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Bitch slapping a girl

Bitch slapping a girl

Quote: (03-28-2011 02:54 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I have slapped 2 girls in my life.

One was talking shit to me when i was 18 years old. She said..."I was having fun until YOU got here". I slapped her pretty hard and the look on her face was face was priceless. She was shocked and she didn't have anything to say. The rest of the night she was quiet and she looked at me with a combination of fear, shock, and respect.

I've had to put the smack down a couple of times myself. I'm not proud of it, but I'm also not ashamed of it. It's ugly, but often necessary, work.

In all the cases, it was some bitch going waaaaay over the line and hitting me or massively disrespecting me (thinking I wouldn't return volley). In all the cases, it improved the relationship for everyone involved.

I don't advocate going Chris Brown on a bitch, but there is a point where if you don't do something manly, she's going to lose all respect for you. Instinct is a powerful thing. That might mean a hard grab and a look, or it might mean a light, but deliberate, whack over the head. But, as we all know, you shouldn't hit a woman like you would hit a man. In that case, you're likely a pussy yourself. (See that played-out Sean Connery video that's all over these forums.)

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