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Korean airline chairman's daughter turns plane around over bag of nuts

Korean airline chairman's daughter turns plane around over bag of nuts

I'd be very surprised if she ends up serving even a day in jail. And if she does, it will be in cushy and protected conditions.
The only reason a one year sentence was even given is because of the loss of face that all of the publicity caused.
Nothing at all has changed or will change regarding nepotism and immunity among the powerful in South Korea. In fact, the lesson they will draw from this is to avoid bad publicity, not to change their behavior in any meaningful way. I would also bet that at some point down the line, the person who reported this will be in for some retaliation.
All that happened is that one of the chess masters (Cho Yang-ho) decided to temporarily sacrifice one of his pawns. The important thing is to preserve wealth and power. Give the plebes a seeming victory to avoid real change.
This is Game of Thrones.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

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