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My one year plan revealed (OR new year's resolution two months late)

My one year plan revealed (OR new year's resolution two months late)

Okay, so, my big 2011 milestone was becoming financially independent entirely on the basis of online income. I have been paying my bills from money earned online since about January of 2011, so I consider this a pretty significant breakthrough.

However, I still earn 100% of my money from freelancing, which means that my current online income streams are not recursive or passive.

Since my long term goal is to live primarily off of passive income streams, I have decided to work on an e-book product and sell it online. I think it will take about 8 months to finish writing the book (my main job involves writing so I can only spend so much time every day at it). After that, the rest of the plan will take 2-4 months to execute. Here it is:

1. Get an Aweber (autoresponder) account.

2. Write a short, free report; give this away on another forum I post on where you're allowed to build mailing lists (not going to say the name here but if you're familiar with internet marketing you know what I'm talking about).

3. Finish writing the book (7-8 month).

4. Get a Google ad words account, get more list subscribers with PPC ads

5. Promote the book to the list.

Okay so that's pretty simple, but anyway, it's how I plan to get started with internet marketing for book sales. Ask me any questions if you want to.

My one year plan revealed (OR new year's resolution two months late)

Are you gonna do any split testing or a/b testing for your book?
And why 7-8 months? How long is this book gonna be?
Can you outsource any of it, to make it faster?

My one year plan revealed (OR new year's resolution two months late)

Quote: (02-19-2012 09:40 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Are you gonna do any split testing or a/b testing for your book?
And why 7-8 months? How long is this book gonna be?
Can you outsource any of it, to make it faster?

All design tasks will be fully outsourced. The reason it's going to take 8 months is because it's going to be like 150+ pages. I'm not charging money for some little report. The free report will be released in a couple months from now.

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