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Mutliple Dating - 2 to 3 chicks at the same time

Mutliple Dating - 2 to 3 chicks at the same time

Hi Guys

Just been pipelining a few girls in my city and would love to date them.

Just wondering how you guys handle dating 2 to 3 girls at a time?
Any tips or advice on multiple dating?

Thanks in advance

Mutliple Dating - 2 to 3 chicks at the same time

Quote: (01-31-2012 07:12 PM)Downunder Wrote:  

Hi Guys

Just been pipelining a few girls in my city and would love to date them.

Just wondering how you guys handle dating 2 to 3 girls at a time?
Any tips or advice on multiple dating?

Thanks in advance

You may not get a lot of responses because this topic has been covered extensively and most of the guys on the forum take it for granted that everyone is dating multiple women.

If you are seeing 2-3 girls that really isn't very tough since you can easily see each 2 x/week.

You will simply need to keep your story straight by telling them all the same thing.

Also what your goal SHOULD be is to keep meeting women and building a harem that allows you to keep knocking out your bottom performers with hotter and hotter ass.

Always schedule your dates about a week out +/- one or two days because you are "busy" doing productive shit that sends the message you are someone of various interests and talents that can't be pinned down for just anyone.

Mixx will probably advise approaching no less that 3 women per day and Roosh will advise a much higher number until your anxiety is under control and your level of game is higher.

Report back and let us know how it goes. Guys if I missed something feel free to chime in.

Mutliple Dating - 2 to 3 chicks at the same time

Lock your phone and computer.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Mutliple Dating - 2 to 3 chicks at the same time

I tell girls I am seeing other women when they ask. I let them know they have competition. This is wrong??

Mutliple Dating - 2 to 3 chicks at the same time

Thanks guys - yeah i`m sure it would have been covered extensively, but i`d just thought i`d throw it out there and get some seasoned gamers responses.

Mutliple Dating - 2 to 3 chicks at the same time

The trick is to never let your relationship with her ever come up in conversation. If a woman really loves you, than she should be cool with you doing whatever it is that makes you you.

Set some boundaries so they know that they can't corner you by asking for all of your time. You can do this by having a perpetual "can't hang tonight" excuse. For me, I've always got some work related project that needs my attention (and yes, I sometimes consider banging other women to be part of my work).

If you ever do get "caught," then leave it up to her if she wants to hang or not. If it becomes a headache, then it's time for a change-up.

Mutliple Dating - 2 to 3 chicks at the same time

Roosh has a section on his main page that covers all the bases;

- Don't fall into a comfort rut where you need to talk to her or see her every day. At the most it should be one or two weekday dates and one weekend date.
- Don't cohabitate.
- Always lock your celly (password-protect the lock) and log out of your email when she's around. Try to have most of your exchanges be done through text or email.
- Have parallel sets of venues that you take each girl, and if possible try to have the staff on lock there. Do what I do; have a local girl nearby (5-10 minutes drive or walking distance), another a few towns down (20 minute drive) and another in the city (30 minute drive + 30 minute bus or subway commute). You will never get caught with this arrangement.

Above all else though, don't get all guilty and emo about what you're doing. Cheating on your girl is like not picking up after your dog; if no one saw you do it, then did it really even happen?

Mutliple Dating - 2 to 3 chicks at the same time

Worry about it when and if it happens.

-Never make any promises. Never sugar-coat whatever pill you are feeding them. Never tell anyone of them that she is your one and only. This will keep you guilt-free.

-Never spend too much time with any of them. No more than 1-2 dates a week. Consider booty-calls as dates.

-Never make plans with them or let them include you into her plans. No family events, no social gatherings, etc. See them just for dates and/or sex.

-Never talk with any of them on the phone while you are with anyone else. Turn it of or put it on mute. To avoid confrontations, take calls only during certain hours, or ocasionally leave calls or messages unanswered, just to get them used to it.

-Memorize their numbers, or put them in your phone with neutral nicknames. Keep your phone, laptop or agenda locked, Dont keep messages or pictures on your phone, and delete your call history everyonce in a while. Never send any lovey-dovey messages.

-People are connected in more ways than you can know. There are people you dont know that know you. People like to talk and are just looking for things to talk about. Take this into consideration when you go out with any of them. Be discreet, keep a low profile. No public displays of affection, no scenes, no foursquare, no facebook updates. Keep what you do to yourself.

-If possible, never see them on weekends. Leave those days to meet new women, going out socially, or to yourself. Always have a day for yourself.

Mutliple Dating - 2 to 3 chicks at the same time

Thanks so much for the wise words Germanico!
Some great stuff there!!! Cheers

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