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She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

She doesn't respond to your initial text. Now what?

How solid the # is depends on how good you were when you met her.

Otherwise you've got a bunch of weak leads.
- send hail mary/restarts
- put them all in a list, and send a regular restart

That's all you can do.

The lesson to be learned here is that you should stop getting phone #'s.

You can bang a girl out, having her calling out your name and shit. She can fix breakfast for you in the morning (in theory at least, lol). And when you try to hit her a up a day later, you get nothing but silence.

For us vets, things have changed. Chicks used to call you back. Used to text you back.

Chicks are getting so much attention nowadays, that you're better off
- spamming your online targets
- running one night stand stuff during night game
- only instadating during day game.

And building fame should be the next thing you start doing.


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