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Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

This is definitely not an accident even if it seems like it may be--women are hardwired to do this even if they don't realize it. The posts in this thread so far demonstrate how universal the behavior is.

Although it's interesting to think that men generally have no comparable trait where they leave shit at a girl's house.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territory_(animal)


Territorial animals defend areas that contain a nest, den or mating site and sufficient food resources for themselves and their young. Defense rarely takes the form of overt fights: more usually there is a highly noticeable display, which may be visual (as in the red breast of the robin), auditory (as in much bird song, or the calls of gibbons) or olfactory, through the deposit of scent marks.


In species that do not form pair bonds, male and female territories are often independent, in the sense that males defend territories only against other males, and females only against other females; in this case, if the species is polygynous, one male territory will probably contain several female territories, while in some polyandrous species such as the Northern Jacana, this situation is reversed.

Quote:el mechanico Wrote:

We have a thread about this thats good already.

Do you remember the thread title so I can search for it?

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