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Picking a Post

Picking a Post


I am a diplomat and am looking at where to go for my next post. In addition to job, language, etc, positions, I'm also considering where is the best place for the girls. If anyone has experience with the following cities, please let me know what you think in terms of a foreigner being able to hook up with locals. I am currently in Latin America and have had mixed results due to my being relatively dark skinned.
All are former Soviet union and are available to me for requesting since I speak Russian:

Riga, Latvia
Chisinau, Moldova
Kiev, Ukraina
Astana, Kazakhstan
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Tbilisi, Georgia
Minsk, Belarus


Picking a Post

Dope list. I can honestly say I have never been to any of them.

I have a running partner that went to Riga, Latvia and can't shut up about how dope it was.

I have swooped some fly girls from Moldova, so I would think that place would hold fly girls.

Looks like you can't lose.

Personally, I wouldn't base it on "foreigner being able to hook up with locals".

I would base it on the dopest city.

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Picking a Post

I would narrow it down to:

Riga has incredible girls, It´s European Union, and yeah they are crazy about tanned guys. As a tourist it´s hell, but as a local, knowing where local normal girls go, it´s probably heaven.
About the others, I haven´t visited any of them but the impressions I have is that Moscow have racism issues, Chisinau is the capital of Moldavia which is the poorest country in Europe, Minsk a friend of mine told me that girls would blow you in the midle of the street (he was obviously exagerating) and Kiev no idea, maybe expensive.
I think that any of this places will be a blast. Try to check some blogs about them.

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I don't get it. You're dark skinned and you have trouble picking up girls, but you think you will have an easier time to get girls in Eastern Europe? Eastern Europeans don't like dark skinned men and it's recommended that dark skinned people not travel alone to places like St. Petersburg, Moscow, and other large cities in the former Soviet Union.

Picking a Post

Pepini's input is again right on target. Here's my two cents:

Chisinau: while being in a poor country, it's pretty civlized with everything an expat would desire. The town is a bit sleepy, but the girls are beautiful, you will have to do all the work I think.
Tashkent : Locals are very conservative except for few girls who lost their 'reputation' and are now whore'ing at the local discotheque. Of course there's a 20% russian minority, but might as well go to the source. Otherwise, the friendliest folks I've ever met, they don't get many foreigners.
Atana: Never been, but my uzbek wings loved Almaty, easier girls, more mcdonalds, petrolium money.

I would pick Tbilisi, but only because Im a sadist.

Picking a Post

Quote: (09-04-2009 11:56 PM)simonh Wrote:  

I don't get it. You're dark skinned and you have trouble picking up girls, but you think you will have an easier time to get girls in Eastern Europe? Eastern Europeans don't like dark skinned men and it's recommended that dark skinned people not travel alone to places like St. Petersburg, Moscow, and other large cities in the former Soviet Union.

That's a fair point. I wouldn't say I'm having trouble, rather that I may do better somewhere where I stick out alot more than Mexico, somewhere where being an American and earning American money carries alot more exotic appeal.

Picking a Post

I don't know what kind of diplomat you are but the US Embassy in Minsk is in a great neighborhood. There's blocks and blocks of bars all around it. Its classy and things, at least when I was there, are real cheap. There are some really nice hotels that were cheap too.

The girls were really easy to talk to. They also showed a tremendous amount of skin in their normal clothes. It really is hot there in the summer too. Some of them were raunchy as hell and just scary. But in every bar I went to, for some reason had a model looking beautiful bartender girl?

And I've been to a few of the other spots on your list. The good ones are all close to Minsk. You are also closer to a lot of European cities over in Minsk.


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Picking a Post

I forgot to mention a fact about Kiev:
(skip the intro)
It has the bigest women/male ratio.

Picking a Post

Stay the fuck away from Russia.

Picking a Post

The last post isn't as hopeful because the bulk of jobs open to me are in Russia, but oh well. Thanks for the advice. My list is submitted. Will let you know where I end up. I ended up going for Central Asia more than Eastern Europe because I don't want to get killed by skinheads.

Picking a Post

From what I've heard of Skinheads in East Europe, I think they're mostly active in Russia.

This is beside the point, but I heard this story that drips with irony, where these Russian Neo-Nazis who had maybe a grandpa or a grandma that was Jewish get into Israel because of the right of birth thing they have for Jews, who ended up joining the other Russian Neo-Nazis in Israel and beating up Jews... in Israel.

But back to the main topic, from what I've heard I don't think the non-Russian Slavs are nearly as hot-headed when it comes to Race as the Russians.

Picking a Post

Quote: (09-09-2009 12:55 AM)John Smith Wrote:  

The last post isn't as hopeful because the bulk of jobs open to me are in Russia, but oh well. Thanks for the advice. My list is submitted. Will let you know where I end up. I ended up going for Central Asia more than Eastern Europe because I don't want to get killed by skinheads.

When I've read stories of neo-nazi attacks on minorities in Russia, what always blows my mind is that nobody even tries to intervene. A couple Russian skinheads could be stomping the shit out of some Chechen guy in Moscow while Russians just stand around looking and do nothing to help. I've read many of those reports. A black marine working for the Embassy in Moscow was beaten within an inch of his life by skinheads right in the middle of an outdoor market, and nobody tried to help him. The cops don't even give a shit so don't bother filing a criminal attack if you're beat up. If you are dark skin, don't go to Russia. I'm not saying all Russian are like that, but 50% of the world's skinheads live in Russia alone. That's something to think about.

Picking a Post

Eastern Europe is not Russia. You will suffer ZERO, I mean ZERO racism if you go to Czech Republic, regardless of your skin color! I´m a guy from South Europe, and I received nothing but love from the people and specially from the girls of Czech Republic, and I´ve been there 5 times last year. I know from friends that Poland is more hard, but anyway chances of geting beat in the midle of the street by skinheads without a reason are very low (if you hit on girls in bars it might be different).
As for Latvia and Slovakia, people are sick of foreigners, because they are sick of drunken brits, but again chances of getting beaten in the street are near zero. Czech Republicans and Estonian hate Russians, I know that because I dated an Estonian girl that didn´t liked russians. People from Czech Republic don´t even like to be called Eastern Europe, but more Central Europe.
That said you won´t catch me in Russia in the near future, but in Eastern Europe, probably next month.

Picking a Post

"50% of the world's skinheads live in Russia alone"

I bet theirs some hot skinhead chicks then.

Anybody have any experience with one of them?


Picking a Post

Moscow it is. Wish me luck gentleman. I'll let you know if I survive and how the girl situation is there.

Picking a Post

Speak Russian? Dude, go to Ukraine/Russia. No brainer.

Picking a Post

Quote: (09-09-2009 01:50 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2009 12:55 AM)John Smith Wrote:  

The last post isn't as hopeful because the bulk of jobs open to me are in Russia, but oh well. Thanks for the advice. My list is submitted. Will let you know where I end up. I ended up going for Central Asia more than Eastern Europe because I don't want to get killed by skinheads.

When I've read stories of neo-nazi attacks on minorities in Russia, what always blows my mind is that nobody even tries to intervene. A couple Russian skinheads could be stomping the shit out of some Chechen guy in Moscow while Russians just stand around looking and do nothing to help. I've read many of those reports. A black marine working for the Embassy in Moscow was beaten within an inch of his life by skinheads right in the middle of an outdoor market, and nobody tried to help him. The cops don't even give a shit so don't bother filing a criminal attack if you're beat up. If you are dark skin, don't go to Russia. I'm not saying all Russian are like that, but 50% of the world's skinheads live in Russia alone. That's something to think about.

50% of the world's skinheads live in Russia? You have a reference?

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