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If you could meet one forum member...

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-04-2012 03:54 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

The shroud of mystery around G does make him a high candidate.

Exactly, I would enjoy meeting all of them they sound like super cool dudes, but hanging out with the G getting fitted for suits and doing heists or something just seems really cool, I guess its the mystery. (nohomo)

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-04-2012 09:10 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (02-04-2012 01:05 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

No option for Mrs. Chocolate??

I second that. I still got Mrs Chocolate as my screensaver.

Lol! Please don't tell me you are [Image: tard.gif] to her photos...

There's a lotta cool peeps on here I would have a beer with. If any of you swing through L.A. hit me up. I'm going to be grabbing a beer with Amour Fou tonight as it happens.

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-04-2012 09:37 PM)pitt Wrote:  

Ms chocolate

And i will probably hit it, i dont care how she looks like, i will do it for the sake of this forum.

She's buff, fam, truss mi pon dat.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

If you could meet one forum member...

Other than the man himself, Roosh, I'd want to chill with Pusscrook, Hencredible Cassanova, Athlone McGinnis and G Manifesto.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

If you could meet one forum member...

Thanks guys.

I am truly touched. (so to speak).

I kind of look at this like a "People's Choice Awards" of sorts.

I have always though of myself as a "People's Champ", so it kind of fitting.

It's also good to see Mixx not win something on this forum. Ha.

Personally, I think there are tons of cool cats on this forum.

Quote: (02-04-2012 09:27 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

I think people just want to see pictures of him.

Yeah, the whole other guys wanting to see pictures of me has always really werided me out.

If you could meet one forum member...

Dash Global because I’ve always wanted to see a talking ass.

[Image: tongue.gif]

But the question asks us if we're to pick only ONE.


Because we have things in common…except the solid game and number of lays part.

If you could meet one forum member...

Naughty Nomad, the Indiana Jones of poon!

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-05-2012 08:10 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Thanks guys.

I am truly touched. (so to speak).

I kind of look at this like a "People's Choice Awards" of sorts.

I have always though of myself as a "People's Champ", so it kind of fitting.

In this case, I think you are just reaping the benefits of "gaming" the entire forum.

Game is a necessary evil

If you could meet one forum member...

Funny that Roosh did not win but I guess people 'know' him through writing and videos so there is no mystery. With Mix and especially G-Manifesto people really just want to know if they are genuine or not.

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-04-2012 09:41 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (02-04-2012 09:10 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (02-04-2012 01:05 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

No option for Mrs. Chocolate??

I second that. I still got Mrs Chocolate as my screensaver.

Lol! Please don't tell me you are [Image: tard.gif] to her photos...

There's a lotta cool peeps on here I would have a beer with. If any of you swing through L.A. hit me up. I'm going to be grabbing a beer with Amour Fou tonight as it happens.


Me, at your screensaver? That's... I am shocked.

I think that if speakease haven't asked about me, this research would be about the men of this forum.
Anyway, I would like to meet him, and Roosh, who would make a report about it, saying that I am not all this (if he is stop to say something).
I would like to meet Mixx and see him doing his magic to other girls, G and his expensive suit and the like.

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

If you could meet one forum member...

I think most people want to meet G because there's a mystery behind his persona. He has a larger-than-life, sorta flamboyant lifestyle that he advocates on this forum, but I'm not sure if anyone has met him or has seen what he looks like. As long as that's the case, the questions will remain. He's dropped a lot of posts so I don't know if he has or has not met anyone or whether he has shown pictures of him living his lifestyle. I only joined the forum in November. Either way, he's entertaining and says a lot of interesting things.

Compare that to Roosh, who we know so much about, from what he looks like, to where he's from, his age, where he went to college, etc.

Then you have Mixx, who people on this forum have met and have vouched for. He's apparently the real deal. He has an amazing track record with chicks and has this game down to a science. He also has the most positive ratings of any member by far, which seems to be for good reason.

There's a lot of cool cats on this forum. Of course, I would meet with Roosh just to congratulate him on his pioneering lifestyle and for making this community possible. It takes balls to make the decisions he's made so much props for not following the herd and living out the dream. To use an oft-cited cliche, he's keeping it real.

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-06-2012 09:22 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Then you have Mixx, who people on this forum have met and have vouched for. He's apparently the real deal. He has an amazing track record with chicks and has this game down to a science.

Thank you, thank you, thank you all! [Image: blush.gif]

My mom is a big reason why I am such a successful player, you see, she has embraced the fact that I am player because she knows that if I ever get married, that is one more signature required for her to get money from me, and like any woman, hates competition for my attention and $$$ [Image: lol.gif]

Last night, my mom gave me some more wise advice on women:

"You cannot ever understand how to conquer a woman by gaming another woman; we are all different, and the only thing women have in common is that we love spending money" -- Moma Mixx


If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-06-2012 09:22 AM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

I think most people want to meet G because there's a mystery behind his persona. He has a larger-than-life, sorta flamboyant lifestyle that he advocates on this forum, but I'm not sure if anyone has met him or has seen what he looks like. As long as that's the case, the questions will remain. He's dropped a lot of posts so I don't know if he has or has not met anyone or whether he has shown pictures of him living his lifestyle. I only joined the forum in November. Either way, he's entertaining and says a lot of interesting things.

I think I kind of get wrongly categorized as having a "flamboyant lifestyle".

The things I write about would have made me a "normal guy" 20 years ago.

I have addressed the "pictures" thing a million times on here.

Comparing me with other people is really comparing mangoes to papayas. The subject matter I write about, my background and the things I have done preclude me from having a high profile.

I realize that I am nearly the last person on earth that feels strange about having photos of himself on the internet. But I can say that nearly everyone I grew up with feels the same way as me.

Here is the choice you are confronted with when you are a person like me and want to write.

1. Show your face and not talk about things you have done ie drugs, grey area biz, etc

2. Not show your face and live life in anonymity and write about real things you have done.

For me, the choice was easy.

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-06-2012 02:08 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

The subject matter I write about, my background and the things I have done preclude me from having a high profile.

I realize that I am nearly the last person on earth that feels strange about having photos of himself on the internet. But I can say that nearly everyone I grew up with feels the same way as me.

Here is the choice you are confronted with when you are a person like me and want to write.

1. Show your face and not talk about things you have done ie drugs, grey area biz, etc

2. Not show your face and live life in anonymity and write about real things you have done.

For me, the choice was easy.

If you're writing about the stuff in the past, making your identity known doesn't indict you at all. The statute of limitations has already passed, unless you're currently under investigation.

Many people in the world have done drugs and have broken the law. You could walk into a courtroom right now and speak at liberty about what you've done in the past. It has no legal effect.

If you could meet one forum member...

Most of the guys on that list I'd like to meet, with additions. Only one of you I've been close to meeting was Ali-B, we talked on the phone and it sounded like he was about to get some pussy when we talked so we didn't end up meeting up.

If anyone is passing through NYC I'm always happy to join forces.

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

If you could meet one forum member...

Impossible to choose just one.

Roosh - Crazy motherfucker! Who does this!?!

G - I feel like I already know G. I have family members very similar. In fact, I think there's a chance that G is my second cousin Danny that I only see once or twice a year.

Mixx - Hall of Fame Playboy

Kona - Hawaiian style

MikeCF - Solid

Naughty Nomad - Another crazy fucker!

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-06-2012 02:08 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Comparing me with other people is really comparing mangoes to papayas. The subject matter I write about, my background and the things I have done preclude me from having a high profile.

I realize that I am nearly the last person on earth that feels strange about having photos of himself on the internet. But I can say that nearly everyone I grew up with feels the same way as me.

Here is the choice you are confronted with when you are a person like me and want to write.

1. Show your face and not talk about things you have done ie drugs, grey area biz, etc

2. Not show your face and live life in anonymity and write about real things you have done.

For me, the choice was easy.

Yea but G, I haven't read anything condemming about you. All your posts are PG. You've boxed and swooped, that's all I've gotten from you and this is from your base of anonymity. Your details are always vague.

Since you won't show up in person (not that I give a fcuk), would you like to flesh out some of your stories, somewhat? I've read your blog and although I love your music videos and boxing videos, there is nothing incriminating or descriptive about your writing.

I don't care about the drugs or smoking, but some details on how you broke through a lizard's defenses is always nice (to me).

Again, this is not a condemnation of your style, it's merely an observation.





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

If you could meet one forum member...

I've met over half a dozen guys from the community already, but Mixx, Ali B, Mike, and El Mech are definitely at the top of my list -- so I can glean some wisdom and old man game. [Image: lol.gif]

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-06-2012 03:14 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2012 02:08 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Comparing me with other people is really comparing mangoes to papayas. The subject matter I write about, my background and the things I have done preclude me from having a high profile.

I realize that I am nearly the last person on earth that feels strange about having photos of himself on the internet. But I can say that nearly everyone I grew up with feels the same way as me.

Here is the choice you are confronted with when you are a person like me and want to write.

1. Show your face and not talk about things you have done ie drugs, grey area biz, etc

2. Not show your face and live life in anonymity and write about real things you have done.

For me, the choice was easy.

Yea but G, I haven't read anything condemming about you. All your posts are PG. You've boxed and swooped, that's all I've gotten from you and this is from your base of anonymity. Your details are always vague.

Since you won't show up in person (not that I give a fcuk), would you like to flesh out some of your stories, somewhat? I've read your blog and although I love your music videos and boxing videos, there is nothing incriminating or descriptive about your writing.

I don't care about the drugs or smoking, but some details on how you broke through a lizard's defenses is always nice (to me).

Again, this is not a condemnation of your style, it's merely an observation.

The earlier years I wrote more incriminating posts.

I have fleshed out tons of stories, you just have to go back and find them.

As far as being "vague", I don't know anyone who bust more specifics than I do, so I am not sure I follow.

It is funny though, some people like you say "All your posts are PG."

And others think what I write about is "so unbelievable".

I need to sit both groups down in a room and let them work it out.

If you could meet one forum member...

I'd be down for globetrotting with El Mech and Ali and sampling a little of the chocolate stuff with Moma.

If you could meet one forum member...

The earlier years I wrote more incriminating posts.

I have fleshed out tons of stories, you just have to go back and find them.


Nothing you've written on this blog could incriminate you in a court of law.

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-06-2012 08:31 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Nothing you've written on this blog could incriminate you in a court of law.

Years ago (long-time fan of G), he wrote a post on breaking into a home. Went into supplies needed, etc.

If he's doing gray or black market stuff, why post a pic on the Internet?

It would only make him a target to prosecutors or underworld enemies.

The Internet seems huge, but any blogger will tell you that there are real-world implications to putting your face and ID out there.

So why post a pic?

To get "street cred" from a bunch of Internet guys?

If G were selling books or making a profit, I'd get the calls for him to prove himself.

He's not asking for anything...He's just a guy - regular, or not-so-regular - trying to have a little fun on the Internet.

All these cries for pics and details distracts from what a good Internet forum is - a place for guys to chill, banter, and have fun.

"Why so serious?"

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-06-2012 08:35 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2012 08:31 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Nothing you've written on this blog could incriminate you in a court of law.

Years ago (long-time fan of G), he wrote a post on breaking into a home. Went into supplies needed, etc.

If he's doing gray or black market stuff, why post a pic on the Internet?

It would only make him a target to prosecutors or underworld enemies.

The Internet seems huge, but any blogger will tell you that there are real-world implications to putting your face and ID out there.

So why post a pic?

To get "street cred" from a bunch of Internet guys?

If G were selling books or making a profit, I'd get the calls for him to prove himself.

He's not asking for anything...He's just a guy - regular, or not-so-regular - trying to have a little fun on the Internet.

All these cries for pics and details distracts from what a good Internet forum is - a place for guys to chill, banter, and have fun.

"Why so serious?"

I actually saw that post on his site. That didn't even remotely detail an actual crime. There's nothing on that article that would even come close to constituting an actual crime. People write stuff about that all the time. I could actually google that topic and come across thousands of links before seeing G's article.

There's been a few people calling G out on this. Right before he reappeared after a hiatus for a few months, I think Ali or someone was saying why he wouldn't link up when they were both in the same area.

I don't care. But for someone who is so active in the community, it would only serve to help at this point (or it should), especially when they are being called out and disrespected. G is up there with Mixx and Roosh, but no one really knows him or has seen him, unlike the other two. Every other guy with a website presence has a picture or has linked up with other cats on the forum (Gmac, Skywalker, Naughty Nomad, etc).

G has every right to not want to reveal himself just for the F of it, but I don't think those reasons hold up. Just sayin'.

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-06-2012 08:47 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2012 08:35 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2012 08:31 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Nothing you've written on this blog could incriminate you in a court of law.

Years ago (long-time fan of G), he wrote a post on breaking into a home. Went into supplies needed, etc.

If he's doing gray or black market stuff, why post a pic on the Internet?

It would only make him a target to prosecutors or underworld enemies.

The Internet seems huge, but any blogger will tell you that there are real-world implications to putting your face and ID out there.

So why post a pic?

To get "street cred" from a bunch of Internet guys?

If G were selling books or making a profit, I'd get the calls for him to prove himself.

He's not asking for anything...He's just a guy - regular, or not-so-regular - trying to have a little fun on the Internet.

All these cries for pics and details distracts from what a good Internet forum is - a place for guys to chill, banter, and have fun.

"Why so serious?"

I actually saw that post on his site. That didn't even remotely detail an actual crime. There's nothing on that article that would even come close to constituting an actual crime. People write stuff about that all the time. I could actually google that topic and come across thousands of links before seeing G's article.

There's been a few people calling G out on this. Right before he reappeared after a hiatus for a few months, I think Ali or someone was saying why he wouldn't link up when they were both in the same area.

I don't care. But for someone who is so active in the community, it would only serve to help at this point (or it should), especially when they are being called out and disrespected. G is up there with Mixx and Roosh, but no one really knows him or has seen him, unlike the other two. Every other guy with a website presence has a picture or has linked up with other cats on the forum (Gmac, Skywalker, Naughty Nomad, etc).

G has every right to not want to reveal himself just for the F of it, but I don't think those reasons hold up. Just sayin'.

There has been people calling me out for 6 years.

As far as Alibaba, we weren't in the same area. And I have made it clear that I wouldn't meet up with someone who wears wetsuits out at night and lacks a basic sense of humor.

No offense to the guy, I am sure some people dig a lack a humor and people that dig hanging out people wearing wetsuits at night. Some don't. We are all different.


Posted by Giovonny - Today 04:04 PM
G - I feel like I already know G. I have family members very similar. In fact, I think there's a chance that G is my second cousin Danny that I only see once or twice a year.

MikeCF and Giovonny are both California guys.

I have noticed that I get more support from fellow California guys as they are more familiar with a personality like mine.

I might be a regional/cultural thing, hell I don't know, and I don't really care.

That all being said, there are two members of the forum that I had plans to meet up with.

We didn't meet up, for reasons on their end.

This has been mentioned on the forum before. This is no secret. These were both two of the most well respected members of the forum.

So we can put all this stuff to rest.

That is until it gets brought up again in a couple months like clockwork.

If you could meet one forum member...

Quote: (02-06-2012 08:47 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

I actually saw that post on his site. That didn't even remotely detail an actual crime. There's nothing on that article that would even come close to constituting an actual crime. People write stuff about that all the time. I could actually google that topic and come across thousands of links before seeing G's article.

If you wrote that post and were charged with theft, would you want a prosecutor finding that post?

If you were about to do a "job," would you want people knowing what you look like?

Ask any criminal defense lawyer this question: Would you want your clients blogging about anything?

100% would say, "Get out of here with that bullshit."

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