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The Approach Thread

The Approach Thread

Gio - I really admire your day approach strategy. I like how you let the girl know you are interested in banging her very early in the conversation, even when you open indirectly. I need to make it more obvious to my target that I want to have sex with her, whether I say it with words or body language.

I've been having trouble with my approaches lately. During the day, I use a more indirect approach than you, but I think I've been overselling my elderly openers and my "confused old man" face. At night, I've been focusing too much on making strong eye contact, being cocky, and giving off an 'i'm a badass cuz i'm going out solo' attitude. Unforunately, I end up looking like this the whole time, even when delivering punchlines to my jokes: [Image: dodgy.gif]

No bueno.

I read RVF and watched some day gaming videos after work today. I got pissed at myself for sucking lately and forced myself to the supermarket for the sole purpose of approaching. My goal was to give off a more sexual vibe. I saw a cute asian girl in soccer shorts looking at eggs.

Me: Hey, do you know the difference between the brown ones and the white ones?
Her: Yea, the brown eggs taste better.
Me: Hmm. Why is that?
Her: Brown eggs are from chickens that have a natural diet. The white eggs have chemicals and the chickens are fed left over meat and stuff.
Me: Oh damn, these cheap white eggs just became a little less appealling! What kind of eggs do you get?

This is what I had been leaving out recently. I wasn't making the interaction personal at ALL. This barely noticable personal question put me in the driver's seat.

Her: I usually get the brown ones, they are more expensive though.
Me: Do they have six packs of those? I want to give em a try now.
Her: No don't think so, you can try Trader Joe's though.
Me: Oh well, I guess I'll have to hold off on my egg purchasing for another day.
Her: Haha yea. Well it was nice to meet you!

She continues down the aisle and I follow her after picking up some milk. I had run out of egg topics to discuss, but I could tell she liked me. I pretend to look at frozen food for about a minute and then reapproach her:

Me: by the way, what was your name?
Her: azn girl. How bout you?
Me: americanbk. Do you live around here?
Her: Yea, at a nearby crossroad. Do you?
Me: Yea I live right behind the store, all I have to do is jump a fence. Thats why its not a big deal for me to come here this late on a Wednesday.
Her: Oh cool haha. So what do you do?

Got her. Talked some more. Asked if she wants to exchange numbers and go out sometime. BS a bit more about our weekend plans and music interests. Far from standard GALNUC, but it worked, and she was very playful/enthusiastic.

I was wondering if, during the day, its beneficial as i did here to end the initial interaction and then start a new one after she's comfortable, which is much more direct than the first. Maybe coming back and asking personal questions later gives off the impression that you weren't interested at first, but the initial conversation made you attracted to her (making you look hard to win over and therefore higher value)? What do yall think? Maybe I'm overanalyzing.

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