Misery loves company. I honestly often think a lot of what is posted in this section is too bitter, cynical and angry about women. It's even worse on blogs. It's the same with racism, anti-islam and the like. While there can be a lot of truth in what these people write, the bitterness and loser attitude will infect your brain like a virus if you hear it often enough.
In my experience, perpetual bitterness comes from loneliness and a lifetime of having shit shoveled in your face. That and thinking that any good will come from comparing and measuring your life against others.
I have an unfortunate inclination towards anger and bitterness, precisely because some people do have had to struggle more in life than others and it can make you very angry to see others who have had everything given to them on a silver platter try to proclaim that you should thankful for this and that, feminists and socialists come to mind.
The difference is that I am fully aware of this dark side and I do my best not to pass it along onto the rest of the world and not indulge that kind of angry thinking. It's often something you get from your parents, a dark and pessimistic way of looking at the world. A lot of people have very low self awareness though.
In my experience, perpetual bitterness comes from loneliness and a lifetime of having shit shoveled in your face. That and thinking that any good will come from comparing and measuring your life against others.
I have an unfortunate inclination towards anger and bitterness, precisely because some people do have had to struggle more in life than others and it can make you very angry to see others who have had everything given to them on a silver platter try to proclaim that you should thankful for this and that, feminists and socialists come to mind.
The difference is that I am fully aware of this dark side and I do my best not to pass it along onto the rest of the world and not indulge that kind of angry thinking. It's often something you get from your parents, a dark and pessimistic way of looking at the world. A lot of people have very low self awareness though.