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College daygame: How to get fast day game approaches

College daygame: How to get fast day game approaches

[Image: potd.gif]

Nice writeup, the detail is very much appreciated. It's a lot more instructive when people tell you how you open instead of, "dude it doesn't matter what you say"Tard.

I want to start macking at a college campus near me, and I'm looking for the right avenue. I've done some here and there, went on a few dates with a chick I met on campus a while back, but never got a system down.

Some possible spots:

Library - Great isolation, but you don't get much traffic. You generally sit down next to one or two girls, and you're stuck with them for possibly hours at a time. Not the worst thing if you're doing real work, but it's not for the impatient. Sample opener - "You look like you're realllly into writing that physics textbook." I've number-closed several girls in college libraries over the years.

Campus Grounds - Street game, but the girl feels a little more comfortable due to the environment. Lots of stationary prospects too. I'm not as experienced with this. Having some gimmick/excuse for approaching girls could go a long way here. Watch out for campus security wheeling around and getting suspicious though...

Library Coffee Shop- Good all around spot. More traffic than the library, though less intimate. Just like bars, these aren't all created equal - the furniture setup will be a big factor. This is where I met the girl I mentioned. Mack while you're in line for the coffee, mack while you're waiting for it to be made, then try and find a spot where you can post up near a traffic artery. Sometimes there are communal tables and you'll have girls shuffling in and out of them. Or there will be chairs closely spaced together, and you can start talking to the girls nearby. There's often a coffee shop off-campus that's similar.

Computer Lab - similar to the library, though louder with more movement. Being near the printer like you said could be very rewarding. Sometimes there are standing kiosks that get lots of traffic, and you could take one and mack every girl that comes up to the ones next to you.

Cafeteria - Good while waiting in line and waiting for your food to order. Girls who are alone are prime, but cuties alone may be hard to come by. It might be tough trying to number close a cutie while her gaggle of friends are ten feet away, and she's bouncing in two minutes to her table.

If anyone's got solid pickups from college daygame, share a few details on how it went down.

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