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Online Gaming

Online Gaming

So a lot of people I know have been going online to find some girls to date. The online world of dating has it's good qualities and bad qualities, and I will give you some reasons why:

First with the Good:
  • Easy way to communicate with a lot of girls
  • You can send out a hundred messages in an hour and if done well, can get some leads
  • When you're on a dry-spell, it's a decent way to keep flirting and get back in the game
Now the Bad:
  • The quality of girls online is average, and above-average at best. Girls who come online are either pretty ugly and can't find dates in real life (60%), are decent looking girls with ex-boyfriend issues (or some other issues)(35%), the occasional girl who's new in town looking for a way to find some people to hang out with(4%), or a girl looking to just get laid(1%).
  • Girls get bombarded with messages from tons of desperate guys because of the relative downside for the nerdy desperate guys to approach online, so the girl plays the role of the picky chooser online. Kind of like a bad weekend night times 1000. Not strategically good from a male standpoint.
  • 90% of regular flirtation (body language, tone, facial gestures) is lost, so it all has to do with being able to communicate yourself in a way that catches her attention.
For most guys doing pickup, the Bad definitely outweighs the Good, so unless you're in a pickle (like I am right now, based on where I live) it's really not worth spending lots of time figuring it out. Also, a lot of girls who go online who may not get hit on a lot IRL or who have been rejected a lot get a sort of revenge complex when they go online, so they might want to take it out on you (though I haven't experienced this very much, I have a couple of times). In general, if you think about it, girls who go online to go to a personals site have something not "normal" about them 95% of the time.

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
If you have gotten this far, and you still want to give it a try, luckily, there are the few girls online who are relatively normal and worth dating. They are truly only 5% (max) of the girls on these sites, but if you're like me and you're in a weird situation, it's worth checking out. A lot of the girls I have met were going through ex-boyfriend issues, but there were a few that I really enjoyed hanging out with (and hooking up with), and still somewhat continue to talk to.

The sites I've tried:
Okcupid & Pof.com

Okcupid is where all the nerdy girls go to find their nerdy boyfriends. Basically filled with the characters from Freaks and Geeks. Not bad, but there is a vibe of supposed intellectual-elitism I don't like about the girls who tend to go on the site.

Pof is the less educated free personals site. Most of the girls here don't go or haven't gone to college. A lot of them are basically working (not hooker-working) girls who are basically alright. The girls on here are a bit more attractive (on average, though you will find some more "trashy" chicks on here as well). I'm just starting out on this one, but so far I like the looks of the girls on this site better. The site itself is shit. The design is shit, and the way they handle the pics makes everyone look like shit. It is free, though.

1) Pictures are the most important part of the profile. You are basically advertising yourself in 5 seconds. Find pictures of you that girls you know find attractive. Also, try to have pictures of you in social settings. First thing you're doing online is making sure she knows you're normal.
2) What girls are basically looking for is to make sure you are normal. What this means is watch out for warning sign keywords. lolcatz and internet humor for the most part do not work or translate well. It's hard to show sarcasm through text, so be vague and don't start rambling about your life. Most important step here is to show that you have a sense of humor. Also, don't do the whole list thing. Almost nobody bothers to read through it.
3) The first message is very important. You should scan her profile for something you can write to her about, and send her a short quick message. (also, OKcupid has an IM feature which is what I find to be the most successful tool for communication)
4) Exchange #s and set up a meeting. I usually choose a big bar and we have a couple of drinks and from there it's easy as cake.

Prepare yourself for a lot of flakes, and a lot of unanswered messages. Online game is really a test of determination, but if you've got the time and the need, your results will come. I, personally, would consider hooking up with 1/20 of the girls you exchange messages with online a relative success for online gaming.

At this point I haven't tried match.com or the other sites, and I don't think I will, because I'm at the point where I'm basically over online "dating". I'm going to focus on finding a good wingman and getting my real game back on track.

Online Gaming

Bored, been a vampire lately with a screwy time schedule thanks to some lengthy poker sessions. I really need to quit playing that shit online, and swap to strictly live play. I digress though, at this hour there's really not a lot of gaming you can practice. So, I'll give your little sites a whirl. What damage can it do.

Online Gaming

"90% of regular flirtation (body language, tone, facial gestures) is lost"

You're right there with all this computers and girls bullshit.

For me personally, there are just too many ways i see internet dating leading to trouble. I have a good friend who's a bartender that swoops girls like crazy that he finds on craigslist. He refuses face pictures of himself. He just tells them to meet him at the bar. He meets them close to his quitting time and then prescreens them. He claims to have had 4 there at once. He had 1 there tonight and she was maybe an 8. It's gone awkward with this guy and a few of these girls too though.

There's also those guys in prison that get women to marry them over the internet. How do they do that?


Online Gaming

I fooled around with OKcupid at the behest of a friend, briefly:

The girls are ugly. They're pseudo-intelligent, which is much worse than being average, because you have to put up with them talking out of their ass, putting on airs when they don't know shit. And they want to be rewarded for knowing trivia. And they don't really want to meet up, they just want to dick around. And they're so nerdy they probably won't pick up on your flirtatious banter. If you ever neg a nerdy girl and get a poor response, you know what I'm talking about. And I f***in hate people who use internet lingo/humor, like "fail" "lawl" etc.

I'm skeptical of online dating 'til I meet someone who actually gets laid from it.

Online Gaming

Quote: (09-09-2009 05:09 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

I fooled around with OKcupid at the behest of a friend, briefly:

The girls are ugly. They're pseudo-intelligent, which is much worse than being average, because you have to put up with them talking out of their ass, putting on airs when they don't know shit. And they want to be rewarded for knowing trivia. And they don't really want to meet up, they just want to dick around. And they're so nerdy they probably won't pick up on your flirtatious banter. If you ever neg a nerdy girl and get a poor response, you know what I'm talking about. And I f***in hate people who use internet lingo/humor, like "fail" "lawl" etc.

I'm skeptical of online dating 'til I meet someone who actually gets laid from it.

I've gotten laid from it, but I definitely know what you're talking about. OKCupid chicks are really terrible 95% of the time.

Online Gaming

I don't mind intellectual sort a nerdy girls. Maybe because I'm an intellectual sorta nerdy guy. I just wonder why is it that okcupid would attract those type of women.

Plenty of fish, don't even bother, it should be called plentyofwhales.com. Very little quality to be found on there.

I think looking for chics online is cool. One of my best friends met his wife on there about 5 years ago. They are now happily married with a 2 year old girl. She was a quality woman too. It's hard to generalize about the outcome of using them. I've used them in the past and had very little luck. I've met guys that get laid all the time from dating sites. Then I know people who got married from them. You just have to try and find out. I think the one thing that matters most of all is having a good picture, above all and having "good stats", like being tall, good income, that kind of stuff. I've come to the conclusion that what you actually say on your profile isn't all that important, so long as you don't come off creepy. Girls are looking for good looks + good stats. A well written bio is secondary.

Online Gaming

The thing about OKCupid is that it was started by the guys who developed SparkNotes, so a lot of people who would go on TheSpark to take the online tests ended up finding OKCupid. The tests are good time wasters, but somehow this has attracted a lot of socially-deficient subhuman girl-nerds who think they are really smart. On the other hand, it has also attracted a few really normal girls who I've met and had really good times with.

One of the connecting points is actually that. You find the few normal girls and you end up connecting because you talk about all of the bad experiences you've had with all of the weirdos. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Online Gaming

What I find really interesting is that some people sell "online dating kits". I saw this one advert video and the whole technique it was presenting kinda blew me off. I had never though it like that... The idea was not to find something interesting in the girl's profile and then linking to that in a witty way, no no no. It was no sniper tactics but more like mass bombardment. Just finding cool looking girls on dating site (in the video myspace was used) and sending them all the same message that was well planned and conveyed the qualities of you being funny, smart etc.

At least in the video this guy got quite many responses and he just divided the answers in three categories (like "interested in me" "needs a bit of work" "a lost case") and pretty much continued from there with ready made answers again depending on the category (because usually the girls were continuing the conversation in the same way because the original message and the hook there was similar). So in this way you could actually make the "game of numbers" so much more effective. Say you post 100 similar messages in an hour, get 20 replies, get 5 dates from those and bang maybe a couple of girls. Oh and the "online dating kit" of course consisted of these ready made messages, tips on how to build a cool profile etc.

Good value for your time/money spent? You tell me. But at least, as I said at the beginning, this is really a new strategy, at least for me. But I guess this is just like using routines / scripted material irl. I'm just more into "natural" game and working in the situation/context myself.

Oh and my opinion about online gaming: been there, done that, got laid. Not really interested anymore.. just not worth the trouble and at this point of my life i am meeting enough people in real life. But hey, just like mentioned above, in some time space it might just be a good weapon in your arsenal! I may try this myself when going to Colombia to study.

Online Gaming

Quote: (09-10-2009 03:27 PM)doriangray Wrote:  

What I find really interesting is that some people sell "online dating kits". I saw this one advert video and the whole technique it was presenting kinda blew me off. I had never though it like that... The idea was not to find something interesting in the girl's profile and then linking to that in a witty way, no no no. It was no sniper tactics but more like mass bombardment. Just finding cool looking girls on dating site (in the video myspace was used) and sending them all the same message that was well planned and conveyed the qualities of you being funny, smart etc.

At least in the video this guy got quite many responses and he just divided the answers in three categories (like "interested in me" "needs a bit of work" "a lost case") and pretty much continued from there with ready made answers again depending on the category (because usually the girls were continuing the conversation in the same way because the original message and the hook there was similar). So in this way you could actually make the "game of numbers" so much more effective. Say you post 100 similar messages in an hour, get 20 replies, get 5 dates from those and bang maybe a couple of girls. Oh and the "online dating kit" of course consisted of these ready made messages, tips on how to build a cool profile etc.

I think that's what a lot of guys do anyway. Problem is, if every guy is doing this mass bombardment thing, like sending out messages to every single girl they think is hot without reading her profile and seeing if you two are even a match, it kind of ruins the whole medium for everyone. Because now girls have to sift through hundreds of bombardment emails from guys looking to get laid just to get to that one guy they might have something in common with. Then they just get irritated and close their account. I know many girls who have had that experience. They even sent me some of these pathetic email just for a laugh. I think the whole philosophy behind e-harmony is just the opposite. They don't let dudes bombard women. They don't even let you randomly browse. They select the women for you in advance based on commonalities so users don't get a whole lot of options, but the ones they do you're supposed to have a lot in common with. That's if you're looking for a serious relationship. If you just want to get your d*ck wet, then just go on adult friend finder where you already know the women are sluts, swingers and what not looking for casual encounters.

Online Gaming

Signed up for it. God damn I'm queer. Will report back.

Online Gaming

Quote: (09-11-2009 01:14 PM)College Game Wrote:  

Signed up for it. God damn I'm queer. Will report back.

Felt the same way signing up, but I'm learning things. For one, girls online really like to talk about music.

I think this is a good way to test a few things too, as chances are if you say something that might be over the line to a girl online she'll just ignore you, but if you say it to some girl's face you might get slapped!

The large selection is a bonus too, I feel like I'm shopping for something on amazon, only in this case it's pussy.

Still, despite the surprising bonuses, I'd much rather pick up girls in person.

Online Gaming

Quote: (09-14-2009 07:22 AM)CJ Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2009 01:14 PM)College Game Wrote:  

Signed up for it. God damn I'm queer. Will report back.

Felt the same way signing up, but I'm learning things. For one, girls online really like to talk about music.

I think this is a good way to test a few things too, as chances are if you say something that might be over the line to a girl online she'll just ignore you, but if you say it to some girl's face you might get slapped!

The large selection is a bonus too, I feel like I'm shopping for something on amazon, only in this case it's pussy.

Still, despite the surprising bonuses, I'd much rather pick up girls in person.

It could also be the cops on the other end so look out. If you meet up with these girls remember to watch out also for boyfriends and pimps. Be careful.


Online Gaming

The vast majority of women that can be found through online dating are severely sub standard. Most are moderately to extremely overweight, generally unattractive, and tend to be of the older variety (35+).

Let's use a little bit of logic here. Girls that have no problems getting guys (young hotties) do not need to use an online service to find someone. They will get hit on by 20 guys a day on average where the whales on these dating sites don't even get a first look. There may be a few rare ones (hotties) out there that feel they have no other avenue or trying it out of curiosity but those are truly rare.

You'll find there are more very young ones like 18-21 that are attractive and datable than the 22-30 range that frequent these sites. The age should be a telling factor being they're young and fickle and really don't know what in the hell they want. I can tell you from experience that the younger they are the easier it is to get them to go along with the program. The younger ones tend to fall in love faster and develop an emotional connection much faster than the slightly older ones due to lack of experience.

The downside is that they're high in demand so they get bombarded with probably a hundred times more messages than the older ones because of their youthful looks and inexperience. So the challenge is breaking through and making yourself stand out from everyone else which really may not be worth the effort.

I've only come across one website where there is a handsome supply of 21-30's that I consider to be attractive and that is woome.com. I also think this website is much better than your typical dating site because you can interact directly via cam and don't have to deal with trying to make your email visible amongst hundreds. The use of webcam would allow you that 1 on 1 interaction and give game a chance to take hold. Other places like Stickam is good for this as well though it's more intended to be used as a social networking site than for dating.

I think Internet pickups where there is a picture and a profile is a complete waste of time. Sites where you can get direct 1 on 1 interaction with a mark are the best resources. Even online chatrooms I think will yield better than average results because of the increased 1 on 1 chances of interaction.

Online Gaming

The success I've had online tends to be where the girl has messaged me first. Beyond that it is just getting the numbers out there and seeing who comes back to you. You don't learn as much about yourself doing it either.
There's no substitute for getting amongst it.

Online Gaming

Quote: (09-14-2009 12:01 PM)Taff Wrote:  

The success I've had online tends to be where the girl has messaged me first. Beyond that it is just getting the numbers out there and seeing who comes back to you.

Same here. I've onlye been on one date with a girl I messaged first. The only other dates came because a girl messaged me first. After a long dry spell, I did get some steady pussy though for about 6 months from a girl I met on match, so it was worth the time for that alone. She was no stunner in the looks department, but she wasn't fat and had a nice tight little vag that I still miss to this day.

I think I'll go back on soon. I think online dating might be good if you've been on a dry spell and just need to get back out there again.

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