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Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

Am I the Only One Who Doesn't Plan on Going Back to the Philippines?

I've stayed pretty quiet about posting my overall impressions on the Philippines on my blog, but I think I will be putting together a post on it relatively soon.

Many people raved about the Philippines on the internet and this forum. When I went there, I really wasn't impressed with the women. I did like how cheap it was there, and I thought that Filipinos were generally friendly. However, I wasn't a fan of people honking all the time in cars, the pollution and abundance of homeless people in Manila, the tasteless food (the cooking oil they use has a bad smell), and the jeepneys. I had a hard time breathing while riding in jeepneys, and to get somewhere took loads of time because they were always trying to get new customers. After a few rides in them, I started to pay for taxis since they weren't that expensive. I felt like a walking $$ sign a majority of the time while traveling in the Philippines because it felt like people always wanted my money.

What I did like were the beautiful beaches in Boracay. I really wouldn't go to the Philippines to pick up girls, and I would rather go there on a vacation with a regular. I found Filipino girls to be quite a disappointment compared to Northeast Asian women. Yes, I did see some decent girls in the Philippines. But, compared to Korea and Taiwan I saw much hotter girls. When I got back to Taiwan from the Philippines, I was actually happy to see the abundance of good looking girls. I felt that Filipino women were pretty short compared to Korean women, and they didn't have the style of Taiwanese and Japanese women. When I was in Cebu, I found myself sarging more Korean women than Filipino girls at the malls.

Does anyone else have similar impressions of the Philippines?

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