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Marry a foreign girl, where would you go?

Marry a foreign girl, where would you go?

Many of us travel abroad and enjoy the local women usually in none-western countries. The reasons are varied but in general in many countries you can enjoy girls of higher standard in many aspects than those in USA and western countries.

I thought on taking this step further as I wish a serious relationship, why only travel for sex or short term relationships? If the women are better why not get one of them for long term if you feel you arrive to that point in your life?

Now, I'm not talking at all about buying a girl from all those agencies abroad, mostly EE countries, there is lower chance of success with them not to mention there are many scams in this business.

I'm talking about traveling to a country, stay there for a while and meet a girl as you do back home, meet in the bar/mall/course/internet etc. asks her for a date and actually try to achieve relationship in the normal way. Yes with feelings, the real thing- for love.

I thought about it, and wondered where would be the best place to do it based on the following:

* Good looking girl - this is a matter of taste surely, for me I prefer a white skin girl with a good figure. Could be North east Asian, Eastern Europian or maybe even Argentinian.

* Intelligent on some level, no she does not need to be very educated but someone with at least good education and social intelligence that you can have a descent conversation with and she could do basic things and not have to relay on you on everything.

* Good honest character - a girl which once you bring her home with you, will not look for a better deal in the market once she's got the citizenship and will be faithful to you and take care of the kids.

I would be happy to hear what you guys on the forum think about this subject and also where would you go to get that girl?

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