so a couple months ago when i was in brazil i met this cute little alternative chick at a bar in rio... within a couple minutes of sitting down she started glancing over and we were flirting and touching casually in no time... unfortunately, thats as far as it went. turned out she came to rio from a state 5 hours north of rio to see this deusch bag progressive rock guy, we chilled the next day and nothing came of it
ANYWAYS, a couple days ago i get an email from her saying she was thinking about me and she wants to practice her english with me blablabla. so she gave me her skype, i waited a couple days and we started talking again. she says she wants me to visit her town but that "theres nothing in my town, only me." i tell her half-jokingly that we should go somewhere together. she is down. cuzco? straight. iguazu? sure.
I dont want to come on too strong with her but this seems pretty fucking awesome. i wanted to check out a bunch of places in south america before deciding where i wanted to set up shop, and traveling around with a bomb ass brazilian cutie is just my style... but i still feel like im missing something. i know she has money because shes always traveling and was talking about riding horses on her parents land. shes a few years younger than me (im 22)... i dont know. she did me pretty dirty in rio... how do i play this? i wanna leave in a few weeks, too.
ANYWAYS, a couple days ago i get an email from her saying she was thinking about me and she wants to practice her english with me blablabla. so she gave me her skype, i waited a couple days and we started talking again. she says she wants me to visit her town but that "theres nothing in my town, only me." i tell her half-jokingly that we should go somewhere together. she is down. cuzco? straight. iguazu? sure.
I dont want to come on too strong with her but this seems pretty fucking awesome. i wanted to check out a bunch of places in south america before deciding where i wanted to set up shop, and traveling around with a bomb ass brazilian cutie is just my style... but i still feel like im missing something. i know she has money because shes always traveling and was talking about riding horses on her parents land. shes a few years younger than me (im 22)... i dont know. she did me pretty dirty in rio... how do i play this? i wanna leave in a few weeks, too.