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Can someone explain to me how to use snapchat

Can someone explain to me how to use snapchat

You can use it to display social status like any form of social media.

I don't use it that often but when I do it's usually to re-start a fling with a girl I met up with when I was traveling.

I am constantly on the road for work, so I'll pick up chicks while I'm in there town and then bounce out... If I like their vibe or want to hit it again (or am just feeling lazy), I'll hit them up when I come back to their town but sometimes it's weeks or even months since I've seen/spoken to them. I find it easier to re-connect with them by sending them a sly picture of myself doing something cool or even a picture of me in their city to let them know I'm back in town. From there I bounce the convo to text and try to set up a meet later that day or sometime during the week.

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