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The God pill

The God pill

Quote: (05-21-2019 10:36 AM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2019 10:26 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

if you seek God with all your heart mind soul and strength, in other words, make it a priority, you will find him.

Sounds like a state of mind. Feeling good, so to speak. If your thoughts trend in the right direction, you get an eternal reward. I suspect a lot of that is genetic empathy white people have higher levels of.

No. It isn't confirmation bias. You can search for something and still be rational about it. If it is there, it is, and if it isn't, it isn't. The feelings come after the analysis.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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