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Personality traits of men that go to different countries to hunt for women

Personality traits of men that go to different countries to hunt for women

Quote: (03-15-2013 06:04 AM)WEDO Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2013 10:49 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2013 08:58 PM)Jalouse Wrote:  

I think the ease of getting quality women abroad is overblown, you can have a lot of factors against you that make it harder: language, bad logistics, not understanding the culture, no connections etc.

This harks back to an old G Manifesto post: Is the US the easiest place in the world to get laid?

Yeah, I still have yet to go to a country that is easier than the USA.

I think foreign countries are way harder.

Granted, I haven't been to Thailand where a guy who has trouble text messaging girls in America can walk into a bar his first night in Thailand and say "Look B*tch, I am in Ketosis" and "shore" 30-50 girls back to his hostel, so maybe I don't know what I am talking about.

Nor have I froze in Belarus in January and swooped massive amounts of high heeled models night after night, sometimes 2-3 per night, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

You are right and wrong.

You have to take into consideration that not everybody has the same ability to pick up women nor the same expectations in what they want in a woman. Apparently anybody can get laid in there is light at the end of the tunnel for the thirty year old virgins. jajaja

I read these threads..... and even I...have to wonder what is going on in American these days with these young good looking guys that seem to be going abroad just to get laid....I mean when you look at some of these threads that is all it is about.

Personally I never saw much of a difference between what I was pulling at home versus abroad until I hit my early forty I was pulling better quality overseas and at fifty there is just no going back to American women unless I just wanted to invest everything I had into just one....which is what it would take at this point.

Fair enough.

Maybe I am not old enough to see the difference.

But I don't think it's all the 50+ crowd that is saying this.

Quote: (03-15-2013 08:16 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Pretty much agree with Wedo here.

If you're really unhappy with the USA it's not like going abroad is going to fix your negative personality and weak game/access.

With that said you're still going to pull better looking girls abroad. The marriage talk is just stupid, would never pull that trigger.

See I always see this on here, but I just don't experience it.

I get attractive girls in America. And I get attractive girls in other countries, only way less volume.

And are they easier?

I don't see it.

Colombia easier than Las Vegas? No shot.

Some industrial wasteland in Russia (never been) easier than New Orleans? No shot.

A third teir city in Belaus easier than Miami Beach? No shot.

I would loved to be convinced otherwise.

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