Quote: (02-06-2019 12:29 PM)subterfuge Wrote:
There's this myth that 'girls don't care about good looks like guys do''. Well, it's kind of half true, and the best way to explain it is how someone explained it to me recently which was like ''If a guy has a choice to bang some 10/10 boring, bitchy girl, or some friendly, funny 7/10, every guy will bang the 10. But with girls, she'd choose the 7 out of 10 who is funny and interesting (who she thinks is 'quite' handsome, over the male mode 10/10 who is the most boring person in the room.) That's the difference. It's not that girls don't care about looks like some want you to believe.
One final thing is social circle game. This is the one time that I can't deeny seeing lots of ugly guys banging absolute stunners. I've almost never seen this in bars or any cold approach in fact, but i've lost count of the number of times i've seen ugly guys who have hooked up with their gorgeous work colleagues after working to together for 6 months. It's not even 'game'. It's just extreme comfort plus 'right place right time'.
This x 100.
Women care about looks, but their attraction is often multi-faceted in that she'll weigh personality, charisma etc as well. With men it's almost entirely based on her looks, everything else is a distant second at best.
And I too have lost count of the number of times I've seen total duds with stunners gotten through social circle. That shit works.
Pussy ain't for pussies...