have spoken to a lot of younger girls i've been with and asked them why they prefer much older men(like me) they tell me it's because they are more interesting. They tell me they can't talk to guys their own age about anything interesting art, music, politics etc.

Women are generally much better educated than the men here.

As a foreign guy you will be automatically exotic and interesting.

They also like foreign guys because they are charming, don't drink like Ukrainians, dress well, manners etc.

Dating in Ukraine

Ukrainian women view ukrainian men as useless.One of them told me in the summer in a holiday resort that Ukrainian men do not have money,do not want to work and do not have craft abilities with hands so Ukrainian women do not want them.Another had told me in the past that Ukrainian men are spoiled because Ukrainian women are for granted like the sun always beautiful,charming etc while they can be as they want.

In general Ukrainian guys like to dress well and if they have money they spend it on grooming up(unlike Poles who prefer to save it or spend on drinking) however most Ukrainian men simply do not have money.That is the reason you do not see so many men in discos in Ukraine(which are full of women) the main reason being that men cannot afford the entrance fee and prefer to spend money on places they can get cheaper drinks.

Appearance of Ukrainian men is typically slavic and they are the worst looking men among Slavs(even worse than polish men who look ugly on average).Russian and Belarussian men look a lot better than Ukrainian men the problem of many Russian men being rampant alcoholism giving them the characteristic red cheeks combined with bullyism and passivity.(generally Slavs have a kind of passivity not bad in my opinion they are just not as energetic and hektisch as Germanics).

Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 05:35 AM)DrainTree Wrote:  

[Image: High_School_Graduation_Ternopil_Ukraine_..._Shirt.jpg]

Also, the guy on the bottom is ideally dressed for Ukrainian society: Dress pants, and dress shirt, pointed toe dress shoes.

Dang yo! That outfit is tight!!! Needs to be posted on my style thread!

[Image: dodgy.gif]


Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 06:26 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

In general Ukrainian guys like to dress well and if they have money they spend it on grooming up(unlike Poles who prefer to save it or spend on drinking)

Can you post some pictures of Polish men dress style as they go out to dance, or walk the streets?

I need to know my competition very well before I arrive in Poland in May.


Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 10:23 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

[quote='Greek kamaki' pid='164479' dateline='1329823605']

In general Ukrainian guys like to dress well and if they have money they spend it on grooming up(unlike Poles who prefer to save it or spend on drinking)

Can you post some pictures of Polish men dress style as they go out to dance, or walk the streets?

I need to know my competition very well before I arrive in Poland in May.



When Ukrainian guys get money, they buy a 4x4 with tinted Windows, a new mobile phone and a black bomber jacket. that's the Ukrainian idea of a "rich" guy. Even when a lot of guys get money here they still dress bad, because many are phillistine peasents

Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 11:23 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

When Ukrainian guys get money, they buy a 4x4 with tinted Windows, a new mobile phone and a black bomber jacket. that's the Ukrainian idea of a "rich" guy. Even when a lot of guys get money here they still dress bad, because many are phillistine peasents

[Image: High_School_Graduation_Ternopil_Ukraine_..._Shirt.jpg]

You know, it should be illegal for Poland to allow me entry, it sounds like it would be a slaughter for the local guys to stand next to me.

BY The way, It's not that they dress bad (well they do), but they don't know. You can take those same hideous clothes and NOT fuck them up anymore than they are by being everywhere like that guy is.

That guy above, is wearing a brown belt/gold buckle with black shoes. When he should just thrown on a black classic belt for the same price with those shoes.

Instead of that hideous shirt, a regular white shirt, sleeves rolled up showing a cool bracelet and watch, and VOILA!! Nothing Fancy, but 2 points higher than what he has on, with the same amount of money spent.

he should do something about his Sunday School haircut, and I bet you the same guy now gets 5x more positive attention from females.


Dating in Ukraine

there's a legit biz opp right there waiting for you, that of fashion/style consultant in the Ukraine. I'm sure it'd be a hit specially with the moneyed guys.

Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 12:11 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2012 11:23 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

When Ukrainian guys get money, they buy a 4x4 with tinted Windows, a new mobile phone and a black bomber jacket. that's the Ukrainian idea of a "rich" guy. Even when a lot of guys get money here they still dress bad, because many are phillistine peasents

[Image: High_School_Graduation_Ternopil_Ukraine_..._Shirt.jpg]

You know, it should be illegal for Poland to allow me entry, it sounds like it would be a slaughter for the local guys to stand next to me.

BY The way, It's not that they dress bad (well they do), but they don't know. You can take those same hideous clothes and NOT fuck them up anymore than they are by being everywhere like that guy is.

That guy above, is wearing a brown belt/gold buckle with black shoes. When he should just thrown on a black classic belt for the same price with those shoes.

Instead of that hideous shirt, a regular white shirt, sleeves rolled up showing a cool bracelet and watch, and VOILA!! Nothing Fancy, but 2 points higher than what he has on, with the same amount of money spent.

he should do something about his Sunday School haircut, and I bet you the same guy now gets 5x more positive attention from females.


I would agree Mixx, by our western standards. I bet you are going to see a lot of weird cultural shit there that makes you go WTF? Take the floral shirt for example - who knows maybe that's normal there. And the haircut could symbolize that he has a decent job instead of the thug shaved head. I remember being shocked when I saw pics of all the hybrid mullets in Buenos Aires, but I guess that's what they are into. Just think of Colombia and their obsession for labels. I bet it would surprise us what does not raise a red flag for these chicks by our western standards. Hell, they probably like a lot of it.

I definitely agree on the belt and shoes though.

From everything I have seen Ukraine, Russia, and most of E.E. has extremely tacky fashion tastes, especially the women. I see a lot of pics of leopard print, horrid plastic looking fabric, and garish nails (haven't they heard of a French manicure???), and generally trashy looking outfits on incredibly dope bodies. I think it's what they like.

Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 12:26 PM)durangotang Wrote:  

From everything I have seen Ukraine, Russia, and most of E.E. has extremely tacky fashion tastes, especially the women. I see a lot of pics of leopard print, horrid plastic looking fabric, and garish nails (haven't they heard of a French manicure???), and generally trashy looking outfits on incredibly dope bodies. I think it's what they like.

It seems to me, based on what I am reading on this thread, that FSU countries are still in the early 80's when in comes to fashion. I mean Leopard print? I remember seeing Madonna wearing that in mid 80's, and it was cool, and movies with Anthony Michael Hall or Molly Ringwald. Guys with flowers on their shirts? That sounds like 1980-1984 to me during the breakdancing era electric boogaloo.

Regardless, all of this works in my favor.


Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 01:08 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2012 12:26 PM)durangotang Wrote:  

From everything I have seen Ukraine, Russia, and most of E.E. has extremely tacky fashion tastes, especially the women. I see a lot of pics of leopard print, horrid plastic looking fabric, and garish nails (haven't they heard of a French manicure???), and generally trashy looking outfits on incredibly dope bodies. I think it's what they like.

It seems to me, based on what I am reading on this thread, that FSU countries are still in the early 80's when in comes to fashion. I mean Leopard print? I remember seeing Madonna wearing that in mid 80's, and it was cool, and movies with Anthony Michael Hall or Molly Ringwald. Guys with flowers on their shirts? That sounds like 1980-1984 to me during the breakdancing era electric boogaloo.

Regardless, all of this works in my favor.

I dating a Ukrainian girl right now. Her clothes? Whoa! Her ass? Hells yea!

Mixx you can breakdance?

Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 01:18 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Mixx you can breakdance?

when I was 11, hell yeah! I focus on sexual dancing now, even was one HELL of a lambada dancer in 1988-1990.


Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 11:23 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

When Ukrainian guys get money, they buy a black bomber jacket.

If the black bomber jacket is sported like this, I'm in for stiff competition!

Better go get my black bomber jacket to be able to compete.


Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 01:21 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2012 01:18 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Mixx you can breakdance?

when I was 11, hell yeah! I focus on sexual dancing now, even was one HELL of a lambada dancer in 1988-1990.

Can you windmill? This is one of my club moves. Instant domination of the dancefloor. Ask Lothario about my one man Thriller flash mob move on the empty dancefloor. Sorry for the derail

Dating in Ukraine

Quote: (02-21-2012 01:28 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2012 01:21 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2012 01:18 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Mixx you can breakdance?

when I was 11, hell yeah! I focus on sexual dancing now, even was one HELL of a lambada dancer in 1988-1990.

Can you windmill? This is one of my club moves. Instant domination of the dancefloor. Ask Lothario about my one man Thriller flash mob move on the empty dancefloor. Sorry for the derail

Dude. let's stop hijacking this thread...[Image: lol.gif] You and I always end up doing that shit unintentionally! Take this topic to the forum Lounge.


Dating in Ukraine

This is fucking awesome!!

Dating in Ukraine

Yeah, you see those guys in the capital. They're pretty good.
In Poland you see fire dancers:

and another:

Dating in Ukraine

Polish guy style is what American guys were wearing in 2000. Lots of striped shirts untucked with floppy collars.

Dating in Ukraine

I'm pretty sure the second picture with the guys is from Toronto. The beer they have is steamwhistle, a local brewery, and I doubt it has made its way to the Ukraine

Dating in Ukraine

Guys like Armani,Versace would commit suicide in Poland

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