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Extroverts, salesmen and game

Extroverts, salesmen and game

Quote: (10-29-2014 06:31 PM)PrimeTime32 Wrote:  

As a guy who has crushed it in sales and been called a natural born salesman. I come off a lot better in person than I could ever hope to achieve in writing or over the internet. I personally have found that I'm much more comfortable talking to women or people I have no physical attraction to than women who I'm actually attracted to. It has taken me a long time and I'm still working on it to get over this and this has probably been my biggest mental block. If you have advice or any tips to get over it then I'm more than welcome to hear it.

You have to objectify lizards. When you put them on a pedestal that's where the problem lies. If you can visualise them as creatures..the same as any other..that's where you can work the magic. Dissect them for what they are. They are not angels. When you personalise them, that's when the clouded feelings kick in.

I remember when I was younger, I grabbed a porno mag from the Indian shop. Took it home and went through it. I used to be this guy engrossed in fantasy. I saw a gorgeous lizard in there. An angel on the first page. I turned the page. The same lizard had a man in her mouth and another in her from the back. At the climax of it all, she was dp'd by the dudes.

It's not easy, bro but if it were, you would have another obstacle in life. If you want to lay down an approach list, do so and we can dissect it. I'm planning on doing one myself (an approach list and mindset prior to, during and after).



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

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