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Living In the Czech Republic

Living In the Czech Republic

So, I posted I was moving to Russia a while ago, but it didn't work out. The good thing is I've finally achieved one of my dreams I've had for the past couple of years-I've permanently relocated.

I live in Prague 2, and I have to say I miss my buddies from the states, and good TexMex style Mexican food, and family, but Prague is great in my opinion.

Here is some tidbits of what life is like in Prague.

Here's a gem from an 8 I picked up at Roxy recently, paraphrased "I am tired of guys just having sex with me and leaving." Sooo thanks for telling me how to proceed?? I only got a blowjob, but I didn't make her my girlfriend, which, is kinda what I felt like she wanted, was to have a boyfriend. I am a relationship kinda of guy and maybe would have been her boyfriend, so, it really puzzled me why she basically told me she wasn't gf material if she wanted a boyfriend. I've dated cute sluts before, who, I knew where sluts, but had the wits not to blurt it out to me! I've learned how to deal with girls a lot better from reading game stuff, but I don't think any man will ever truly know what the hell goes on up in their brains.

In terms of living in Prague, I'm paying an American/Czech girl to do all my paperwork with regards to my long stay Visa. It would be a very difficult process if it wasn't for her. It costs 500 extra to basically just have someone do it all for you, which, I think is reasonable.

The food is great, I even like to get the cheap chinese fried rice every once in a while. Grocery shopping is a lot cheaper than in the states. My rent is 700 a month and I live in a great part of the city.

I am more of a relationship guy, so, I've just begun a relationship with a receptionist from the bank I started an account with. She's thin, a brunette, wears heels, and is really sweet. The city is beautiful. If anyone wants to meet me, go out to Roxy or Chapeu or some other club or just grab a beer let me know, but let me know a couple days in advance, I'm not ALWAYS online.

America is a brutal culture to live under for certain types of personality types in my opinion. The females simply aren't relationship material. Needless to say, I'll be settling down in EE, thank you very much.

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