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Nervousness from a girl in a cold appraoch

Nervousness from a girl in a cold appraoch

Although i have a girlfriend, i really enjoy practicing a cold open with women during the day. Day game is significantly easier for me than night game.

However, when i talk to certain girls out in public during the day, they sound nervous when they reply to me.

I am having problems figuring out if this is a good or bad sign. Are they nervous because a really attractive guy is talking to them or are they nervous because some guy they've never met before could hurt her? Note i'm normally going to and from work in standard business casual clothes. Here's an example of what i'm talking about:

On bus, girl sits down and has an open seat next to her. The seat has someone left over pistachio nuts. I look at her and the seat and go, "I paid to clean this bus." and proceed to push the trash onto the floor to sit next to her.

Lame opener, but who cares. We talk for a little bit and I'm getting weak hooks in the conversation and what seems like nervousness.

Personally, i think i'm registering it as "Not interested" but i've heard that girls aren't nearly as forthcoming with their interest. Should i continue forward with the flirting and convo or just let it die?

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