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new to pua.

new to pua.

here is the conversation i had with a chick and please tell me if its correct.

Me:Hey,you are from this city right?

Her: Yeah you are rite.

Me:cool,can you give me your number i will call you sumtime.

Her:why dont you give me yours i will send you text from my number.

then i gave her my number and she sent me text and i asked in text what is the good time to call her in the evening.

she replied that she is not sure but she will let me know.

i said ok lets see.

new to pua.

What do you want to know? It seems fine. I do want to take a big red pen to your atrocious grammar and spelling however.

new to pua.

You're trying to jump from meeting her to getting in her pants right after you ask for her number without any sort of flirtation or escalation? You're not dealing with a robot here. If your want that sort of contact you should get a real doll or a hooker.

new to pua.

next time when you talk to her your next line would/should be "great,so what is the good time have sex?''

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