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Learn Spanish Like Crazy - lessons

Learn Spanish Like Crazy - lessons

I'm glad we got through to you. Sign up found a basic Spanish class at your local community college. If that's not a possibility, there should be a community center near where you live which offers Spanish classes. Aside from the classes, books such as En Breve can be helpful to learn the grammar. They can't help you with the accent, though. You should find a book which has an accompanying C.D. so that you hear what the words are supposed to sound like. I don't even know what Rosetta Stone is , but some other members may be able to provide some insight as to its effectiveness. Start buying groceries in Hispanic stores. Talk to people when you are in there. Start eating at a real Mexican or other Hispanic restaurant where noone speaks English at least three times per week. When you are there, please don't say stupid things like "they think I'm a state trooper in here." That will just hurt your situation. I heard some guy say that once and he ended up looking incredibly stupid. If you have any specific questions, I will do my best to answer them. I was trained as a Spanish teacher before going to law school, so I may be able to provide some assistance .

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