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Do you feel left out?

Do you feel left out?

Quote: (01-25-2011 03:03 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Left out as a result of following this lifestyle. i.e not "settling down" and get married as per conventional societal norms.

I was looking at the pictures of all my friends that I went to school and university with and they all have pictures with their smiling families, kids, wives etc. etc. And then there are pictures of their childrens life milestones. All of a sudden I just felt left behind. Their kids are growing up and here I am still looking for the next bang or the cute 18 year old. I mean some of my friends that got married when they were like 21 and are beginning to have daughters that I might consider hitting on.

Makes me wonder.

Obviously there's some part of you that wants the family life or none of this would bother you. Why not just give yourself a time constraint? Say like 2 more years to do whatever you're doing now, and then look into settling down. I'm guessing you're in your late 20s to mid 30s, right? That's not really old these days. When you're ready to settle down, just shoot for a chic in her mid 20s.

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