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Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Forum Moderation in the Wake of the PUAHate Killings by Elliot Rodger

Quote: (05-24-2014 07:34 PM)Que enspastic Wrote:  

Amanda Hess from Slate weighs in, special mention to this thread in her article :

I've read through Amanda Hess's incoherent article. It seems she's doing precisely what she's accusing everyone else of doing: capitalizing on the tragedy to push her own agenda. In her case, it's the agenda of collapsing extraordinarily different sites into one category--places that espouse "hatred of women"--then try to pin this horrific crime (through insinuation) on the entire fake category she's invented in her mind. Of course nothing could be further from the truth, but what else would you expect from a damaged short-haired girl? This is propaganda of the lowest order from an incompetent, or delusional, "journalist" with an axe to grind.

If you read through the comments for the article (which are actually hard to find on that site), you quickly note that her strategy backfired. Most people see the truth of the situation.

[Image: attachment.jpg18834]   

Even this obvious white knight (note the tell-tale signs of prefacing his remarks with "as a man" and using the term "creepy") kinda gets it.

[Image: attachment.jpg18835]   

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