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Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

"I think there is a large population that lives in Southeast San Diego."

Its not "large", but yeah, that is the only one. It is where Lincoln High is, home of Marcus Allen and the only real talented basketball school.

San Diego is "6.7% Black or African American"

I wouldn't call that "large" by any stretch.

Not trying to call you out or argue with you, but if someone reads your post and thinks San Diego is a good place to swoop fly Black girls, they would be in for a disappointment.

San Diego is one of the most undiversified major cities in America.

Especially when almost every tourist goes to the north and west sides of the county. Where it is probably 90% white.

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